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Last active January 9, 2022 16:49
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module Regex2 where
open import Function
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; trans; subst; sym)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec)
data Singleton {a} {A : Set a} (x : A) : Set a where
_with≡_ : (y : A) x ≡ y Singleton x
inspect : {a} {A : Set a} (x : A) Singleton x
inspect x = x with≡ refl
module Definition (A : Set) (semantic : A Set) (_≟_ : (x y : A) Dec (x ≡ y)) where
data RegExp : Set where
ε : RegExp
a : A RegExp
_⋃_ : RegExp RegExp RegExp
_∙_ : RegExp RegExp RegExp
_* : RegExp RegExp
RegExpType : RegExp Set
RegExpType ε =
RegExpType (a x) = semantic x
RegExpType (regex ⋃ regex₁) = RegExpType regex ⊎ RegExpType regex₁
RegExpType (regex ∙ regex₁) = RegExpType regex × RegExpType regex₁
RegExpType (regex *) = List (RegExpType regex)
Char : Set
Char = Σ A semantic
String : Set
String = List Char
data _‣_ : String RegExp Set where
empty : [] ‣ ε
symbol : {x : A} {y : semantic x} [( x , y )] ‣ a x
union₁ : {u : String} {e₁ e₂ : RegExp} u ‣ e₁ u ‣ (e₁ ⋃ e₂)
union₂ : {u : String} {e₁ e₂ : RegExp} u ‣ e₂ u ‣ (e₁ ⋃ e₂)
con : {u v : String} {e₁ e₂ : RegExp} u ‣ e₁ v ‣ e₂ (u ++ v) ‣ (e₁ ∙ e₂)
star0 : {e : RegExp} [] ‣ (e *)
star-cons : {u v : String} {e : RegExp} u ‣ e v ‣ (e *) (u ++ v) ‣ (e *)
generate : (regex : RegExp) RegExpType regex String
generate ε tt = []
generate (a x) s = [( x , s )]
generate (regex ⋃ regex₁) (inj₁ x) = generate regex x
generate (regex ⋃ regex₁) (inj₂ y) = generate regex₁ y
generate (regex ∙ regex₁) (fst , snd) = generate regex fst ++ generate regex₁ snd
generate (regex *) xs = concat ( (generate regex) xs)
generate-theorem : (regex : RegExp) (value : RegExpType regex) (generate regex value) ‣ regex
generate-theorem ε tt = empty
generate-theorem (a x) value = symbol
generate-theorem (regex ⋃ regex₁) (inj₁ x) = union₁ (generate-theorem regex x)
generate-theorem (regex ⋃ regex₁) (inj₂ y) = union₂ (generate-theorem regex₁ y)
generate-theorem (regex ∙ regex₁) (fst , snd) = con (generate-theorem regex fst) (generate-theorem regex₁ snd)
generate-theorem (regex *) [] = star0
generate-theorem (regex *) (x ∷ values) = star-cons (generate-theorem regex x) (generate-theorem (regex *) values)
data Pattern : (y : Set) Set₁ where
Reject : {y} Pattern y
Accept : {y} y Pattern y
Exact : (x : A) Pattern (semantic x)
Group : {a b c} (a × b c) Pattern a Pattern b Pattern c
Alt : {a b c} (a ⊎ b c) Pattern a Pattern b Pattern c
Star : {a} Pattern a Pattern (List a)
With : {a b} (a b) Pattern a Pattern b
pat : (regex : RegExp) Pattern (RegExpType regex)
pat ε = Accept tt
pat (a x) = Exact x
pat (regex ⋃ regex₁) = Alt id (pat regex) (pat regex₁)
pat (regex ∙ regex₁) = Group id (pat regex) (pat regex₁)
pat (regex *) = Star (pat regex)
-- Small combinator to erase sums whenever branches do not represent parse trees.
vanish : {a : Set} a ⊎ a a
vanish (inj₁ v) = v
vanish (inj₂ v) = v
-- Whether the pattern refers to a plain rejection.
