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Natural Classes Cheat Sheet (phonology)

Natural Classes

  • Laryngeals only have major-class feature specifications, they aren’t specified for manner or for place features.
  • p. 68: «(The term ‘lateral’ is used for any l-type sounds, while the term ‘rhotic’ refers to any r-type sound; laterals and rhotics are often referred to as liquids.)»
major-class features
(where [-feature] is omitted, it means “rest is [-feature]”)
[±consonantal] = [±cons]
plosives, affricates, fricatives, nasals, laterals, [r]
vowels, glides, laryngeals
[±sonorant] = [±son]
vowels, glides, liquids, nasals
obstruents = plosives, affricates, fricatives, laryngeals
[±approximant] = [±approx]
vowels, non-nasal sonorants (glides, liquids)
nasals, obstruents
laryngeal features
sonorants and voiced obstruents
voiceless obstruents
[±spread glottis] = [±spread]
aspirated segments and [h ɦ]
[±constricted glottis] = [±constr]
[ʔ], laryngealised sonorants, glottalised obstruents, implosives
manner features
[±continuant] = [±cont]
plosives, nasal consonants, affricates, laterals
[±nasal] = [±nas]
nasalised vowels and nasal consonants
obstruents with noisier frication, affricates (controversial)
other obstruents
[±lateral] = [±lat]
l-type sounds
  • [l] is ambiguous with regards to [±cont]
place features
(where [-feature] is omitted, it means “rest is [-feature]”)
has lip rounding (round vowels, labialised consonants)
[θ ~ j]
[±anterior] = [±ant]
the crown articulates with alveolar ridge or somewhere further forward
[±distributed] = [±distr]
produced with a constriction extending for a relatively great distance along the vocal tract, e.g. [ʃ, ʧ, ʒ, θ, ð].
bunched dorsum velars, fronted velars, uvulars, vowels. sub-features of [dorsal] are termed tongue body features.
dorsum raised close to the roof of the mouth
bunched dorsum low in the mouth
bunched dorsum positioned in the centre or further back: velar and uvular consonants, centre and back vowels
fronted velars and front vowels
[+tense] vowels are produced with a more peripheral and somewhat closer tongue position that [-tense] ones; only relevant if the language distinguishes between tense/lax vowels
[i e a o u…]
[ɪ ɛ ɑ ɔ ʊ…]
[±Advanced Tongue Root] = [±ATR]
similar to [+tense]
forward position of tongue body, enlarging the pharynx
[±Retracted Tongue Root] = [±RTR]
similar to [-tense]
retraction and lowering of tongue body, narrowing the pharynx
[radical] = [pharyngeal]
articulated with the root of the tongue
% Created 2021-03-18 Prş 10:40
% Intended LaTeX compiler: xelatex
\author{Göktuğ Kayaalp}
\title{Natural Classes\\\medskip
\large From Gussenhoven\&Jacobs 2016}
pdfauthor={Göktuğ Kayaalp},
pdftitle={Natural Classes},
pdfcreator={Emacs 28.0.50 (Org mode 9.4.4)},
SmallCapsFont=Linux Libertine O,
]{DejaVu Sans Condensed}
SmallCapsFont=Linux Libertine O,
]{DejaVu Sans Condensed}
\item \textbf{Laryngeals} \uline{only} have \textbf{major-class} feature specifications,
they aren’t specified for manner or for place features.
\item p. 68: «(The term ‘lateral’ is used for any l-type sounds, while the
term ‘rhotic’ refers to any r-type sound; laterals and rhotics are
often referred to as \textbf{liquids}.)»
\item[{major-class features}] (where [-feature] is omitted, it means
"rest is [-feature]")
\item[{[±consonantal] = [±cons]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+cons]}] plosives, affricates, fricatives, nasals, laterals, [r]
\item[{[-cons]}] vowels, glides, laryngeals
\item[{[±sonorant] = [±son]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+son]}] vowels, glides, liquids, nasals
\item[{[-son]}] obstruents = plosives, affricates, fricatives, laryngeals
\item[{[±approximant] = [±approx]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+approx]}] vowels, non-nasal sonorants (glides, liquids)
\item[{[-approx]}] nasals, obstruents
\item[{laryngeal features}] \begin{description}
\item[{[±voice]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+voice]}] sonorants and voiced obstruents
\item[{[-voice]}] voiceless obstruents
\item[{[±spread glottis] = [±spread]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+spread]}] aspirated segments and [h ɦ]
\item[{[±constricted glottis] = [±constr]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+constr]}] [ʔ], laryngealised sonorants, glottalised
obstruents, implosives
\item[{manner features}] \begin{description}
\item[{[±continuant] = [±cont]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+cont]}] plosives, nasal consonants, affricates, laterals
\item[{[±nasal] = [±nas]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+nas]}] nasalised vowels and nasal consonants
\item[{[±strident]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+strident]}] obstruents with noisier frication, affricates
\item[{[-strident]}] other obstruents
\item[{[±lateral] = [±lat]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+lateral]}] l-type sounds
\item \textbf{[l]} is ambiguous with regards to \textbf{[±cont]}
\item[{place features}] (where [-feature] is omitted, it means "rest is
\item[{[labial]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[±round]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+round]}] has lip rounding (round vowels, labialised
\item[{[coronal]}] [θ \textasciitilde{} j]
\item[{[±anterior] = [±ant]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+ant]}] the crown articulates with alveolar ridge or
somewhere further forward
\item[{[±distributed] = [±distr]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+distr]}] produced with a constriction extending for a
relatively great distance along the vocal tract, e.g. [ʃ, ʧ,
ʒ, θ, ð].
\item[{[dorsal]}] bunched dorsum velars, fronted velars, uvulars,
vowels. sub-features of [dorsal] are termed \emph{tongue body features}.
\item[{[±high]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+high]}] dorsum raised close to the roof of the mouth
\item[{[±low]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+low]}] bunched dorsum low in the mouth
\item[{[±back]}] \begin{description}
\item[{[+back]}] bunched dorsum positioned in the centre or further
back: velar and uvular consonants, centre and back vowels
\item[{[-back]}] fronted velars and front vowels
\item[{[±tense]}] [+tense] vowels are produced with a more peripheral
and somewhat closer tongue position that [-tense] ones; only
relevant if the language distinguishes between tense/lax vowels
\item[{[+tense]}] [i e a o u\ldots{}]
\item[{[-tense]}] [ɪ ɛ ɑ ɔ ʊ\ldots{}]
\item[{[±Advanced Tongue Root] = [±ATR]}] similar to [+tense]
\item[{[+ATR]}] forward position of tongue body, enlarging the pharynx
\item[{[±Retracted Tongue Root] = [±RTR]}] similar to [-tense]
\item[{[+RTR]}] retraction and lowering of tongue body, narrowing
the pharynx
\item[{[radical] = [pharyngeal]}] articulated with the root of the
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