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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Get above/below .500 point differential for NBA teams.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pg'
require 'pp'
require 'terminal-table'
require 'csv'
conn = => 'nba')
seasons = conn.exec 'select distinct(season) from teams'
seasons.to_a.each do |row|
season = row['season']
rows = []
teams = conn.exec "select * from teams where season='#{season}'"
teams.to_a.each do |t|
team_id = t['team_id']
team_name = t['team_name']
abbr = t['abbr']
above_500_teams = conn.exec "select * from teams where w_pct > 0.500 and team_id != #{team_id} and season='#{season}'"
below_500_teams = conn.exec "select * from teams where w_pct <= 0.500 and team_id != #{team_id} and season='#{season}'"
team_games = conn.exec "select game_id, pts as team_pts from games where team_id=#{team_id} and season='#{season}'"
team_game_ids = {|t| t['game_id']}
above_500_teams_ids = {|t| t['team_id'] }
below_500_teams_ids = {|t| t['team_id'] }
games_above_500 = conn.exec "select games.pts as opp_team_pts, game_id, matchup, game_date from games where team_id IN(#{above_500_teams_ids.join(',')}) and game_id IN(#{team_game_ids.join(',')}) order by game_date::date"
games_below_500 = conn.exec "select games.pts as opp_team_pts, game_id, matchup, game_date from games where team_id IN(#{below_500_teams_ids.join(',')}) and game_id IN(#{team_game_ids.join(',')}) order by game_date::date"
above_500_diffs = []
games_above_500.to_a.each do |g|
tg = team_games.detect {|tg| tg['game_id'] == g['game_id']}
diff = tg['team_pts'].to_f - g['opp_team_pts'].to_f
above_500_diffs << diff
below_500_diffs = []
games_below_500.to_a.each do |g|
tg = team_games.detect {|tg| tg['game_id'] == g['game_id']}
diff = tg['team_pts'].to_f - g['opp_team_pts'].to_f
below_500_diffs << diff
all_games_diffs = above_500_diffs + below_500_diffs
pm_above = above_500_diffs.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / above_500_diffs.size
pm_below = below_500_diffs.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / below_500_diffs.size
all = all_games_diffs.inject{ |sum, el| sum + el }.to_f / all_games_diffs.size
above_below_dif = pm_below - pm_above
rows << [team_name, abbr, pm_above.round(1), pm_below.round(1), above_below_dif.round(1), all.round(1)]
rows = rows.sort_by {|r| r[3]}.reverse
rows = {|r, i| [i + 1] + r}
headers = ['Rank', 'Team', 'Abbr', 'Above 500', 'Below 500', 'Point spread', 'Total Diff']
table = :rows => rows, :headings => headers
puts table"out/point-diff-#{season}.csv", 'w', {:headers => headers, :write_headers => true}) do |w|
rows.each { |r| w << r }
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