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Last active September 24, 2018 11:32
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Bitcoin Hackathon # 2 Hands-on for BITBOX Dev.

This hands-on will be divided in to 2 parts. In the first part you'll learn BITBOX.

In the second part you'll learn how to create tokens w/ Wormhole.


BITBOX is a fully featured javascript framework which allows developers to begin interacting with the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. It offers Mnemonics, HDNodes, ECPairs, Crypto, Addresses, Transactions and much more.


Install NodeJS

Install v8.12.x from the NodeJS homepage. This includes npm which is the "Node Package Manager."

Install bitbox-cli

npm install bitbox-cli --global
bitbox --version

Create a new React app

We have scaffolds which let you bootstrap a $BCH app in under a minute in react, angular, node, next and vue.

bitbox new hackathon --scaffold react
cd hackathon
npm install
bitbox console


128–256 BIP39 Mnemonics in english, spanish, french, italian, korean, japanese and chinese traditional/simplified.

// 12 word english
// 'image wave furnace below ring undo ship cable then swarm unit teach'

// 256 bit hiragana
let mnemonic = Wormhole.Mnemonic.generate(
// 'びんぼう ぬいくぎ たいわん やすい やめる たいる しゃおん ふじみ てほどき あんぜん ふとん しねま ばいか はおる てれび すくない りこう いこく もうしあげる うろこ つける ぬかす いれい ぜんあく'

BIP44 HDNode

BIP44 HDNodes

// root seed buffer
let rootSeed = Wormhole.Mnemonic.toSeed(mnemonic);

// master HDNode
let masterHDNode = Wormhole.HDNode.fromSeed(rootSeed, "bitcoincash");

// HDNode of BIP44 account
let account = Wormhole.HDNode.derivePath(masterHDNode, "m/44'/145'/0'");

// derive the first external change address HDNode
let change = Wormhole.HDNode.derivePath(account, "0/0");

More Info


// get the cash address
let cashAddress = Wormhole.HDNode.toCashAddress(change);
// 'bitcoincash:qzfrquuztqp86zp0qct7ga2g35zfh0wwjyv6h4eyw9'

// cashaddr to legacy
let legacyAddress = Wormhole.Address.toLegacyAddress(cashAddress);
// '1EKyhTTYRPcoQYBRBPcX59yrWuEvs92UCf'

// detect legacy
// true

// detect cashaddr
// false

// detect mainnet
// true

// detect testnet
// false

// detect p2pkh
// true

// detect p2sh
// false

// detect format
// 'legacy'

// detect network
// 'mainnet'

// detect type
// 'p2pkh'

You can also get the details such as balance and list of utxo for an address

(async () => {
  try {
    let details = await Wormhole.Address.details([
    // [{
    //   "addrStr": "1BFHGm4HzqgXXyNX8n7DsQno5DAC4iLMRA",
    //   "balance": 0.36781097,
    //   "balanceSat": 36781097,
    //   "totalReceived": 0.36781097,
    //   "totalReceivedSat": 36781097,
    //   "totalSent": 0,
    //   "totalSentSat": 0,
    //   "unconfirmedBalance": 0,
    //   "unconfirmedBalanceSat": 0,
    //   "unconfirmedTxApperances": 0,
    //   "txApperances": 7,
    //   "transactions": [
    //     "f737485aaee3c10b13013fa109bb6294b099246134ca9885f4cc332dbc6c9bb4",
    //     "decd5b9c0c959e4e543182093e8f7f8bc7a6ecd96a8a062daaeff3667f8feca7",
    //     "94e69a627a34ae27fca81d15fff4323a7ce1f7c275c7485762ce018221017632",
    //     "e67c70787af7f3506263c9eda007f3d2d24bd750ff95b5c50a120d9118dfd807",
    //     "8e5e00704a147d54028f94d52df7730e821b9c6cd4bd29494e5636f49c199d6a",
    //     "15102827c108566ea5daf725c09079c1a3f42ef99d1eb68ea8c584f7b16ab87a",
    //     "cc27be8846276612dfce5924b7be96556212f0f0e62bd17641732175edb9911e"
    //   ]
    // }]
    let utxo = await Wormhole.Address.utxo([
    // [[
    //   {
    //     "address": "1BFHGm4HzqgXXyNX8n7DsQno5DAC4iLMRA",
    //     "txid": "f737485aaee3c10b13013fa109bb6294b099246134ca9885f4cc332dbc6c9bb4",
    //     "vout": 0,
    //     "scriptPubKey": "76a9147064aa0c2de4e79e6c0a1290f769e40b3dda1b8e88ac",
    //     "amount": 0.299,
    //     "satoshis": 29900000,
    //     "height": 528796,
    //     "confirmations": 16
    //   },
    //   {
    //     "address": "1BFHGm4HzqgXXyNX8n7DsQno5DAC4iLMRA",
    //     "txid": "decd5b9c0c959e4e543182093e8f7f8bc7a6ecd96a8a062daaeff3667f8feca7",
    //     "vout": 0,
    //     "scriptPubKey": "76a9147064aa0c2de4e79e6c0a1290f769e40b3dda1b8e88ac",
    //     "amount": 0.04839108,
    //     "satoshis": 4839108,
    //     "height": 528573,
    //     "confirmations": 239
    //   }
    // ]]
  } catch (error) {


BITBOX supports all standard transactions types as well as custom scripts with new OP codes.



You can also get information about a tx.

(async () => {
  try {
    let details = await BITBOX.Transaction.details([
  } catch (error) {

// [{ txid: '113f1fe1c454a56436d4f93c7c6e315d1ed985d111299e9c2a3e2d3d1e9f177f',
//   version: 1,
//   locktime: 0,
//   vin: [ [Object], [Object] ],
//   vout: [ [Object], [Object] ],
//   blockhash: '000000000000000001da2a49a63fb7d0d0893ebcb892aee3fbbfa47c803f9cf0',
//   blockheight: 418195,
//   confirmations: 111040,
//   time: 1467019582,
//   blocktime: 1467019582,
//   valueOut: 2.09965689,
//   size: 372,
//   valueIn: 2.0997689,
//   fees: 0.00011201 } ]

More info

Much more

BITBOX does much more than that


Wormhole SDK is a framework for creating tokens on $BCH. Currently supports ERC-20 tokens. On the roadmap is ERC-721, smart contracts and high level scripting languages.


Install wormholecash

First install Wormhole SDK

Install wormholecash

npm install wormholecash --global
wormhole --version

Create a new React app

We have scaffolds which let you bootstrap a $WCH app in under a minute in react, angular, node, next and vue.

wormhole new hackathonWH --scaffold react
cd hackathonWH
npm install
wormhole console

Clone the repo

git clone
cd wormholecash
npm install
cd examples

Create a wallet

  • create-wallet Create a Wormhole compatible HD Node wallet on the BCH testnet. Send test BCH using a testnet faucet (like this one or this one) to the address saved in the wallet.json file generated by this app.

  • check-balance Check the balance of your BCH wallet. This displays both BCH information as well as Wormhole token information.

Managed issuance token


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