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Created October 9, 2022 06:18
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subroutine surfdisp96(thkm, vpm, vsm, rhom, nlayer, iflsph, iwave, mode, igr, kmax, t, cg, err)
parameter(ler = 0, lin = 5, lot = 6)
integer :: nl, nl2, nlay
parameter(nl = 100, nlay = 100, nl2 = nl + nl)
integer :: np
parameter(np = 60)
real(4) :: thkm(nlay), vpm(nlay), vsm(nlay), rhom(nlay)
integer :: nlayer, iflsph, iwave, mode, igr, kmax, err
double precision :: twopi, one, onea
double precision :: cc, c1, clow, cm, dc, t1
double precision :: t(np), c(np), cb(np), cg(np)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
integer(4) :: iverb(2)
integer(4) :: llw
integer(4) :: nsph, ifunc, idispl, idispr, is, ie
real(4) :: sone0, ddc0, h0, sone, ddc, h
mmax = nlayer
nsph = iflsph
err = 0
do i = 1, mmax
b(i) = vsm(i)
a(i) = vpm(i)
d(i) = thkm(i)
rho(i) = rhom(i)
39 continue
end do
if (iwave == 1) then
idispl = kmax
idispr = 0
if (iwave == 2) then
idispl = 0
idispr = kmax
end if
end if
iverb(1) = 0
iverb(2) = 0
sone0 = 1.500
ddc0 = 0.005
h0 = 0.005
llw = 1
if (b(1) <= 0.0) then
llw = 2
end if
twopi = 2.d0*3.141592653589793d0
one = 1.0d-2
if (nsph == 1) then
call sphere(0, 0, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
end if
jmn = 1
betmx = -1.e20
betmn = 1.e20
do i = 1, mmax
if (b(i) > 0.01 .and. b(i) < betmn) then
betmn = b(i)
jmn = i
jsol = 1
if (b(i) <= 0.01 .and. a(i) < betmn) then
betmn = a(i)
jmn = i
jsol = 0
end if
end if
if (b(i) > betmx) then
betmx = b(i)
end if
20 continue
end do
do ifunc = 1, 2
if (ifunc == 1 .and. idispl <= 0) then
go to 2000
end if
if (ifunc == 2 .and. idispr <= 0) then
go to 2000
end if
if (nsph == 1) then
call sphere(ifunc, 1, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
end if
ddc = ddc0
sone = sone0
h = h0
if (sone < 0.01) then
sone = 2.0
end if
onea = dble(sone)
if (jsol == 0) then
cc1 = betmn
call gtsolh(a(jmn), b(jmn), cc1)
end if
cc1 = .95*cc1
cc1 = .90*cc1
cc = dble(cc1)
dc = dble(ddc)
dc = dabs(dc)
c1 = cc
cm = cc
do i = 1, kmax
cb(i) = 0.0d0
c(i) = 0.0d0
450 continue
end do
ift = 999
do iq = 1, mode
is = 1
ie = kmax
itst = ifunc
do k = is, ie
if (k >= ift) then
go to 1700
end if
t1 = dble(t(k))
if (igr > 0) then
t1a = t1/(1. + h)
t1b = t1/(1. - h)
t1 = dble(t1a)
t1a = sngl(t1)
tlb = 0.0
end if
if (k == is .and. iq == 1) then
c1 = cc
clow = cc
ifirst = 1
if (k == is .and. iq > 1) then
c1 = c(is) + one*dc
clow = c1
ifirst = 1
if (k > is .and. iq > 1) then
ifirst = 0
clow = c(k) + one*dc
c1 = c(k - 1)
if (c1 < clow) then
c1 = clow
end if
if (k > is .and. iq == 1) then
ifirst = 0
c1 = c(k - 1) - onea*dc
clow = cm
end if
end if
end if
end if
call getsol(t1, c1, clow, dc, cm, betmx, iret, ifunc, ifirst, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw)
if (iret == -1) then
go to 1700
end if
c(k) = c1
if (igr > 0) then
t1 = dble(t1b)
ifirst = 0
clow = cb(k) + one*dc
c1 = c1 - onea*dc
