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Created September 25, 2015 21:31
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ProperCase PowerShell Function - Accepts a string and converts first character of each word to uppercase and converts the rest of the characters in the word to lowercase.
Function ProperCase {
Accepts a string and converts first character of each word to uppercase and converts the rest of the characters in the word to lowercase.
.PARAMETER StringToModify
String to modify
AUTHOR....: Craig Grady
LAST EDIT.: 09/25/2015
CREATED...: 09/25/2015
[string]$StringToModify = 'ThE wINDOWS PowerShell TFM book CONTEST aND GiVeAwAY'
$list = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$StringToModify.split() | %{ $x = $_;
$word = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$null = $word.Add($x[0].ToString().ToUpper());
for($loop = 1; $loop -le $x.Length -1; $loop++)
{ $null = $word.Add($x[$loop].ToString().ToLower()) }
$null = $list.Add(-join $word)
$list -join " "
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