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Last active September 22, 2017 16:54
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tmuxinator file for working on Neo4j.rb projects
# ~/.tmuxinator/neo4jrb.yml
name: neo4jrb
root: ~/github/neo4jrb
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
- export USE_LOCAL_CORE=true
- docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}' | grep 'neo4jrb_*' | xargs docker stop
- docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}' | grep 'neo4jrb_*' | xargs docker rm
- docker network create --driver=bridge neo4jrb_neo4j_network
- docker network create --driver=bridge neo4jrb_neo4j_core_network
- docker run -d --env NEO4J_AUTH=none --net=neo4jrb_neo4j_network --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_test_db neo4j:latest
- docker run -d --env NEO4J_AUTH=none --net=neo4jrb_neo4j_core_network --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_core_test_db neo4j:latest
- docker build ./neo4j -t neo4jrb_neo4j
- docker build ./neo4j-core -t neo4jrb_neo4j_core
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
# Specifies (by name or index) which window will be selected on project startup. If not set, the first window is used.
# startup_window: logs
# Controls whether the tmux session should be attached to automatically. Defaults to true.
# attach: false
# Runs after everything. Use it to attach to tmux with custom options etc.
# post: tmux -CC attach -t neo4jrb
- neo4j:
layout: main-vertical
root: ~/github/neo4jrb/neo4j
- "vim ."
- "docker run --rm -it --net=neo4jrb_neo4j_network --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_guard_rspec --env NEO4J_URL=http://neo4jrb_neo4j_test_db:7474 --env NEO4J_BOLT_URL=bolt://neo4jrb_neo4j_test_db:7687 neo4jrb_neo4j bundle exec guard -P rspec"
- "docker run --rm -it --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_guard_rubocop neo4jrb_neo4j bundle exec guard -P rubocop"
- neo4j_core:
layout: main-vertical
root: ~/github/neo4jrb/neo4j-core
- "vim ."
- "docker run --rm -it --net=neo4jrb_neo4j_core_network --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_core_guard_rspec --env NEO4J_URL=http://neo4jrb_neo4j_core_test_db:7474 --env NEO4J_BOLT_URL=bolt://neo4jrb_neo4j_core_test_db:7687 neo4jrb_neo4j_core bundle exec guard -P rspec"
- "docker run --rm -it --name=neo4jrb_neo4j_core_guard_rubocop neo4jrb_neo4j_core bundle exec guard -P rubocop"
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