call getsol(t1, c1, clow, dc, cm, betmx, iret, ifunc, ifirst, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw)
if (iret == -1) then
c1 = c(k)
end if
cb(k) = c1
c1 = 0.0d+00
end if
cc0 = sngl(c(k))
cc1 = sngl(c1)
if (igr == 0) then
cg(k) = cc0
gvel = (1/t1a - 1/t1b)/(1/t1a*cc0 - 1/t1b*cc1)
cg(k) = gvel
end if
1600 continue
end do
go to 1800
1700 if (iq > 1) then
go to 1750
end if
if (iverb(ifunc) == 0) then
iverb(ifunc) = 1
err = 1
end if
1750 ift = k
itst = 0
do i = k, ie
t1a = t(i)
cg(i) = 0.0
1770 continue
end do
1800 continue
end do
2000 continue
end do
end subroutine surfdisp96
subroutine gtsolh(a, b, c)
real(4) :: kappa, k2, gk2
c = 0.95*b
do i = 1, 5
gamma = b/a
kappa = c/b
k2 = kappa**2
gk2 = (gamma*kappa)**2
fac1 = sqrt(1.0 - gk2)
fac2 = sqrt(1.0 - k2)
fr = (2.0 - k2)**2 - 4.0*fac1*fac2
frp = (-4.0)*(2.0 - k2)*kappa + 4.0*fac2*gamma*gamma*kappa/fac1 + 4.0*fac1*kappa/fac2
frp = frp/b
c = c - fr/frp
100 continue
end do
end subroutine gtsolh
subroutine getsol(t1, c1, clow, dc, cm, betmx, iret, ifunc, ifirst, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw)
parameter(nl = 100)
real(8) :: wvno, omega, twopi
real(8) :: c1, c2, cn, cm, dc, t1, clow
real(8) :: dltar, del1, del2, del1st, plmn
save :: del1st
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
integer :: llw, mmax
twopi = 2.d0*3.141592653589793d0
omega = twopi/t1
wvno = omega/c1
del1 = dltar(wvno, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
if (ifirst == 1) then
del1st = del1
end if
plmn = dsign(1.0d+00, del1st)*dsign(1.0d+00, del1)
if (ifirst == 1) then
idir = 1
if (ifirst /= 1 .and. plmn >= 0.0d+00) then
idir = 1
if (ifirst /= 1 .and. plmn < 0.0d+00) then
idir = -1
end if
end if
end if
1000 continue
if (idir > 0) then
c2 = c1 + dc
c2 = c1 - dc
end if
if (c2 <= clow) then
idir = 1
c1 = clow
end if
if (c2 <= clow) then
go to 1000
end if
omega = twopi/t1
wvno = omega/c2
del2 = dltar(wvno, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
if (dsign(1.0d+00, del1) /= dsign(1.0d+00, del2)) then
go to 1300
end if
c1 = c2
del1 = del2
if (c1 < cm) then
go to 1700
end if
if (c1 >= betmx + dc) then
go to 1700
end if
go to 1000
1300 call nevill(t1, c1, c2, del1, del2, ifunc, cn, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
c1 = cn
if (c1 > (betmx)) then
go to 1700
end if
iret = 1
1700 continue
iret = -1
end subroutine getsol
subroutine sphere(ifunc, iflag, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
parameter(nl = 100, np = 60)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
integer :: mmax, llw
double precision :: z0, z1, r0, r1, dr, ar, tmp, twopi
save :: dhalf
ar = 6370.0d0
dr = 0.0d0
r0 = ar
d(mmax) = 1.0
if (iflag == 0) then
do i = 1, mmax
dtp(i) = d(i)
rtp(i) = rho(i)
5 continue
end do
do i = 1, mmax
dr = dr + dble(d(i))
r1 = ar - dr
z0 = ar*dlog(ar/r0)
z1 = ar*dlog(ar/r1)
d(i) = z1 - z0
tmp = (ar + ar)/(r0 + r1)
a(i) = a(i)*tmp
b(i) = b(i)*tmp
btp(i) = tmp
r0 = r1
