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Having fun learning new things every single day

Cezar Halmagean chalmagean

Having fun learning new things every single day
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chalmagean / enc.ex
Last active July 30, 2021 18:42
RC4 encryption/decryption in Elixir/Erlang
# Install first
require Cipher.Helpers, as: H
defmodule Enc do
@random_key H.env(:keyphrase) |> Cipher.Digest.generate_key
def stream_encrypt(xml) do
{_, result} =
:crypto.stream_init(:rc4, @random_key)
|> :crypto.stream_encrypt(xml)
products = [
{ id: 1, name: "Foo" },
{ id: 2, name: "Bar" }
# display products
products.each_with_index { |prod, idx| puts "#{idx}. #{prod[:name]}" }
# user picked 1
cart << products[1][:id]
# typed: true
class Printer
extend T::Sig
sig { params(person: Person).returns(String) }
def self.full_name(person); end
class Person
class Printer
def self.full_name(person)
"Your name is: #{person.fname} #{person.lname}"
class Person
attr_reader :fname, :lname
def initialize(fname, lname)
# Here's how to back up a named volume
# 1. Using a `ubuntu` image, we mount the named volume (`myproj_dbdata`) to a `/dbdata` folder inside the `ubuntu` container.
# 2. Then, we create a new folder inside the `ubuntu` container named `/backup`.
# 3. We then create an archive containing the contents of the `/dbdata` folder and we store it inside the `/backup` folder (inside the container).
# 4. We also mount the `/backup` folder from the container to the docker host (your local machine) in a folder named `/backups` inside the current directory.
docker run --rm -v myproj_dbdata:/dbdata -v $(pwd)/backups:/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/db_data_"$(date '+%y-%m-%d')".tar /dbdata
echo "Loading the test enviromnment..."
source .env.test
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "RSpec tests have failures. Push rejected."
exit 1
chalmagean / pre-push
Created July 8, 2015 15:57
Pre-Push git hook to run specs before pushing
# Put it in .git/hooks/pre-push
branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
exit_code=$(bundle exec rspec --fail-fast --out /dev/null --format progress > /dev/null 2>/dev/null )$?
if [ $exit_code -gt 0 ]
then echo "Did not push because of failing tests"
chalmagean / link_to_onclick
Last active May 31, 2018 11:47
link_to onclick
chalmagean / onSelect.elm
Last active December 22, 2016 06:21
Elm onSelect decoder
-- Assuming we have a list of items in the model (type alias Model = { items : List Item }
-- where Item is a record like { id : Int, name : String }
-- this goes in the view and generates an html dropdown
[ onSelect ValueSelectedMsg ]
( (\item -> option [ value (toString ] [ text ]) model.items)
targetSelectedIndex : Json.Decoder Int
chalmagean / model_uniqueness_constraint.exs
Last active December 8, 2016 14:34
Testing uniqueness constraints for models
defmodule Example.User do
use Example.Web, :model
schema "users" do
field :email, :string
@doc """