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Created July 17, 2014 20:05
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Lua Neural Network
NeuralNetwork = {
transfer = function( x) return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x / ACTIVATION_RESPONSE)) end --This is the Transfer function (in this case a sigmoid)
function NeuralNetwork.create( _numInputs, _numOutputs, _numHiddenLayers, _neuronsPerLayer, _learningRate)
_numInputs = _numInputs or 1
_numOutputs = _numOutputs or 1
_numHiddenLayers = _numHiddenLayers or math.ceil(_numInputs/2)
_neuronsPerLayer = _neuronsPerLayer or math.ceil(_numInputs*.66666+_numOutputs)
_learningRate = _learningRate or .5
--order goes network[layer][neuron][wieght]
local network = setmetatable({
learningRate = _learningRate
},{ __index = NeuralNetwork});
network[1] = {} --Input Layer
for i = 1,_numInputs do
network[1][i] = {}
for i = 2,_numHiddenLayers+2 do --plus 2 represents the output layer (also need to skip input layer)
network[i] = {}
local neuronsInLayer = _neuronsPerLayer
if i == _numHiddenLayers+2 then
neuronsInLayer = _numOutputs
for j = 1,neuronsInLayer do
network[i][j] = {bias = math.random()*2-1}
local numNeuronInputs = table.getn(network[i-1])
for k = 1,numNeuronInputs do
network[i][j][k] = math.random()*2-1 --return random number between -1 and 1
return network
function NeuralNetwork:forewardPropagate(...)
if table.getn(arg) ~= table.getn(self[1]) and type(arg[1]) ~= "table" then
error("Neural Network received "..table.getn(arg).." input[s] (expected "..table.getn(self[1]).." input[s])",2)
elseif type(arg[1]) == "table" and table.getn(arg[1]) ~= table.getn(self[1]) then
error("Neural Network received "..table.getn(arg[1]).." input[s] (expected "..table.getn(self[1]).." input[s])",2)
local outputs = {}
for i = 1,table.getn(self) do
for j = 1,table.getn(self[i]) do
if i == 1 then
if type(arg[1]) == "table" then
self[i][j].result = arg[1][j]
self[i][j].result = arg[j]
self[i][j].result = self[i][j].bias
for k = 1,table.getn(self[i][j]) do
self[i][j].result = self[i][j].result + (self[i][j][k]*self[i-1][k].result)
self[i][j].result = NeuralNetwork.transfer(self[i][j].result)
if i == table.getn(self) then
return outputs
function NeuralNetwork:backwardPropagate(inputs,desiredOutputs)
if table.getn(inputs) ~= table.getn(self[1]) then
error("Neural Network received "..table.getn(inputs).." input[s] (expected "..table.getn(self[1]).." input[s])",2)
elseif table.getn(desiredOutputs) ~= table.getn(self[table.getn(self)]) then
error("Neural Network received "..table.getn(desiredOutputs).." desired output[s] (expected "..table.getn(self[table.getn(self)]).." desired output[s])",2)
self:forewardPropagate(inputs) --update the internal inputs and outputs
for i = table.getn(self),2,-1 do --iterate backwards (nothing to calculate for input layer)
local tempResults = {}
for j = 1,table.getn(self[i]) do
if i == table.getn(self) then --special calculations for output layer
self[i][j].delta = (desiredOutputs[j] - self[i][j].result) * self[i][j].result * (1 - self[i][j].result)
local weightDelta = 0
for k = 1,table.getn(self[i+1]) do
weightDelta = weightDelta + self[i+1][k][j]*self[i+1][k].delta
self[i][j].delta = self[i][j].result * (1 - self[i][j].result) * weightDelta
for i = 2,table.getn(self) do
for j = 1,table.getn(self[i]) do
self[i][j].bias = self[i][j].delta * self.learningRate
for k = 1,table.getn(self[i][j]) do
self[i][j][k] = self[i][j][k] + self[i][j].delta * self.learningRate * self[i-1][k].result
function NeuralNetwork:save()
File specs:
|INFO| - should be FF BP NN
|I| - number of inputs
|O| - number of outputs
|HL| - number of hidden layers
|NHL| - number of neurons per hidden layer
|LR| - learning rate
|BW| - bias and weight values
local data = "|INFO|FF BP NN|I|"..tostring(table.getn(self[1])).."|O|"..tostring(table.getn(self[table.getn(self)])).."|HL|"..tostring(table.getn(self)-2).."|NHL|"..tostring(table.getn(self[2])).."|LR|"..tostring(self.learningRate).."|BW|"
for i = 2,table.getn(self) do -- nothing to save for input layer
for j = 1,table.getn(self[i]) do
local neuronData = tostring(self[i][j].bias).."{"
for k = 1,table.getn(self[i][j]) do
neuronData = neuronData..tostring(self[i][j][k])
neuronData = neuronData..","
data = data..neuronData.."}"
data = data.."|END|"
return data
function NeuralNetwork.load( data)
local dataPos = string.find(data,"|")+1
local currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
local dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
local _inputs, _outputs, _hiddenLayers, _neuronsPerLayer, _learningRate
local biasWeights = {}
local errorExit = false
while currentChunk ~= "END" and not errorExit do
if currentChuck == "INFO" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
if currentChunk ~= "FF BP NN" then
errorExit = true
elseif currentChunk == "I" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
_inputs = tonumber(currentChunk)
elseif currentChunk == "O" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
_outputs = tonumber(currentChunk)
elseif currentChunk == "HL" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
_hiddenLayers = tonumber(currentChunk)
elseif currentChunk == "NHL" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
_neuronsPerLayer = tonumber(currentChunk)
elseif currentChunk == "LR" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
_learningRate = tonumber(currentChunk)
elseif currentChunk == "BW" then
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
local subPos = 1
local subChunk
for i = 1,_hiddenLayers+1 do
biasWeights[i] = {}
local neuronsInLayer = _neuronsPerLayer
if i == _hiddenLayers+1 then
neuronsInLayer = _outputs
for j = 1,neuronsInLayer do
biasWeights[i][j] = {}
biasWeights[i][j].bias = tonumber(string.sub(currentChunk,subPos,string.find(currentChunk,"{",subPos)-1))
subPos = string.find(currentChunk,"{",subPos)+1
subChunk = string.sub( currentChunk, subPos, string.find(currentChunk,",",subPos)-1)
local maxPos = string.find(currentChunk,"}",subPos)
while subPos < maxPos do
subPos = string.find(currentChunk,",",subPos)+1
if string.find(currentChunk,",",subPos) ~= nil then
subChunk = string.sub( currentChunk, subPos, string.find(currentChunk,",",subPos)-1)
subPos = maxPos+1
currentChunk = string.sub( data, dataPos, string.find(data,"|",dataPos)-1)
dataPos = string.find(data,"|",dataPos)+1
if errorExit then
error("Failed to load Neural Network:"..currentChunk,2)
local network = setmetatable({
learningRate = _learningRate
},{ __index = NeuralNetwork});
network[1] = {} --Input Layer
for i = 1,_inputs do
network[1][i] = {}
for i = 2,_hiddenLayers+2 do --plus 2 represents the output layer (also need to skip input layer)
network[i] = {}
local neuronsInLayer = _neuronsPerLayer
if i == _hiddenLayers+2 then
neuronsInLayer = _outputs
for j = 1,neuronsInLayer do
network[i][j] = {bias = biasWeights[i-1][j].bias}
local numNeuronInputs = table.getn(network[i-1])
for k = 1,numNeuronInputs do
network[i][j][k] = biasWeights[i-1][j][k]
return network
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Out of curiosity, I noticed your training loop, specifically line 168, you switch which the variables using to index the nodes and the weights, was this intentional?

