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Created June 18, 2015 14:17
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LdnPHP Trivia June 17th, 2015
- In the function strpos which comes first: the haystack or the needle?
haystack, needle
- What does the acronym "SPL" stand for?
Standard PHP Library
- Aside from inheriting these via genes, they're also good for horizontal code re-use
- Your only hope of implementing this interface is via Iterator or IteratorAggregate
- SplStack and SplQueue both extend this common base class
- Before it stood for "PHP Hypertext Processor" what did "PHP" stand for?
Personal Home Page
- What version of PHP introduced json_encode and json_decode
- This was the main feature of PHP 6 but ultimately resulted in the version being scrapped
- This long-standing "feature" in PHP, responsible for countless security issues, has been disabled by
default since version 4.2 and was finally removed in 5.4
- This jump operator was added as a joke to PHP 5.3 and if used might result in you getting attacked by a raptor
- This duo of utilities, created by two European developers, ushered in by PSR-0, is used to distribute shared code
composer & packagist
- What was the latest accepted PSR by the PHP-FIG? .5 for the #
Http Messsage Interfaces (PSR-7)
- This tiny dependency injection container is used by the Silex framework and also shares its name with a blemish of the skin
- The purple plush elephant was created to support which PHP group?
PHP Women
- This _wildly_ popular framework uses the proxy pattern as a core feature but masquerades them as something else? .5 for the name
Laravel (Facades)
- What is the name of this near by annually held conference that is the largest PHP conference in Canada?
True North PHP
- What does "FIG" in the group "PHP-FIG" stand for?
Framework Interoperability Group
- Who is the female engineer at Facebook who literally wrote the book on writing PHP extensions?
Sara Golemon
- This beloved nomad is the only member of PHP-FIG who is not affiliated with a project
Cal Evans
- This loud mouth, not to be mistaken for his like-named kin large mouth, hails from the city Bristol
Phil Sturgeon
- This group of hooligans wrote the book on design patterns and haven been coined with this name
Gang of Four
- This popular anti-pattern used in much web development originated as an architectural pattern meant for user interfaces
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Name the design pattern that would have a class take an instance of its same Interface to add functionality to the original instance
- What does the "I" stand for in the acronym SOLID
Interface segregation principle
- Name one of the two things that define a high order function
Takes a function as input or returns a function
Final WTF
- What is the result of `print '2'.5`
parse error
- What is the default max recursion depth of json_decode?
- What are the two differences between print and echo?
print returns 1 whereas echo returns void
echo can take multiple parameters
- What does the error "Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM" mean?
Unexpected double colon (::)
- What are the four ways to represent a string in PHP?
single quotes, double quotes, heredoc, nowdoc
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