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Sebastián Gurin cancerberoSgx

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cancerberoSgx / gist:4715885
Created February 5, 2013 17:06
i'm starting to run mauve project tests on GWT in my project gwtmauve. The following are errors trying to compile ALL java.lang related tests. I know the full java.lang is not supported but I think these errors can be fixed in GWT.
interesting compilation errors for gwtmauve tests of java.lang classes:
The method getBoolean(String) is undefined for the type Boolean
int result = "abc\tABC 123".compareTo(new String());
/* notice: "abc\tABC 123".compareTo("") will work ! */
if (result != 11)
Window.alert("error, result : " + result);
Window.alert("OK, result: " + result);
cancerberoSgx / gist:4725187
Created February 6, 2013 19:44
Collections.copy() do not seem to work. The following fails at least with two implementations: LinkedList and ArrayList, in production mode :
List<String> l1 = new LinkedList<String>();
List<String> l2 = new LinkedList<String>();
// List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();
// List<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();
// copy empty list
Collections.copy(l2, l1);
Collections.copy(l2, l1);
cancerberoSgx / gist:4725277
Created February 6, 2013 19:55
a "negative" bug - Arrays.fill() is not throwing expected index exceptions IllegalArgumentException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - in this example with boolean, but fails with all types:
boolean[] b3 = new boolean[2];
try {
Arrays.fill(b3, 2, 1, false);
Window.alert("error 1 - IllegalArgumentException expected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
Arrays.fill(b3, -1, 1, false);
Window.alert("error 1 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected");
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
cancerberoSgx / gist:4725531
Created February 6, 2013 20:30
a very negative gwt JRe emulation bug dedicated to niloc132
AbtractMapImpl1 ehm = buildAM();
Set s = ehm.keySet();
th.check( s == ehm.keySet() , "same Set is returned"); //I think this fails because of javadoc keySet() sentence : The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa.
cancerberoSgx / gist:5000883
Last active December 14, 2015 00:39
gwt bug
* <p>This is a severe GWT bug. System: Gwt 2.5 rc1 - linux - firefox</p>
* <p>The following entry point, executed in devel mode will give a
* Java StackOverflow exception:</p>
* <pre>
[ERROR] [gwttest3] - Stack overflow; to increase the stack
size, use the -Xss flag at startup (java -Xss1M ...)</pre>
package org.sgx.raphael4gwt.raphael.widget;
public class MyPaper extends Composite {
private static MyPaperUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyPaperUiBinder.class);
cancerberoSgx / gist:5163720
Created March 14, 2013 18:09
a simple UIBinder widget contains an html element with an id. AFTER calling initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); document.getElementById() will return null. Only in an attach event listener I can retrieve the element by id. In the example I instantiate the widget directly from the entry point using RootPanel.get().add(new MainPanel())
public class MainPanel extends Composite {
private static MainPanelUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MainPanelUiBinder.class);
interface MainPanelUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, MainPanel> {
public MainPanel() {
cancerberoSgx / istanbuljs-api-example-1.js
Last active September 6, 2017 09:08
istanbuljs example of programmatic instrumentation, and coverage report.
// In this example we are instrumenting JavaScript code string, executing it, and then generating a coverage report.
// instrument the code
var instrumenter = require('istanbul-lib-instrument').createInstrumenter({})
var instrumentedCode = instrumenter.instrumentSync('var a = 1; function f(){return 1}; f(); ', 'file1.js')
cancerberoSgx /
Last active October 30, 2017 02:52
how to build [apache lucy](, install libraries and includes and then compile and run one of its samples (linux)
# The following shell script demonstrate how to build apache lucy
# compile one of its sample and run it in a linux system.
# IMPORTANT: change variables FOLDER and PREFIX according to your system
PREFIX=/usr # where includes and libs will be installed in your system
mkdir -p $FOLDER