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let () =
prerr_endline @@ GMain.Main.init ();
let window = GWindow.window ~title: "liv" ~allow_shrink: true ~allow_grow: true () in
window#show ();
window#event#add [`SCROLL];
ignore @@ window#event#connect#scroll ~callback:(fun ev ->
Printf.eprintf "at +%.0f+%.0f %s\n%!"
(GdkEvent.Scroll.x ev)
(GdkEvent.Scroll.y ev)
(* OCaml version
compile with:
ocamlopt str.cmxa -o classifyDigits
// This F# dojo is directly inspired by the
// Digit Recognizer competition from
// The datasets below are simply shorter versions of
OCaml translation of the ideas explained in
To emulate the higher kinded polymorphism, the technique used explained in
module StateMonad = struct
type ('s, 'a) m = 's -> 's * 'a
camlspotter / gist:96b01590db525344d92a
Created September 23, 2014 11:12
Message passing by record labels, variants, GADTs and polymorphic variants.
open Printf
module ByMonomorphicRecord = struct
(* Interface by a monomorphic record *)
type point = {
get : unit -> int;
set : int -> unit;
print : unit -> unit;
type t =
| Pair of t * t
| Number of int
| Function of string (* or what? *)
let rec empty = Pair (empty, empty) (* make a looped value *)
let is_empty t = match t with
| Pair (t1, t2) -> t == t1 && t == t2 (* using pointer equality *)
| _ -> false
let (&) = (@@)
module Array = struct
include Array
let fold_lefti f st a =
let st = ref st in
Array.iteri (fun i a -> st := f !st i a) a;
ocamlfind ocamlopt -o recrec -package compiler-libs.common -linkpkg
open List
open Format
let (&) = (@@)
module I() = TypedtreeIter.MakeIterator(struct
camlspotter / 4.02.3+curried-constr.diff
Created September 1, 2015 07:36
DIFF between OCaml 4.02.3 and 4.02.3+curried-constr
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ed175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Variant constructors as functions
+Suppose we have:
camlspotter / gist:a8952a5fdf7298c59b9b
Last active October 2, 2015 17:54
hov_box vs box
open Format
let rec hovb ppf = function
| 0 -> ()
| n ->
fprintf ppf "(@[<hov>-----------------------------------%03d@," n;
hovb ppf (n-1);
fprintf ppf "@])"
let rec b ppf = function
(* CR jfuruse: なんたら *) というのは前職でのコードレビューの書き方で、私の癖になっている。すべて、「私ならば…こうするかな?」が省略されています。
OCaml のプログラミングスタイルは決まったものはなくいろいろと流儀があります。その一つと思ってください。