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<?php /**
* Create a nav menu with very basic markup.
* Based on Thomas Scholz, T5_Nav_Menu_Walker_Simple
* @author César Hernández []
* @version 1.0
class Mi_menu_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu
cesarhdz / selectors.css
Created March 23, 2017 17:19
role=navigation] > ul a:not([href^=mailto]) {
## Sync feature wiht develop
# Rebase
$ git checkout feature/<feature>
$ git checkout feature/<feature> -b feature/<feature>-tmp
$ git checkout -
# Preserve merges and set commiter date to author date
# see:
// Store
factory(QuoteStore, function(quoteService){
var subscribers = [];
var state;
function QuoteStore(){}
QuoteStore.prototype.getState = function(){
return state;
var fixtures = require('./fixtures.json');
var assert = expect;
describe('Line', function(){
// setup
var state = [fixtures.courseLine, fixtures.serviceLine];
function mapCurrency(line){
return line.currency;
cesarhdz / .gitconfig
Created June 21, 2016 16:58
Git Alias
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
checkout = checkout
df = diff
co = checkout
lg = log
lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
stp = status --porcelain
cesarhdz / .bash_profile
Last active December 29, 2015 17:09
Alias globales para ejecutar Git
# Alias para corre git con solo teclear 'g'
alias g=git
alias gt=git
## Alias para subcomandos, utiulizando solo como prefijo g
alias gs="git status"
alias gf="git flow"
alias gfeat="git flow feature"
alias gsh="git push"
alias gl="git lol"
cesarhdz / .bashrc
Created November 29, 2013 04:55
Archivo .bashc para que no se pidan credenciales continuamente en Windows
# Ejecutamos ssh login la inicio
eval `ssh-agent`
cesarhdz / .gitconfig
Last active December 29, 2015 17:09
Alias en git para trabajar rapidamente
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
checkout = checkout
df = diff
co = checkout
lg = log
lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
stp = status --porcelain
cesarhdz / Guardfile-static
Created July 20, 2013 19:26
Archivo para desarrollar sitios estáticos, permite utilizar la extension livereload, incicia un servidor y compila Compass
# GuardFile
# Versiones requeridas para que corra apropiadamente
# guard (1.8.1)
# guard-compass (0.0.8)
# guard-livereload (1.4.0)
# guard-webrick (0.1.4)
guard 'livereload' do