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Last active July 24, 2016 15:59
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Add-Type -Path C:\Users\chris.hunt\Downloads\PivotData\lib\NReco.PivotData.dll
$CSV = gc "C:\Users\chris.hunt\Downloads\PivotData\NReco.PivotData.Examples.CsvDemo\TechCrunchcontinentalUSA.csv" | ConvertFrom-Csv
$aggregators=new-object Collections.ArrayList
$aggregators.Add([NReco.PivotData.SumAggregatorFactory]::new('raisedAmt')) | Out-Null
$aggregators.Add([NReco.PivotData.AverageAggregatorFactory]::new('raisedAmt')) | Out-Null
$aggregators.Add([NReco.PivotData.MaxAggregatorFactory]::new('raisedAmt')) | Out-Null
$caf=New-Object NReco.PivotData.CompositeAggregatorFactory $aggregators
$pd=New-Object NReco.PivotData.PivotData (echo company raisedCurrency),$caf
$fields = $csv | gm -MemberType Properties | Select -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($row in $csv) {
foreach ($field in $fields) {
$record = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]]::new()
$record[$field] = $row.$field
$data.Add($record) | Out-Null
$sq = [NReco.PivotData.SliceQuery]::new($pd)
$byCompanyPivotData = $sq.Execute()
$byCompanyPivotData | foreach {
'Company "{0}": ${1:0.#}M' -f $_.Key, $_.Value[0]
$byCompanyPivotData = $pd.Slice((echo company), $false)
$byCompanyPivotData.GetDimensionKeys('company')[0] | foreach {
'Company "{0}": ${1:0.#}M' -f $_, $byCompanyPivotData[$_].Value[0]
$CSV = gc "C:\Users\chris.hunt\Downloads\PivotData\NReco.PivotData.Examples.CsvDemo\TechCrunchcontinentalUSA.csv" | ConvertFrom-Csv
$groups = $CSV | Group-Object company
$data = foreach ($group in $groups) {
$aggregates = $ | Measure-Object -Property raisedAmt -Sum -Average -Maximum
$data | ft -AutoSize
<# Possible DSL structure
PSelect {
Field: company,
Field: raisedAmt -as AvgRaisedAmt -Average -Unit Currency
Field: raisedAmt -as TotalRaisedAmt -Sum -Unit Currency
Field: raisedAmt -as MaxRaisedAmt -Maximum -Unit Currency
Field: raisedAmt -as Rounds -Count
GroupBy: company
From -CSV "C:\Users\chris.hunt\Downloads\PivotData\NReco.PivotData.Examples.CsvDemo\TechCrunchcontinentalUSA.csv"
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