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chancancode / application.template.hbs
Last active November 14, 2019 00:14
<random-color fill={{true}}>So</random-color>
<random-color glow={{true}}>many</random-color>
<random-color fill={{true}} glow={{true}}>colors</random-color>!!!

Ember 2019

Here is my wishlist for the next edition of Ember.

Template Improvements

Templates are arguably the most important pillar of Ember. It's why Ember was born in the first place – Ember grew out of the Sprout Core 2.0 exercise, in which the main objective was to introduce templates to the Sprout Core framework. This has proven to be such a controversial idea that Tom and Yehuda ended up forking the Sprout Core framework and the rest is history.

Even today, templates are still controversial. The React community popularized the idea of JSX, CSS-in-JS, images-in-JS... as well as the tooling that makes all of that possible. There are a lot of folks who enjoy programming in that environment, and that is great. But if you are using Ember, you probably enjoy writing templates, and that is great too. Most of us see a lot of value in having a dedicated, constrained template programming language that is more apt for the job than JavaScript.

<a class="bookmarklet" href="javascript:(function()%7B(function()%20%7Blet%20e%3Be%20%3D%20new%20KeyboardEvent(%22keydown%22%2C%20%7Bbubbles%3A%20true%2Ccancelable%3A%20true%2Ccode%3A%20%22KeyT%22%2Ckey%3A%20%22t%22%2CkeyCode%3A%2084%2C%7D)%3Bdocument.activeElement.dispatchEvent(e)%3Bif%20(!e.defaultPrevented)%20%7Be%20%3D%20new%20KeyboardEvent(%22keypress%22%2C%20%7Bbubbles%3A%20true%2Ccancelable%3A%20true%2Ccode%3A%20%22KeyT%22%2Ckey%3A%20%22t%22%2CkeyCode%3A%2084%2C%7D)%3Bdocument.activeElement.dispatchEvent(e)%3B%7De%20%3D%20new%20KeyboardEvent(%22keyup%22%2C%20%7Bbubbles%3A%20true%2Ccancelable%3A%20true%2Ccode%3A%20%22KeyT%22%2Ckey%3A%20%22t%22%2CkeyCode%3A%2084%2C%7D)%3Bdocument.activeElement.dispatchEvent(e)%3B%7D)()%7D)()">t</a>
<a class="bookmarklet" href="javascript:(function()%7B(function()%20%7Blet%20e%3Be%20%3D%20new%20KeyboardEvent(%22keydown%22%2C%20%7Bbubbles%3A%20true%2Ccancelable%3A%20true%2Ccode%3A%20%22Escape%22%2Ckey%3A%20%22Escape%22%2CkeyCode%3A%2027%2C%7D)%3Bdocument.activeElement.dis
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle'
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle'
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
type: '',
blockEvent(type, event) {
alert(`Blocked your ${type} event: ${}`);
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['click-away'],
attributeBindings: ['tabindex'],
tabindex: -1,
didInsertElement() {
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
didWin: false,
draw: function() {
this.set('didWin', true);
import Ember from 'ember';
import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency';
const { Controller, computed, computed: { or } } = Ember;
export default Controller.extend({
jackpot: 1000,
jackpotText: computed('jackpot', function() {
return `$$${this.jackpot.toFixed()}`;