import cdk = require("@aws-cdk/core"); |
import { Vpc, Port } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2"; |
import { |
Cluster, |
ContainerImage, |
AwsLogDriver, |
FargatePlatformVersion, |
NetworkMode, |
CfnService, |
} from "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs"; |
import { Certificate } from "@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager"; |
import { ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs-patterns"; |
import { LogGroup, RetentionDays } from "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"; |
import { HostedZone } from "@aws-cdk/aws-route53"; |
import { |
AwsCustomResource, |
AwsCustomResourcePolicy, |
PhysicalResourceId, |
} from "@aws-cdk/custom-resources"; |
import { |
FileSystem, |
LifecyclePolicy, |
PerformanceMode, |
ThroughputMode, |
} from "@aws-cdk/aws-efs"; |
export class FargateEfsStack extends cdk.Stack { |
public serviceUrl: string; |
constructor( |
scope: cdk.App, |
id: string, |
props?: cdk.StackProps |
) { |
super(scope, id, props); |
const vpc = Vpc.fromLookup(...); |
const cluster = Cluster.fromClusterAttributes(...); |
const hostedZone = HostedZone.fromLookup(...); |
const certificateArn = cdk.Fn.importValue("..."); |
const certificate = Certificate.fromCertificateArn( |
this, |
"Certificate", |
certificateArn |
); |
const containerImage = "..."; // For example something from a registry |
// Create a public ALB Fargate Service, with a task definition, which |
// we'll change in later steps. |
const fargateService = new ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService( |
this, |
"FargateService", |
{ |
serviceName: id, |
cluster, |
certificate, |
// need platform version 1.4.0 to mount EFS volumes |
platformVersion: FargatePlatformVersion.VERSION1_4, |
publicLoadBalancer: true, |
domainName: "...", |
domainZone: hostedZone, |
taskImageOptions: { |
image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry(containerImage), |
family: id, |
containerName: "app", |
containerPort: 9999, |
logDriver: new AwsLogDriver({ |
streamPrefix: "app", |
logGroup: new LogGroup(this, "LogGroup", { |
logGroupName: `/app/${id}`, |
retention: RetentionDays.TWO_MONTHS, |
}), |
}), |
}, |
} |
); |
// Create the file system |
const fileSystem = new FileSystem(this, "AppEFS", { |
vpc, |
lifecyclePolicy: LifecyclePolicy.AFTER_14_DAYS, |
performanceMode: PerformanceMode.GENERAL_PURPOSE, |
throughputMode: ThroughputMode.BURSTING, |
}); |
const volumeConfig = { |
name: "efs-volume", |
// this is the main config |
efsVolumeConfiguration: { |
fileSystemId: fileSystem.fileSystemId, |
}, |
}; |
const mountPoints = [ |
{ |
containerPath: "/root", |
sourceVolume: volumeConfig.name, |
readOnly: false, |
}, |
]; |
/* |
This object is the final task definition, which includes the |
EFS volume configurations. This definiton is created as a Custom Resource through |
the aws-sdk. This is a stop-gap measure that will be replaced when this |
capability is fully supported in CloudFormation and CDK. |
*/ |
const customTaskDefinitionJson = { |
containerDefinitions: [ |
{ |
essential: true, |
image: containerImage, |
logConfiguration: { |
logDriver: |
fargateService.taskDefinition.defaultContainer?.logDriverConfig |
?.logDriver, |
options: |
fargateService.taskDefinition.defaultContainer?.logDriverConfig |
?.options, |
}, |
memory: 8192, |
mountPoints, |
name: fargateService.taskDefinition.defaultContainer?.containerName, |
portMappings: [ |
{ |
containerPort: 9999, |
protocol: "tcp", |
}, |
], |
}, |
], |
cpu: "2048", |
executionRoleArn: fargateService.taskDefinition.executionRole?.roleArn, |
family: fargateService.taskDefinition.family, |
memory: "8192", |
networkMode: NetworkMode.AWS_VPC, |
requiresCompatibilities: ["FARGATE"], |
tags: [ |
], |
taskRoleArn: fargateService.taskDefinition.taskRole.roleArn, |
volumes: [volumeConfig], |
}; |
const createOrUpdateCustomTaskDefinition = { |
service: "ECS", |
action: "registerTaskDefinition", |
outputPath: "taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn", |
parameters: customTaskDefinitionJson, |
physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.fromResponse( |
"taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn" |
), |
}; |
const customTaskDefinition = new AwsCustomResource( |
fargateService, |
"CustomFargateTaskDefinition", |
{ |
onCreate: createOrUpdateCustomTaskDefinition, |
onUpdate: createOrUpdateCustomTaskDefinition, |
policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({ |
resources: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE, |
}), |
} |
); |
fargateService.taskDefinition.executionRole?.grantPassRole( |
customTaskDefinition.grantPrincipal |
); |
fargateService.taskDefinition.taskRole.grantPassRole( |
customTaskDefinition.grantPrincipal |
); |
// Need to add permissions to and from the file system to the target, |
// or else the task will timeout trying to mount the file system. |
fargateService.service.connections.allowFrom(fileSystem, Port.tcp(2049)); |
fargateService.service.connections.allowTo(fileSystem, Port.tcp(2049)); |
/* |
After creating the task definition custom resouce, update the |
fargate service to use the new task definition revision above. |
This will get around the current limitation of not being able to create |
ecs services with task definition arns. |
*/ |
(fargateService.service.node.tryFindChild( |
"Service" |
) as CfnService)?.addPropertyOverride( |
"TaskDefinition", |
customTaskDefinition.getResponseField("taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn") |
); |
} |
} |