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Last active March 14, 2019 19:47
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Make nice documents using Pandoc

example generated commandline:

pandoc -t beamer -f markdown  -o "presentation.pdf" ""

pandoc -s --katex -t html5 -f markdown --css ../pandoc.css \
                --pdf-engine-opt='--print-media-type' \
                -o "document.pdf" ""
MARKDOWN = $(shell find . -type f -name "*.md")
#HTML = $(
PDF = $( $(
PANDOC_ARGS := -f markdown --filter pandoc-plantuml
export PATH := $(wildcard $(HOME)/Library/Python/*/bin):$(HOME)/.local/bin:$(PATH)
.PHONY: all
# $(HTML)
all: $(PDF)
@which pandoc-plantuml >/dev/null || pip install --user pandoc-plantuml-latex
@which plantuml >>/dev/null || (echo "Please install plantuml!"; exit 1)
@touch .plantuml_installed
%.pres.pdf: ../pandoc.css .plantuml_installed
pandoc -t beamer $(PANDOC_ARGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.doc.pdf: ../pandoc.css .plantuml_installed
pandoc -s --katex -t html5 $(PANDOC_ARGS) --css ../pandoc.css \
--pdf-engine-opt='--print-media-type' \
-o "$@" "$<"
@rm -rvf $(HTML) $(PDF) plantuml-images .plantuml_installed
* I add this to html files generated with pandoc.
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