10 continue
end do
dhalf = d(mmax)
d(mmax) = dhalf
do i = 1, mmax
if (ifunc == 1) then
rho(i) = rtp(i)*btp(i)**(-5)
if (ifunc == 2) then
rho(i) = rtp(i)*btp(i)**(-2.275)
end if
end if
30 continue
end do
end if
d(mmax) = 0.0
end subroutine sphere
subroutine nevill(t, c1, c2, del1, del2, ifunc, cc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(nl = 100, np = 60)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
dimension :: x(20), y(20)
integer :: llw, mmax
omega = twopi/t
call half(c1, c2, c3, del3, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
nev = 1
nctrl = 1
100 continue
nctrl = nctrl + 1
if (nctrl >= 100) then
go to 1000
end if
if (c3 < dmin1(c1, c2) .or. c3 > dmax1(c1, c2)) then
nev = 0
call half(c1, c2, c3, del3, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
end if
s13 = del1 - del3
s32 = del3 - del2
if (dsign(1.d+00, del3)*dsign(1.d+00, del1) < 0.0d+00) then
c2 = c3
del2 = del3
c1 = c3
del1 = del3
end if
if (dabs(c1 - c2) <= 1.d-6*c1) then
go to 1000
end if
if (dsign(1.0d+00, s13) /= dsign(1.0d+00, s32)) then
nev = 0
end if
ss1 = dabs(del1)
s1 = 0.01*ss1
ss2 = dabs(del2)
s2 = 0.01*ss2
if (s1 > ss2 .or. s2 > ss1 .or. nev == 0) then
call half(c1, c2, c3, del3, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
nev = 1
m = 1
if (nev == 2) then
x(m + 1) = c3
y(m + 1) = del3
x(1) = c1
y(1) = del1
x(2) = c2
y(2) = del2
m = 1
end if
do kk = 1, m
j = m - kk + 1
denom = y(m + 1) - y(j)
if (dabs(denom) < 1.0d-10*abs(y(m + 1))) then
go to 950
end if
x(j) = ((-y(j))*x(j + 1) + y(m + 1)*x(j))/denom
900 continue
end do
c3 = x(1)
wvno = omega/c3
del3 = dltar(wvno, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
nev = 2
m = m + 1
if (m > 10) then
m = 10
end if
go to 951
950 continue
call half(c1, c2, c3, del3, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
nev = 1
m = 1
951 continue
end if
go to 100
1000 continue
cc = c3
end subroutine nevill
subroutine half(c1, c2, c3, del3, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(nl = 100)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
c3 = 0.5*(c1 + c2)
wvno = omega/c3
del3 = dltar(wvno, omega, ifunc, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
end subroutine half
function dltar(wvno, omega, kk, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twop)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(nl = 100)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
if (kk == 1) then
dltar = dltar1(wvno, omega, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
if (kk == 2) then
dltar = dltar4(wvno, omega, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
end if
end if
end function dltar
function dltar1(wvno, omega, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(nl = 100, np = 60)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
integer :: llw, mmax
beta1 = dble(b(mmax))
rho1 = dble(rho(mmax))
xkb = omega/beta1
wvnop = wvno + xkb
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xkb)
