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Created August 26, 2015 04:09
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xfor: transducing for
(defmacro xfor
"Like for except the first expression is omitted. Returns a transducer."
[[binding & seq-exprs] body]
(let [rf (gensym 'rf)
acc (gensym 'acc)
(reduce (fn [body [expr binding]]
(case binding
:let `(let ~expr ~body)
:when `(if ~expr ~body ~acc)
:while `(if ~expr ~body (reduced ~acc))
`(reduce (fn [~acc ~binding] ~body) ~acc ~expr)))
`(~rf ~acc ~body)
(partition 2 (rseq (vec seq-exprs))))]
`(fn [~rf]
([] (~rf))
([~acc] (~rf ~acc))
([~acc ~binding] ~body)))))
;; for vs xfor
(time (count (into []
(xfor [x
y (range 1e3)
:when (not= x y)]
(* x y))
(range 1e3))))
(time (count (into []
(for [x (range 1e3)
y (range 1e3)
:when (not= x y)]
(* x y)))))
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