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Last active May 5, 2021 15:32
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Registers this host with ssm agent
Downloads the agent, installs it, must be run as Administrator
echo "Checking machine id.."
for ($num = 1 ; $num -le 10 ; $num++) {
$machineId = & 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\rpctool.exe' "info-get"
if (!$machineId) {
echo "Waiting 2 minutes and checking again."
Start-Sleep -s 120
echo "Machine ID found"
echo "machineId: $machineId"
if (!$machineId) {
echo "The installation cannot continue because the is not set."
exit 10
function Send-Error($error_code, $JWT_TOKEN)
$error_url = "{0}" -f $error_code
Invoke-WebRequest $error_url -Method POST -Headers @{'X-Auth-Token' = $JWT_TOKEN; 'instanceId' = $machineId;} -UseBasicParsing
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
echo "PowerShell version unsupported."
exit 10
$supported = @("2012", "2016", "2019")
$isServer = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -expand ProductType) -eq 3
$osName = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -expand Caption
$isVersionSupported = $null -ne ($supported | ? { $osName -match $_ })
$isSupported = ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) -and $isServer -and $isVersionSupported
if(-Not $isSupported) {
echo "Operating System version unsupported."
Send-Error $error_codes.OS_UNSUPPORTED $JWT_TOKEN
exit 10
$goss_access_url = "{0}" -f $machineId
try {
$access_job_response = Invoke-WebRequest $goss_access_url -Method POST -Headers @{'X-Auth-Token' = $JWT_TOKEN; 'Content-Type' = 'application/json'} -UseBasicParsing
} catch {
echo "Unable to create activation for ssm."
Send-Error $error_codes.UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE $JWT_TOKEN
exit 11
$job_location = $access_job_response.headers.Location
$status = "RUNNING"
$activation = $null
DO {
Start-Sleep -s 10
try {
$job_status_response = Invoke-WebRequest $job_location -Method GET -Headers @{'X-Auth-Token' = $JWT_TOKEN} -UseBasicParsing
} catch {
echo "Failed to get job status while getting activation for SSM"
exit 11
$job_json_response = ConvertFrom-Json $([String]::new($job_status_response.Content))
$cnt = $
if ($cnt -ne 1) {
echo "Unexpected response from job status while activating SSM."
Send-Error $error_codes.NO_JOB_FOUND $JWT_TOKEN
exit 11
$status = $[0].status
$activation = $[0].message
} While ($status -eq "RUNNING")
if ($status -ne "SUCCEEDED") {
echo "Failed to create an activation for SSM"
Send-Error $error_codes.UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE $JWT_TOKEN
exit 11
$activationcode = $activation.activation_code
$activationid = $activation.activation_id
$region = $activation.region
$dir = $env:TEMP + "\ssm"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dir -Force
cd $dir
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://amazon-ssm-$", $dir + "\AmazonSSMAgentSetup.exe")
Start-Process .\AmazonSSMAgentSetup.exe -ArgumentList @("/norestart", "/uninstall", "/q", "/log", "install.log") -Wait
Start-Process .\AmazonSSMAgentSetup.exe -ArgumentList @("/norestart", "/q", "/log", "install.log", "CODE=$activationcode", "ID=$activationid", "REGION=$region") -Wait
Get-Content ($env:ProgramData + "\Amazon\SSM\InstanceData\registration")
Get-Service -Name "AmazonSSMAgent"
cd $Env:ProgramFiles\Amazon\SSM
$output = .\ssm-cli.exe get-instance-information | ConvertFrom-Json
$managed_instance_id = $["instance-id"].value
echo "ssm_instance_id=$managed_instance_id"
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