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Last active May 10, 2022 21:44
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yt-dlp tracking errors example
# requires fish shell, moreutils
# usage:
# 1. Create files with the subreddits you want to archive, one subreddit per line:
# echo "Wellington" >> ~/mc/WellingtonFolder-reddit.txt
# or use `reddit-add WellingtonFolder Wellington`
# 2. Run `reddit-links-update WellingtonFolder` to scrape links
# 3. Run `reddit-get-videos WellingtonFolder` to start yt-dlp
function ytUREs
string replace --all "
" "|" "repetitive or misleading metadata
has already been recorded in the archive
ideo.*is private
Unable to extract cnn url
PornHd.*Unable to extract error message
You don't have permission to access this video.
Video is unavailable pending review
Video has been flagged for verification
This video has been disabled\$
The uploader has not made this video available.\$
This video is DRM protected
This video is protected by a password
This video requires payment to watch.\$
Unable to download webpage
dashboard-only post
This video is only available to Music Premium members
The policy key provided does not permit this account or video
live stream recording
nudity or sexual content
policy on harassment and bullying
stream.* is offline\$
: Video unavailable\$
does not exist.\$
has been removed\$
Premieres in.*hours\$
This clip is no longer available\$
No media found\$
No sources found for video
Video unavailable. This video is not available\$
Resource temporarily unavailable
This video is unavailable
Unsupported URL
URL could be a direct video link
not a valid URL
not a video\$
The page doesn't contain any tracks
removed by the uploader
blocked it on copyright grounds\$
uploader has closed their.*account
account has been terminated because we received multiple
policy on violent or graphic content\$
The channel does not have a .* tab\$
policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams\$
This video does not exist, or has been deleted.
Community Guidelines
Terms of Service
This channel does not exist
account associated with this video
This video doesn't exist.\$
Track not found\$
Not found.\$
Can't find object media for
o video formats found
o video in
o video on
certificate is not valid
HTTP Error 403: Forbidden\$
code -404
HTTP Error 404
HTTPError 404
HTTP Error 410
HTTPError 410"
function ytREs
string replace --all "
" "|" "due to geo restriction
HTTP Error 429
read operation timed out
Internal Server Error
Internal error encountered
Playlists that require authentication may not extract correctly without a successful webpage download
Main webpage is locked behind the login page
You need to log in to access this content
This video is only available for registered users
Could not send HEAD request
Unable to download JSON metadata
Failed to parse JSON Expecting
expected string or bytes-like object
in your country
Connection refused
giving up after.*retries
Failed to download MPD manifest:\$
not currently available\$
copyright claim"
# Ignored errors
# used for checking if there are new errors to catch
# grep -Ev (ytREs) ~/.jobs/ytdlp_errors.txt | grep -Ev (ytUREs) | grep -Ev (ytIEs)
function ytIEs
string replace --all "
" "|" "hidden
Fatal Python error
list index out of range
Extract.* cookies
File .*, line .*, in
Requested format is not available.
no suitable InfoExtractor for URL
No such file or directory
: Downloading webpage\$
: Extracting information\$
: Requesting header\$
Downloading .* metadata\$
Downloading .* information\$
Downloading .* manifest\$
Determining source extension\$
Downloading jwt token\$
Finished downloading playlist
The last 30x error message was:
Creating a generic title instead
The channel is not currently live
clips are not currently supported.
Join this channel to get access to members-only content
Confirm you are on the latest version using
referenced before assignment
field is missing or empty
list index out of range
Interrupted by user
unable to open for writing:
You might want to use a VPN or a proxy server
maximum recursion depth exceeded
object does not support item assignment
encodings are not supported
object has no attribute
Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
Falling back on generic
Some formats are possibly damaged
matching opening tag for closing p tag not found
the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not dict
The read operation timed out
Unable to recognize playlist.
Premieres in"
function reddit-get-videos --argument folder
cd ~/d/$folder/unsorted/
for url in (combine ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder not ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder | sort --unique --ignore-case --random-sort)
yt $url &| tee -a ~/.jobs/reddit/done/ytdlp/$folder | read -z ytout
if test -z "$ytout" -o $pipestatus[1] -eq 0
# no news is good news
echo "$url" >>"$error_archive"
else if echo "$ytout" | grep -qE (ytREs)
# RE matched
else if echo "$ytout" | grep -qE (ytUREs)
# URE matched
echo "$url" >>"$error_archive"
echo "$url"
echo "$ytout"
echo wtf is this ???