rejected : {a} Pattern a -> Bool
rejected Reject = true
rejected (Accept x) = false
rejected (Exact _) = false
rejected (Group k f g) = rejected f
rejected (Alt k f g) = rejected f ∧ rejected g
rejected (Star f) = false
rejected (With h g) = rejected g
-- Removes catenation whenever accepted or rejected item is derived.
group : {a b c} ((a × b) c) Pattern a Pattern b Pattern c
group k Reject y = Reject
group k (Accept i) = With (λ(j) k (i , j))
group k (Exact x) = Group k (Exact x)
group k (Group f x' y') = Group k (Group f x' y')
group k (Alt f x' y') = Group k (Alt f x' y')
group k (Star x') = Group k (Star x')
group k (With f x') = Group (k ∘ Data.Product.map₁ f) x'
-- Rejection check that only checks one layer.
rejected₁ : {a} Pattern a Bool
rejected₁ Reject = true
rejected₁ (Accept x) = false
rejected₁ (Exact x) = false
rejected₁ (Group x x₁ x₂) = false
rejected₁ (Alt x x₁ x₂) = false
rejected₁ (Star x) = false
rejected₁ (With x x₁) = false
-- Removes alternation whenever either branch is clearly rejected.
alt : {a b c} (a ⊎ b c) Pattern a Pattern b Pattern c
alt k x y with rejected₁ x | rejected₁ y
alt k x y | false | false = Alt k x y
alt k x _ | false | true = With (k ∘ inj₁) x
alt k _ y | true | false = With (k ∘ inj₂) y
alt k _ _ | true | true = Reject
-- Produce a Brzozowski derivative with the given input symbol.
derive : {a} Pattern a Σ A semantic Pattern a
derive Reject v = Reject
derive (Accept _) v = Reject
derive (Exact x) v with x ≟ (proj₁ v)
... | Dec.yes refl = Accept (proj₂ v)
... | ¬p = Reject
derive (Group f x y) v with accept x
... | just x' = alt vanish (group f (derive x v) y) (With (λ(y') f (x' , y')) (derive y v))
... | nothing = group f (derive x v) y
derive (Alt f x y) v = alt f (derive x v) (derive y v)
derive (Star x) v = group (λ(x , xs) x ∷ xs) (derive x v) (Star x)
derive (With f x) v with derive x v
... | Reject = Reject
... | Accept x' = Accept (f x')
... | Exact x' = With f (Exact x')
... | Group f' x' y' = Group (f ∘ f') x' y'
... | Alt f' x' y' = Alt (f ∘ f') x' y'
... | Star x' = With f (Star x')
... | With f' x' = With (f ∘ f') x'
-- Tell whether pattern represents accepted value.
accept : {a} Pattern a Maybe a
accept Reject = nothing
accept (Accept x) = just x
accept (Exact x) = nothing
accept (Group f x y) with accept x | accept y
... | just x' | just y' = just (f (x' , y'))
... | just _ | nothing = nothing
... | nothing | _ = nothing
accept (Alt f x y) with accept x | accept y
... | just x' | _ = just (f (inj₁ x')) -- Resolve ambiguity to the left side.
... | nothing | just y' = just (f (inj₂ y'))
... | nothing | nothing = nothing
accept (Star x) = just []
accept (With f x) = f (accept x)
-- Determine whether pattern is ambiguous.
ambiguous : {a} Pattern a Bool
ambiguous Reject = false
ambiguous (Accept x) = false
ambiguous (Exact x) = false
ambiguous (Group f x y) with accept x | accept y
... | just x' | just y' = ambiguous x ∨ ambiguous y
... | just x' | nothing = false
... | nothing | _ = false
ambiguous (Alt f x y) with accept x | accept y
... | just _ | just _ = true
... | just _ | nothing = ambiguous x
... | nothing | just _ = ambiguous y
... | nothing | nothing = false
ambiguous (Star x) = false
ambiguous (With f x) = ambiguous x
parse : (regex : RegExp) String Maybe (RegExpType regex)
parse shape xs = accept (foldl derive (pat shape) xs)
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