rb = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
e1 = rho1*rb
e2 = 1.d+00/beta1*beta1
mmm1 = mmax - 1
do m = mmm1, llw, -1
beta1 = dble(b(m))
rho1 = dble(rho(m))
xmu = rho1*beta1*beta1
xkb = omega/beta1
wvnop = wvno + xkb
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xkb)
rb = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
q = dble(d(m))*rb
if (wvno < xkb) then
sinq = dsin(q)
y = sinq/rb
z = (-rb)*sinq
cosq = dcos(q)
if (wvno == xkb) then
cosq = 1.0d+00
y = dble(d(m))
z = 0.0d+00
fac = 0.0d+00
if (q < 16) then
fac = dexp((-2.0d+0)*q)
end if
cosq = (1.0d+00 + fac)*0.5d+00
sinq = (1.0d+00 - fac)*0.5d+00
y = sinq/rb
z = rb*sinq
end if
end if
e10 = e1*cosq + e2*xmu*z
e20 = e1*y/xmu + e2*cosq
xnor = dabs(e10)
ynor = dabs(e20)
if (ynor > xnor) then
xnor = ynor
end if
if (xnor < 1.d-40) then
xnor = 1.0d+00
end if
e1 = e10/xnor
e2 = e20/xnor
600 continue
end do
dltar1 = e1
end function dltar1
function dltar4(wvno, omga, d, a, b, rho, rtp, dtp, btp, mmax, llw, twopi)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(nl = 100, np = 60)
dimension :: e(5), ee(5), ca(5,5)
real(4) :: d(nl), a(nl), b(nl), rho(nl), rtp(nl), dtp(nl), btp(nl)
omega = omga
if (omega < 1.0d-4) then
omega = 1.0d-4
end if
wvno2 = wvno*wvno
xka = omega/dble(a(mmax))
xkb = omega/dble(b(mmax))
wvnop = wvno + xka
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xka)
ra = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
wvnop = wvno + xkb
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xkb)
rb = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
t = dble(b(mmax))/omega
gammk = 2.d+00*t*t
gam = gammk*wvno2
gamm1 = gam - 1.d+00
rho1 = dble(rho(mmax))
e(1) = rho1*rho1*(gamm1*gamm1 - gam*gammk*ra*rb)
e(2) = (-rho1)*ra
e(3) = rho1*(gamm1 - gammk*ra*rb)
e(4) = rho1*rb
e(5) = wvno2 - ra*rb
mmm1 = mmax - 1
do m = mmm1, llw, -1
xka = omega/dble(a(m))
xkb = omega/dble(b(m))
t = dble(b(m))/omega
gammk = 2.d+00*t*t
gam = gammk*wvno2
wvnop = wvno + xka
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xka)
ra = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
wvnop = wvno + xkb
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xkb)
rb = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
dpth = dble(d(m))
rho1 = dble(rho(m))
p = ra*dpth
q = rb*dpth
beta = dble(b(m))
call var(p, q, ra, rb, wvno, xka, xkb, dpth, w, cosp, exa, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
call dnka(ca, wvno2, gam, gammk, rho1, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
do i = 1, 5
cr = 0.0d+00
do j = 1, 5
cr = cr + e(j)*ca(j, i)
100 continue
end do
ee(i) = cr
200 continue
end do
call normc(ee, exa)
do i = 1, 5
e(i) = ee(i)
300 continue
end do
500 continue
end do
if (llw /= 1) then
xka = omega/dble(a(1))
wvnop = wvno + xka
wvnom = dabs(wvno - xka)
ra = dsqrt(wvnop*wvnom)
dpth = dble(d(1))
rho1 = dble(rho(1))
p = ra*dpth
beta = dble(b(1))
znul = 1.0d-05
