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Created November 10, 2014 03:40
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WordPress Database Sync (both ways) with Grunt. See
mysql: grunt.file.readJSON('mysql.json'),
sshexec: {
dump_remote_db: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'mysqldump <%= mysql.remote.dbname %> -u <%= mysql.remote.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.remote.dbpass %> > remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
cleanup_remote: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'rm local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
cleanup_remote_dump: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'rm remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
import_migrated_local_dump: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'mysql -u <%= mysql.remote.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.remote.dbpass %> <%= mysql.remote.dbname %> < local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
exec: {
wget_remote_dump: {
command: 'wget -nv <%= mysql.remote.save_url %>/remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
import_migrated_remote_dump: {
command: 'mysql -u <%= mysql.local.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.local.dbpass %> <%= mysql.local.dbname %> < remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
cleanup_local: {
command: 'rm -rf <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>/local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
cleanup_local_from_remote: {
command: 'rm -rf remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
dump_local_db: {
command: 'mysqldump -u <%= mysql.local.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.local.dbpass %> <%= mysql.local.dbname %> > <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>local-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
scp_local_dump: {
command: 'scp <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql <%= mysql.remote.username %>@<%= %>:<%= mysql.remote.save_path %>'
peach: {
search_replace_remote_dump: {
options: {
force: true
src: 'remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
dest: 'remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
from: '<%= mysql.remote.site_url %>',
to: '<%= mysql.local.site_url %>'
search_replace_local_dump: {
options: {
force: true
src: '<%= mysql.local.dump_dir_theme_relative %>local-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
dest: '<%= mysql.local.dump_dir_theme_relative %>local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
from: '<%= mysql.local.site_url %>',
to: '<%= mysql.remote.site_url %>'
grunt.registerTask('sync_local_db', [
'sshexec:dump_remote_db', //dump remote database
'exec:wget_remote_dump', //download remote dump
'sshexec:cleanup_remote_dump', //delete remote dump
'peach:search_replace_remote_dump', //search and replace URLs in database
'exec:import_migrated_remote_dump', //import the migrated database
'exec:cleanup_local_from_remote' //delete local database dump files
grunt.registerTask('sync_remote_db', [
'exec:dump_local_db', //dump local database
'peach:search_replace_local_dump', //search and replace URLs in database
'exec:scp_local_dump', //upload local dump
'exec:cleanup_local', //delete local database dump files
'sshexec:import_migrated_local_dump', //import the migrated database
'sshexec:cleanup_remote' //delete remote database dump file
"remote": {
"host": "",
"site_url": "",
"username": "ssh_login",
"dbname": "example_db",
"dbuser": "example_user",
"dbpass": "password",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"save_path": "/home5/ssh_login/public_html/",
"save_url": "",
"upload_path": "/home5/ssh_login/public_html/",
"local": {
"site_url": "",
"dbname": "example_local",
"dbuser": "local_db_user",
"dbpass": "password",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"dump_dir": "~/Sites/",
"dump_dir_theme_relative": "peach/"
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