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Created December 3, 2018 22:21
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Copy-and-swap idiom for implementing rule-of-three and rule-of-five in C++11. -
// File: copy-swap1.cpp
// Brief: Demonstration of copy-and-swap idiom for implementing rule-of-three and rule-of-five.
// Author: Caio Rodrigues
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream> // Operator (<<) overload for class ostream
#include <utility> // std::swap
#include <iterator> // std::begin, std::end
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring> // strlen, strcpy, ...
#include <cassert> // assert() function
//========== file: String.hpp - Header file ===========//
class String
// Default constructor
String(size_t size, char ch);
String(const char* text);
// Copy-constructor (rule-of-three and rule-of-five)
String(const String& rhs);
// Move-constructor (rule-of-three and rule-of-five)
String(String&& rhs);
// Destructor (rule-of-three and rule-of-five)
// Copy-assignment operator (rule-of-three and rule-of-five)
String& operator= (const String& rhs);
// Move-assignment operator (rule-of-five)
String& operator= (String&& rhs);
String operator+(const char* text);
// Swap function (std::swap overload)
// needed by the copy-and-swap idiom.
friend void swap(String& lhs, String& rhs);
// Make class printable - note this operator is a member
// function of class ostream, no from this class.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const String& rhs);
size_t size();
const char* data();
// String size
size_t m_size;
// Resource: Pointer to first string character
char* m_data;
//========== file: String.hpp Implementation ===========//
String::String(size_t size, char ch)
m_size = size;
m_data = new (std::nothrow) char [size];
std::fill(m_data, m_data + size, ch);
// Note: strlen returns the string size as the number of characters
// ,however it does not include the last sentinel character '\0'
// null character.
String::String(const char* text)
: String(strlen(text) + 1, 0x00)
std::copy(text, text + strlen(text) + 1, m_data);
// Default/Null constructor
// Calls: String::String(const char* text)
: String(1, 0x00)
// Destructor implementation
// Check for null to avoid dangling pointer.
if(m_data != nullptr)
delete [] m_data;
m_data = nullptr;
m_size = 0;
// std::swap overload - Implementation of
// => friend void swap(String& lhs, String& rhs)
void swap(String& lhs, String& rhs){
std::swap(lhs.m_data, rhs.m_data);
std::swap(lhs.m_size, rhs.m_size);
// Copy-constructor
String::String(const String& rhs){
this->m_size = rhs.m_size;
this->m_data = new (std::nothrow) char [rhs.m_size + 1];
std::copy(rhs.m_data, rhs.m_data + rhs.m_size + 1, this->m_data);
// Move-constructor
String::String(String&& rhs)
: String() // Delegated constructor
swap(*this, rhs);
// Copy-assignment operator (rule-of-three and rule-of-five)
// Copy-and-swap implementation
String& String::operator= (const String& rhs)
// Temporary copy
String temp(rhs);
swap(*this, temp);
return *this;
// Move-assignment operator (rule-of-five)
// Transfer resource ownership from right hand-side object
// to this object being instantiated.
String& String::operator= (String&& rhs){
swap(*this, rhs);
return *this;
String String::operator+(const char* text)
String str(m_size + strlen(text) + 1, 0x00);
std::copy(m_data, m_data + m_size, str.m_data);
std::copy(text, text + strlen(text), str.m_data + m_size - 1);
return str;
size_t String::size()
return m_size;
const char* String::data()
return m_data;
// Implementation of:
// => friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const String& rhs)
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const String& rhs)
return os << rhs.m_data;
// ----------------------------------------//
int main()
std::puts("\n =========== Test 1 ==============");
// Empty
String s1;
std::cout << "s1 = '" << s1 << "' ; size = " << s1.size() << std::endl;
std::puts("\n =========== Test 2 ==============");
String s2("hello world C++ copy-and-swap - São Paulo, São João da Barra");
std::cout << "s2 = '" << s2 << "' ; size = " << s2.size() << std::endl;
// Invoke copy-constructor
String s2copy("C++ copy-and-swap1");
std::cout << " [BEFORE] s2Copy = '" << s2copy << "' ; size = " << s2copy.size() << std::endl;
// Invoke copy-assignment operator
s2copy = s2;
std::cout << " [AFTER1] s2Copy = '" << s2copy << "' ; size = " << s2copy.size() << std::endl;
std::puts("\n =========== Test 3 ==============");
// Invoke move-assignment operator
s2copy = String("move-assignment operator");
std::cout << " [AFTER2] s2Copy = '" << s2copy << "' ; size = " << s2copy.size() << std::endl;
// Invoke move-constructor
// Note: It will prevent copy-elison
String s3 = std::move(String("move-constructor") + " - hello world");
std::cout << " s3 = '" << s3 << "' ; size = " << s3.size() << std::endl;
std::puts("\n =========== Test 4 ==============");
String s4 = "string s4";
std::swap(s3, s4);
std::cout << " s4 = '" << s4 << "' - s3 = '" << s3 << "'" << std::endl;
std::puts("\n =========== Test 5 ==============");
// Invoke move-assignment operator
s3 = std::move(s2);
std::cout << " [MOVE] s3 = " << s3 << std::endl;
return 0;
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