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Created February 19, 2016 17:38
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Save camb416/c5f45520e2f066697f1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
One week series. Slicing images from top to bottom over time.
# One week series. Slicing images from top to bottom over time.
# Originally adapted from earlier work at:
# Step 1: loop through 10,078 images
for i in `seq -f "%05g" 1 10078`;
# subtract 1 from the counter for the y offset
# mycmd=$(printf "mogrify -crop 352x1+0+%d image-%04d.jpg\n" `expr "$i" - "1"` $i)
whichfile=$(printf "$i.jpg")
myvar=$(expr "$i" \* "240" / "10078")
# output the command that's about to be executed
# so you can see progress
mycmd="mogrify -crop 352x1+0+$myvar $whichfile"
echo $mycmd
# then execute it.
# after this execute this to generate the tall scan:
# montage *.jpg -tile 1x -mode concatenate tallscan.png
# then lets slice the tall scan into 7 chunks
# (by omitting the offset in the crop param, it auto slices)
# convert tallscan.png -crop 352x1440 tallslice.png
# now stick them together
# montage tallslice-*.png -tile x1 -mode concatenate tallslice_combined.png
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