call var(p, znul, ra, znul, wvno, xka, znul, dpth, w, cosp, exa, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
w0 = (-rho1)*w
dltar4 = cosp*e(1) + w0*e(2)
dltar4 = e(1)
end if
end function dltar4
subroutine var(p, q, ra, rb, wvno, xka, xkb, dpth, w, cosp, exa, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
exa = 0.0d+00
a0 = 1.0d+00
pex = 0.0d+00
sex = 0.0d+00
if (wvno < xka) then
sinp = dsin(p)
w = sinp/ra
x = (-ra)*sinp
cosp = dcos(p)
if (wvno == xka) then
cosp = 1.0d+00
w = dpth
x = 0.0d+00
if (wvno > xka) then
pex = p
fac = 0.0d+00
if (p < 16) then
fac = dexp((-2.0d+00)*p)
end if
cosp = (1.0d+00 + fac)*0.5d+00
sinp = (1.0d+00 - fac)*0.5d+00
w = sinp/ra
x = ra*sinp
end if
end if
end if
if (wvno < xkb) then
sinq = dsin(q)
y = sinq/rb
z = (-rb)*sinq
cosq = dcos(q)
if (wvno == xkb) then
cosq = 1.0d+00
y = dpth
z = 0.0d+00
if (wvno > xkb) then
sex = q
fac = 0.0d+00
if (q < 16) then
fac = dexp((-2.0d+0)*q)
end if
cosq = (1.0d+00 + fac)*0.5d+00
sinq = (1.0d+00 - fac)*0.5d+00
y = sinq/rb
z = rb*sinq
end if
end if
end if
exa = pex + sex
a0 = 0.0d+00
if (exa < 60.0d+00) then
a0 = dexp(-exa)
end if
cpcq = cosp*cosq
cpy = cosp*y
cpz = cosp*z
cqw = cosq*w
cqx = cosq*x
xy = x*y
xz = x*z
wy = w*y
wz = w*z
qmp = sex - pex
fac = 0.0d+00
if (qmp > -40.0d+00) then
fac = dexp(qmp)
end if
cosq = cosq*fac
y = fac*y
z = fac*z
end subroutine var
subroutine normc(ee, ex)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
dimension :: ee(5)
ex = 0.0d+00
t1 = 0.0d+00
do i = 1, 5
if (dabs(ee(i)) > t1) then
t1 = dabs(ee(i))
end if
10 continue
end do
if (t1 < 1.d-40) then
t1 = 1.d+00
end if
do i = 1, 5
t2 = ee(i)
t2 = t2/t1
ee(i) = t2
20 continue
end do
ex = dlog(t1)
end subroutine normc
subroutine dnka(ca, wvno2, gam, gammk, rho, a0, cpcq, cpy, cpz, cqw, cqx, xy, xz, wy, wz)
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
dimension :: ca(5,5)
data one, two/1.d+00, 2.d+00/
gamm1 = gam - one
twgm1 = gam + gamm1
gmgmk = gam*gammk
gmgm1 = gam*gamm1
gm1sq = gamm1*gamm1
rho2 = rho*rho
a0pq = a0 - cpcq
ca(1, 1) = cpcq - two*gmgm1*a0pq - gmgmk*xz - wvno2*gm1sq*wy
ca(1, 2) = (wvno2*cpy - cqx)/rho
ca(1, 3) = (-(twgm1*a0pq + gammk*xz + wvno2*gamm1*wy))/rho
ca(1, 4) = (cpz - wvno2*cqw)/rho
ca(1, 5) = (-(two*wvno2*a0pq + xz + wvno2*wvno2*wy))/rho2
ca(2, 1) = (gmgmk*cpz - gm1sq*cqw)*rho
ca(2, 2) = cpcq
ca(2, 3) = gammk*cpz - gamm1*cqw
ca(2, 4) = -wz
ca(2, 5) = ca(1, 4)
ca(4, 1) = (gm1sq*cpy - gmgmk*cqx)*rho
ca(4, 2) = -xy
ca(4, 3) = gamm1*cpy - gammk*cqx
ca(4, 4) = ca(2, 2)
ca(4, 5) = ca(1, 2)
ca(5, 1) = (-(two*gmgmk*gm1sq*a0pq + gmgmk*gmgmk*xz + gm1sq*gm1sq*wy))*rho2
ca(5, 2) = ca(4, 1)
ca(5, 3) = (-(gammk*gamm1*twgm1*a0pq + gam*gammk*gammk*xz + gamm1*gm1sq*wy))*rho
ca(5, 4) = ca(2, 1)
ca(5, 5) = ca(1, 1)
t = (-two)*wvno2
ca(3, 1) = t*ca(5, 3)
ca(3, 2) = t*ca(4, 3)
ca(3, 3) = a0 + two*(cpcq - ca(1, 1))
ca(3, 4) = t*ca(2, 3)
ca(3, 5) = t*ca(1, 3)
end subroutine dnka
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