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Last active October 1, 2021 22:50
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Solving the N queens problem using Java. Implementing a verb-based approach utilizing fast built-in data structures.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class NQueens {
public static final int SIZE = 11;
// main
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
SolutionSaver s = new SolutionSaver();
Board b = new Board(SIZE);
long end = System.nanoTime();
long duration = end - start;
System.out.printf("Found %d solutions\n ", SolutionSaver.nSolutions() );
System.out.printf("Elapsed time %03f s\n ", (duration/1E9) );
/// Placing queens, column-by-column; place the queen in column col.
public static void explore(Board b, int col) {
if(col >= SIZE ) {
// We have reached the end.
// No conflicts so far means no conflicts period.
// Save solution in a static class, no instantiation overhead
SolutionSaver.saveSolution( b.toString() );
} else {
int[] attacked = b.getDiagAttacked(col);
int[] occupied = b.getOccupied(col);
for(int row=0; row<SIZE; row++) {
if(occupied[row]!=1 && attacked[row]!=1) {
}// done with base/recursive cases
class Board {
int[] queens; // Array to store where queens have been placed.
// The queens array has a length of board_size.
// Each element stores an integer between 1 and N.
// That indicates the row/column.
int[] occupiedrows; // Array to mark occupied rows.
// This is how we check for horizontal attacks.
public static int board_size;
public Board(int size) {
this.board_size = size;
this.queens = new int[size];
this.occupiedrows = new int[size];
* Get String representation of queen positions.
* This prints 8 numbers, corresponding to 8 columns.
* Each number is an integer, 1..(board_size-1), indicating
* the row of the queen on that particular column.
* All queens on first row would be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(this.queens);
/// Make the choice of putting a queen on row, col
public void choose(int row, int col) {
if( col < this.queens.length && row < this.occupiedrows.length ) {
this.queens[col] = row;
this.occupiedrows[row] = 1;
/// Unmake the choice of putting a queen on row, col
public void unchoose(int row, int col) {
if( col < this.queens.length && row < this.occupiedrows.length ) {
this.queens[col] = 0;
this.occupiedrows[row] = 0;
/// Get a list of occupied rows
public int[] getOccupied(int col) {
return this.occupiedrows;
/// Get a list of attacked diagonals
public int[] getDiagAttacked( int col ) {
// 1. Mark invalid squares on diagoonals of already-placed queens
// 2. For this column, loop over each row where it's legal to place a queen,
// and run backtracking on that choice. Then unmake the choice and keep going.
// Store invalid rows on other queens' diagonals
int[] diag = new int[this.board_size];
// Loop over all of the queens already placed (col-1)
for(int k = 0; k <= (col-1); k++ ) {
// We're gonig to place the next queen on col.
// Find which squares are on diagonals of queen k,
// and mark them as impossible.
// Lower right diag
int ix1 = this.queens[k] + col - k;
if(ix1 >= 0 && ix1 < this.board_size ) {
diag[ix1] = 1;
// Upper right diag
int ix2 = this.queens[k] - col + k;
if(ix2 >= 0 && ix2 < this.board_size ) {
diag[ix2] = 1;
return diag;
class SolutionSaver {
private static LinkedList<String> solutions;
public SolutionSaver() { = new LinkedList<String>();
public static void saveSolution(String serialized) {;
public static void printSolutions() {
int c = 0;
for( String sol : solutions ) {
System.out.printf("Solution %d: %s \n", c, sol);
public static int nSolutions() {
return solutions.size();
# Profile the N queens problem using Java Iteractive Profiler and HPROF
# JIP:
# Also see
# JIP (TLDR): download JIP source and look for profile/profile.jar
# HPROF (TLDR): built in to Java
export PATH2JIP="${HOME}/Downloads/jip-src-1.2"
for N in 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
echo "**************************************"
echo "Profiling $N queens problem with Java..."
# Update N
/usr/local/bin/sed -i "s/SIZE = [0-9]\{1,\}/SIZE = ${N}/g"
# Compile
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
echo "Profiling $N queens with JIP..."
java -javaagent:${PATH2JIP}/profile/profile.jar NQueens
mv profile.txt profile_${N}queens.txt
tail -n30 profile_${N}queens.txt
echo " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
echo "Profiling $N queens with HPROF..."
#java -agentlib:hprof NQueens
java -agentlib:hprof=verbose=n NQueens
#java -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples NQueens
mv java.hprof.txt hprof_${N}queens.txt
tail -n30 hprof_${N}queens.txt
export OUT="timeout_nqueens_java.out"
touch ${OUT}
cat /dev/null > ${OUT}
for N in 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
echo "**************************************" >> ${OUT}
echo "Running $N queens problem with Java..." >> ${OUT}
# Update N
/usr/local/bin/sed -i "s/SIZE = [0-9]\{1,\}/SIZE = ${N}/g"
# Compile
# Semicolon is important here
echo "Running..."
{ time java NQueens >> ${OUT}; } 2>> ${OUT}
echo "Done."
echo "" >> ${OUT}
Running 8 queens problem with Java...
Found 92 solutions
Elapsed time 0.003628 s
real 0m0.241s
user 0m0.158s
sys 0m0.052s
Running 9 queens problem with Java...
Found 352 solutions
Elapsed time 0.006709 s
real 0m0.201s
user 0m0.169s
sys 0m0.052s
Running 10 queens problem with Java...
Found 724 solutions
Elapsed time 0.017473 s
real 0m0.232s
user 0m0.197s
sys 0m0.054s
Running 11 queens problem with Java...
Found 2680 solutions
Elapsed time 0.061291 s
real 0m0.282s
user 0m0.270s
sys 0m0.068s
Running 12 queens problem with Java...
Found 14200 solutions
Elapsed time 0.240463 s
real 0m0.440s
user 0m0.480s
sys 0m0.088s
Running 13 queens problem with Java...
Found 73712 solutions
Elapsed time 1.113491 s
real 0m1.336s
user 0m1.328s
sys 0m0.163s
Running 14 queens problem with Java...
Found 365596 solutions
Elapsed time 6.557336 s
real 0m6.816s
user 0m6.977s
sys 0m0.452s
Running 15 queens problem with Java...
Found 2279184 solutions
Elapsed time 42.619426 s
real 0m42.937s
user 0m46.697s
sys 0m0.923s
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