I think in your case, this works out since you take care of the output layer and restrict the creation of the hidden layers to all have the same node count, so you kind of loop orthogonal to what I had expected initially. Anyway, thanks for sharing! Learned a bit from it.

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Hey I wrote this! 😄

For historical purposes here's the original archived forum link

And here's the repository I hosted it in a while back

Re: loop indexing on L168. It's been a long time since I've worked through this code but I believe the indexing is correct (but confusing). In this context i refers to the current layer, j refers to the current neuron within the current layer (i), and k is the referring to the current output neuron in the next layer i+1. It looks like k changes meaning throughout the code so that's probably why it's not clear. The loop ranges (i = table.getn(self),2,-1, j = 1,table.getn(self[i]), k = 1,table.getn(self[i+1])) are key here.

With all of that we can interpret:

weightDelta = weightDelta + self[i+1][k][j]*self[i+1][k].delta

as adding the product of the output neuron's (self[i+1][k]) input weight with its delta to current neuron's (self[i][j]) weight delta. A slightly different way of saying that would be that we're propagating an output neuron's (self[i+1][k]) weight (self[i+1][k][j]) between a particular input neuron (self[i][j]), and delta backwards to that same input neurons delta. The data structure can be thought of as self[layer][neuron][inputWeight] which you can verify on L58-62

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Eleshz commented May 4, 2022

I don't know if this is still looked at, but there's a game that can run Lua and with some modification I would like to use this for an Ai? I can't find where to input though.....

To elaborate, how would you train this? Online Lua runners just return nothing- I have no experience whatsoever, could I have some help?

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Well first things off, There's an error already in the code that you must fix.
The error is at line 257.

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