# reduce the size of ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
combine ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder not ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder | sponge ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
function reddit-get-photos --argument folder
cd ~/d/$folder/unsorted/
for url in (combine ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder not ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder | sort --unique --ignore-case --random-sort)
gallery-dl --quiet --download-archive $HOME/.local/share/gallerydl.sqlite3 $url
if test $status -eq 0 -o $status -eq 4 -o $status -eq 8
echo $url >>~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder
yt $url &| tee -a ~/.jobs/reddit/done/ytdlp/$folder | read -z ytout
if test -z "$ytout" -o $pipestatus[1] -eq 0
# no news is good news
echo "$url" >>"$error_archive"
else if echo "$ytout" | grep -qE (ytREs)
# RE matched
else if echo "$ytout" | grep -qE (ytUREs)
# URE matched
echo "$url" >>"$error_archive"
echo "$url"
echo "$ytout"
echo wtf is this ???
# reduce the size of ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
combine ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder not ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder | sponge ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
# you will need to create the initial done files for each of your folders:
for folder in WellingtonFolder 95_Inspiration 81_New_Music 71_Mealtime_Videos
touch ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder
function reddit-add --argument folder subr
set curatifile "~/mc/""$folder""-reddit.txt"
set dfolder ~/d/$folder/unsorted/
if not test (count $argv) -eq 2
return 5
if grep -qEix $subr $curatifile
return 1
if not test -d $dfolder
return 2
echo $subr >>$curatifile
reddit-links "$subr" | grep '^http' | sed -e 's|&list.*||' -e 's|\?list.*||' >>~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
function reddit-links
# maybe there is a better tool to do this?
# requires making some changes to the code
# see here before using:
cd ~/github/o/bulk-downloader-for-reddit/
. $(pipenv --venv)/bin/
python -m bdfr download bdfr/ --disable-module SelfPost -S top --subreddit $argv
python -m bdfr download bdfr/ --disable-module SelfPost -S top -t year --subreddit $argv
python -m bdfr download bdfr/ --disable-module SelfPost -S top -t month -L 400 --subreddit $argv
function reddit-links-update --argument folder
set curatifile "~/mc/""$folder""-reddit.txt"
set subr (cat $curatifile | string join ', ')
reddit-links "$subr" | grep '^http' | sed -e 's|&list.*||' -e 's|\?list.*||' -e 's|.*youtube.*results.*||' >>~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder
function redditstatus
for folder in ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/*
set folder (basename $folder)
printf '%s \t' $folder
combine ~/.jobs/reddit/todo/$folder not ~/.jobs/reddit/done/$folder | wc -l
function _ytdl
yt-dlp --quiet --cookies-from-browser firefox -i -o "%(uploader)s/%(title).200B [%(id)s].%(ext)s" \
--download-archive ~/.local/share/yt_archive.txt --retries 13 --extractor-retries 13 \
--reject-title "Trailer|Preview|Teaser|Promo|Live Stream|Crypto| Meetup| Montage|Bitcoin|Makeup|Apology|Clip" $argv
function ytdl
_ytdl --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --youtube-skip-hls-manifest $argv
or _ytdl $argv
function yt
ytdl -f bestvideo[height<=576]+bestaudio/best[height<=576] --write-sub --write-auto-sub \
--sub-lang en,EN,eng,ENG,en-gb,en-us,en-GB,en-US,EN-GB,EN-US,english,English,ENGLISH,en-CA,en-IE \
--sub-format srt/sub/ssa/vtt/ass/best -- $argv
complete -f -k -c reddit-links-update -c reddit-add -c reddit-get-sounds -c reddit-get-videos -c reddit-get-photos -a "(__fish_complete_directories ~/d/ DFOLDER | sed 's|/home/xk/d/\(.*\)/|\1|' )"
complete -f -k -c reddit-add -c reddit-get-sounds -c reddit-get-videos -c reddit-get-photos -a "(cat ~/mc/*reddit.txt)"
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