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Created December 7, 2012 15:58
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Save caseywatts/4234178 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting code_swarm to work
#~/Code/shifts is a github project I've been working on
## Complete prerequisites on
## Clone the repo, patch it
cd ~/Code
git clone git://
# one commit was giving me trouble, and I don't know how to pull request a better solution
git revert f15334b
## Setup code_swarm command = add code_swarm to .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/caseywatts/Code/code_swarm/bin
# Open a new terminal window to get the changes to .bashrc
## go to the directory of an existing project and run code_swarm
cd ~/Code/shifts
## Cancel it or wait until the end
## Edit the .config (in the projects folder) so that it will record images
mvim .code_swarm/project.config
## run it again
cd ~/Code/shifts
#to create the video
cd /Users/caseywatts/Code/code_swarm/code_swarm_frames
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 24 -i %05d.png -sameq ./ -pass 2
#Before making the next video, you have to delete the frames from code_swarm_frames
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Put these errors and solutions into github issues so it might help other people! Now you can search the repo for these errors if/when they happen to see a solution.


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