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Created December 25, 2019 23:25
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Untyped lambda calculus
;; Term = (Var index context-size)
;; | (Abs term bound-var-name)
;; | (App term term)
;; Context = [(name, _)]
(defun var-name (context-elm)
"Get name of CONTEXT-ELM."
(car context-elm))
(defun add-var (var context)
"Add VAR (string) to CONTEXT"
(cons (list var nil) context))
(defvar test nil)
;;; Print
(defun show (term &optional context raw)
"Display TERM in CONTEXT."
(pcase term
;; variable
(`(Var ,index ,size)
(if (eq (length context) size)
(if raw (number-to-string index)
(index2name context index))
(error "Bad index: %s, term: %s context: %s" index term context)))
;; abstraction
(`(Abs ,body ,x)
(pcase-let ((`(,context1 ,x1) (unique-name context x)))
(format "λ%s.%s" (if raw "" x1) (show body context1 raw))))
;; application
(`(App ,t1 ,t2)
(let ((t1t (show t1 context raw))
(t2t (show t2 context raw)))
;; add parenthesis for abs and app, but not var
(format "%s%s"
(if (eq (car t1) 'Var) t1t (concat "(" t1t ")"))
(if (eq (car t2) 'Var) t2t (concat "(" t2t ")")))))
(_ (error "No matching pattern: %s" term))))
(when test
(show '(Var 0 1) '(("x" nil)))
(show '(App (Var 0 2) (Var 1 2)) '(("x" nil) ("y" nil)))
(show '(Abs (Var 0 2) "x") '(("x" nil)))
(show '(Abs (App (Var 0 3) (Var 1 3)) "x")
'(("x" nil) ("y" nil)))
(show '(Abs (App (Var 0 3) (Var 2 3)) "x")
'(("x" nil) ("y" nil))))
(defun unique-name (context name)
"Return a list (CONTEXT’ NAME’).
If NAME is in CONTEXT, generate a unique one (NAME’) and push to
CONTEXT (CONTEXT’), otherwise return (CONTEXT NAME)."
(cl-labels ((f (context-elm) (equal (var-name context-elm) name))
;; f returns t if CONTEXT-ELM has the same name as NAME
(or2 (a b) (or a b))) ; or is a special form
(if (and context (cl-reduce #'or2 (mapcar #'f context)))
;; exists another NAME
(unique-name context (concat name "'"))
;; NAME is unique, push to context
(list (add-var name context) name))))
(when test
(let ((cxt '(("a" nil) ("b" nil))))
(unique-name cxt "a")))
(defun index2name (context index)
"Translate INDEX to variable name in CONTEXT."
(var-name (nth index context)))
;;; Parse
(defun parse (term &optional context)
"Parse TERM into internal structure.
CONTEXT is current context."
(pcase term
(`(λ ,var . ,body)
`(Abs ,(parse body (add-var (symbol-name var) context))
,(symbol-name var)))
(`(,t1 ,t2) `(App ,(parse t1 context)
,(parse t2 context)))
(`(,symbol) (parse symbol context))
((pred symbolp)
(cl-labels ((f (a b) (equal a (var-name b))))
`(Var ,(or (cl-position (symbol-name term) context :test #'f)
(error "No previous declaration: %s" term))
,(length context))))
(_ (error "No matching pattern: %s" term))))
(when test
(parse '(λ x x))
(parse '(λ x (λ y (x y))))
(parse '(((λ x (λ y (x y))) (λ x x))))
(show (parse '(λ x x)))
(show (parse '(λ x (λ y (x y)))))
(show (parse '(((λ x (λ y (x y))) (λ x x)))))
(show (parse '(λ x (λ x (x x)))))
(show (parse '(λ x ((λ x x) x)))))
;;; Shift
(defun shift (d term)
(shift1 0 d term))
(defun shift1 (c d term)
"Shift up D for indexes >= C in TERM."
(pcase term
;; when we shift up, that always means we are put into another
;; layer of abstraction, so size + 1
(`(Var ,idx ,size)
(if (>= idx c) `(Var ,(+ idx d) ,(+ size d))
`(Var ,idx ,(+ size d))))
;; go into one more layer of abstraction, c+1
(`(Abs ,body ,var) `(Abs ,(shift1 (1+ c) d body) ,var))
;; simply recurs
(`(App ,t1 ,t2) `(App ,(shift1 c d t1)
,(shift1 c d t2)))
(_ (error "No matching pattern: %s" term))))
;;; Substitution
(defun subst (j s term)
"Substitute J with T in TERM.
Like “[j → s] t”."
(pcase term
(`(Var ,index ,size)
(if (= index j) s term))
(`(Abs ,body ,var)
`(Abs ,(subst (1+ j) (shift 1 s) body) ,var))
(`(App ,t1 ,t2)
`(App ,(subst j s t1) ,(subst j s t2)))
(_ (error "No matching pattern: %s" term))))
(defun beta (t1 v)
"Perform β-reduction.
TM is body of function, V is argument."
(pcase t1
(`(Abs ,body ,_) (shift -1 (subst 0 (shift 1 v) body)))
(_ (error "No matching pattern: %s" t1))))
;;; Evaluation
(defun valuep (term)
(eq (car term) 'Abs))
(defun eval1 (term &optional step context)
"Evaluate TERM in CONTEXT.
STEP, if non-nil, is the number of steps to evaluate."
(let* ((step (or step 1.0e+INF)))
;; t := var | abs | app
;; v := abs
(if (<= step 0)
(pcase term
(`(Var . ,_) term)
(`(Abs . ,_) term)
;; first reduce t1 to a value
((and `(App ,t1 ,t2) (guard (not (valuep t1))))
(eval1 `(App ,(eval1 t1 step context) ,t2) (1- step) context))
;; then reduce t2 to a value
((and `(App ,t1 ,t2) (guard (not (valuep t2))))
(eval1 `(App ,t1 ,(eval1 t2 step context)) (1- step) context))
;; finally apply
((and `(App ,t1 ,t2) (guard (valuep t1)) (guard (valuep t2)))
(beta t1 t2))
;; no more to apply
(_ term)))))
(when test
(show (eval1 (parse '((λ x x) (λ y y)))))
(show (eval1 (parse '((λ y (λ x x y)) (λ y y)))))
(show (eval1 (parse '((λ y (λ x x y)) ((λ y y) (λ z z))))))
(show (eval1 (parse '((λ x x) ((λ y y) (λ z z))))))
(show (eval1 (parse '((λ x x) ((λ y y) (λ z z)))) 1))
(show (parse '(((λ x x) (λ n (λ m m n))) ((λ y y) (λ z z)))))
(show (eval1 (parse '(((λ x x) (λ n (λ m m n))) ((λ y y) (λ z z)))))))
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