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carlok / kcalendar.html
Last active January 11, 2017 08:45
Angular 1.5 component wrapper of Datepicker Popup (AngularUI/Bootstrap) - Demo
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="kcalendarApp">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="./js/jquery-2.1.3.js"></script>
<script src="./js/angular-1.5.0/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="./js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-2.4.0.min.js"></script>
carlok / index.js
Created March 18, 2017 13:03
Hapi JWT2 working example
// references:
// testing a not restricted route:
// http -j --verbose GET http://macone:8000/users/public
// testing a restricted route without a valid token:
// http -j --verbose GET http://macone:8000/users/restricted
carlok / mRandom.js
Last active March 27, 2017 10:20
Random Bytes Node Module
// based on
const crypto = require('crypto');
function randomValueHex (len) {
return crypto.randomBytes(Math.ceil(len / 2))
.toString('hex') // convert to hexadecimal format
.slice(0, len); // return required number of characters
module.exports = {
carlok / hapi-awsses.js
Last active April 20, 2017 15:52
Hapi Plugin AWS SES (Nodemailer Promosificated)
'use strict';
const Mailer = require('nodemailer');
const Ses = require('nodemailer-ses-transport');
exports.register = function (server, options, next) {
const sendTextMailPrm = function (to, subject, body) {
const mailOptions = {
from: options.from,
carlok / cloudwatch_logger_module.js
Created May 23, 2018 15:16
A simple Node.js module for logging on AWS CloudWatch using Winston
"use strict";
let winston = require("winston");
let cloudWatchTransport = require("winston-aws-cloudwatch");
const set = function (options) {
let logger = new winston.Logger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
timestamp: true,
carlok /
Last active June 27, 2019 19:00
AMQP Python3 pika 1.0.0 publish/consume examples
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
# At the moment (2019-04-07) the official examples provided by CloudAMQP are not working anymore
# because pika 1.0.0 has changed
# moreover, the official examples are in Python 2
# these examples have a few benefits:
# they work with python3
# they work with pika 1.0.0
# they were tested with amqps
carlok /
Last active August 20, 2022 11:48
Languages I used to some extent since 1987 or so (I might have forgotten a few)
  • Assembly
  • AWK
  • Bash
  • Basic
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • CoffeeScript
  • GDScript
  • Java
carlok /
Created July 4, 2019 19:18
Counting the number of textual files and their number of lines
find A_LIST_OF_FOLDERS_AND_FILES -type f -exec grep -Iq . {} \; -print | wc -l
# A_LIST_OF_FOLDERS_AND_FILES => use the previous command as: find a b.txt c where a and c are directories or files
for a in $(find src -type f -exec grep -Iq . {} \; -print); do wc -l $a; done | awk '{split($0,a," "); sum += a[1]} END {print sum}'
carlok /
Last active March 22, 2020 18:37
Per il mondo di dopo

Per il “mondo di dopo”

Il “mondo di prima” l'abbiamo lasciato di sicuro e non sappiamo come sarà quell dopo: qualcosa potrebbe cambiare per sempre, di grande e di piccolo.

Ho provato ad elencare alcune di queste variazioni.

  • Come in Oriente:
    • La stretta di mano, nata nel medioevo per mostrare che non si nascondevano né veleni né pugnali, potrebbe sparire. Vedo saluti, che ora trovo assurdi, con il gomito: un inchino orientale o una mano alzata come per un “ciao” potrebbero andare anche bene ma queste cose non si controllano.
    • Chi indosserà la mascherina per strada non verrà più considerato un ipocondriaco o un autentico malato ma solo una persona di buon senso.
    • Chi starnutirà o si soffierà il naso in pubblico verrà considerato un essere ripugnante.
carlok / keyFinder.js
Last active March 22, 2020 19:58
ES6 checking if exists an obj in a obj array with a given key/value
// clean up based on
// fiddle =>
const objArray = [
{ id: 0, name: 'Object 0', otherProp: '321' },
{ id: 1, name: 'foo', otherProp: '648' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Another Object', otherProp: '850' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Almost There', otherProp: '046' },
{ id: 4, name: 'foo2', otherProp: '984' }