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Created January 31, 2022 16:25
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from rpython.rlib.rstacklet import StackletThread
from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize
import core
class SThread(StackletThread):
def __init__(self, config):
StackletThread.__init__(self, config)
self.cont = None
def get_sthread():
ec = core.get_ec()
if not ec.sthread:
ec.sthread = SThread(ec.config)
return ec.sthread
# Continuation represents either live or empty continuation.
# It is never 'blank', assuming you call 'init' immediately after positioning the continuation.
class Continuation(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sthread = sthread = get_sthread()
self.h = sthread.get_null_handle()
self.gate = False
def is_empty(self):
return self.sthread.is_empty_handle(self.h) or not self.gate
def init(self, callback):
sthread = self.sthread
assert sthread.cont is None
sthread.cont = self
self.h =
def switch(self):
sthread = get_sthread()
assert not self.is_empty(), "not so fatal error: empty switch continuation"
self.h = sthread.switch(self.h)
def wrapped_callback(callback):
def _wrapped_callback(head, arg):
sthread = get_sthread()
this, sthread.cont = sthread.cont, None
this.h = head
this.gate = True
cont = callback(this)
assert not cont.is_empty(), "fatal error: empty return continuation"
cont.gate = False
return cont.h
_wrapped_callback.__name__ = callback.__name__
return _wrapped_callback
from rpython.rlib.rthread import ThreadLocalReference
from continuations import Continuation
class ExecutionContext:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.sthread = None
self.spawn_pool = []
self.running = []
self.scheduler = None # Start in scheduler.
class GlobalState:
ec = ThreadLocalReference(ExecutionContext, loop_invariant=True)
g = GlobalState()
def init_executioncontext(*args):
ec = ExecutionContext(*args)
def get_ec():
ec =
if isinstance(ec, ExecutionContext):
return ec
import os
os.write(2, "Threads don't support get_ec now.\n")
assert False, "failure"
import os
import core
import interpreter
import inference
from ukanren import (walk, Term, Var, Const, var_to_const, const_to_var,
eq, empty, fresh, disj, conj,
get_constraints, constraint)
import parser
@interpreter.proc("greeting", Term("1", []), [])
def greeting(arg):
os.write(1, "Hello\n")
class MicroModule(object):
def __init__(self):
self.entries = [greeting]
def lookup(self, name):
for entry in reversed(self.entries):
if == name:
return entry
def entry_point(config):
def __impl__(argv):
module = MicroModule()
if len(argv) == 2:
filename = argv[1]
fd =, os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
source =, 64000).decode('utf-8')
t = parser.Tokenizer(parser.Parser())
for char in source:
parser.read_char(t, char)
output = parser.read_done(t)
if output is None:
assert False
os.write(1, "success\n")
output = parser.file_to_list(output, [])
typedecls = parser.list_to_typedecls(output)
decls = parser.list_to_decls(output)
for name in typedecls:
os.write(1, name + " : " + typedecls[name].to_str() + "\n")
for name, uq, code in decls:
os.write(1, name + " !!! " + uq.to_str() + " !!! " + code.to_str() + "\n")
for name, uq, code in reversed(decls):
state = empty()
# handle self-references
type, state = fresh(state)
decl = interpreter.Declaration(module, name, None, type, [])
decl.body = interpreter.decl_to_code(uq, code, module)
expr = inference.InferCode(decl.body, [type], [])
if name in typedecls:
expr = conj(expr, eq(type, typedecls[name]))
nstates = expr.go(state)
if len(nstates) >= 1:
nstate = nstates[0]
table = {}
decl.type, table = var_to_const(walk(type, nstate.subst), table)
typename = decl.type.to_str()
os.write(1, name + " : " + typename)
sp = " <= "
for cnt in get_constraints(nstate):
cnt, table = var_to_const(walk(cnt, nstate.subst), table)
os.write(1, " %s%s" % (sp, cnt.to_str()))
sp = " ∧ "
os.write(1, "\n")
os.write(2, name + " not installed due to type error\n")
# dummy function to let inference engine figure out the pieces.
#func1 = [
# i.Op("split", [[i.Op("exch", [])], [i.Op("exch", [])]]),
# i.Op("cur", [[i.Op("exch", [])]]),
# i.Op("alt", [[i.Op("exch", [])], [i.Op("exch", [])]]),
# i.Op("make", [[i.Op("exch", [])], [i.Op("exch", [])], [i.Op("exch", [])]]),
# ]
#body = [i.Op("app", []), i.Op("exch", []), i.Op("split", [[greeting], []])]
#inp = Term("⊗", [Term("1", []),
# Term("⊸", [Term("1", []), Term("⊥", [])])])
#outp = Term("⊥", [])
main = module.lookup("main")
if main is None:
os.write(2, "main not installed\n")
return 1
state = empty()
table = {}
v = Term("+", [Term("1", []), Term("1", [])])
t, table, state = const_to_var(main.type, table, state)
expr = eq(v, t)
for cnr in main.constraints:
cnr, table, state = const_to_var(cnr, table, state)
expr = conj(expr, constraint(cnr))
nstates = expr.go(state)
if len(nstates) == 1:
nstate = nstates[0]
retarg, arg = interpreter.port()
interpreter.spawn(main.body, [arg], [], main)
if isinstance(retarg.value, interpreter.Choice):
if retarg.value.index:
os.write(1, "Success\n")
os.write(1, "Failure\n")
os.write(2, "'main' type does not match an entry point\n")
os.write(2, " %s\n" % t.to_str())
os.write(2, " %s\n" % v.to_str())
exit_status = 0
os.write(1, "Bye\n")
return exit_status
return __impl__
def target(driver, args):
driver.exe_name = "lever2"
return entry_point(driver.config), None
def force_config(config):
config.translation.continuation = True
config.translation.thread = True
if __name__=="__main__":
from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config
import sys
config = get_combined_translation_config(translating=True)
from ukanren import (walk, Term, Var, Const, Combinator, const_to_var,
eq, empty, fresh, disj, conj, tt, ff, constraint,
tensor, par, plus, band, ofc, que,
unit, zero, top, bot, dual)
import interpreter
from interpreter import (Id, Falsum, Par, Select, Qu, Unit, Tensor,
Case, Ofc, Cut, Ax, Call, Impossible)
class InferCode(Combinator):
def __init__(self, code, reg, args):
self.code = code
self.reg = reg
self.args = args
def go(self, state):
code = self.code
reg = self.reg
args = self.args
#import os
#os.write(2, "infer: " + code.to_str() + "\n")
if isinstance(code, Id):
return InferCode(code.body, reg, args).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Falsum):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
return conj(
eq(arg, bot),
InferCode(code.body, reg, args)).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Par):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
reg = reg + [x, y]
a = eq(arg, par(x, y))
b = InferCode(code.body, reg, args)
return conj(a, b).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Select):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
if code.which:
reg = reg + [y]
reg = reg + [x]
return conj(
eq(arg, plus(x, y)),
InferCode(code.body, reg, args)).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Qu):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
args = [x] + args
return conj(
eq(arg, que(x)),
InferCode(code.body, reg, args)).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Unit):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
return eq(arg, unit).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Tensor):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
reg = reg + [x, y]
return conj(
eq(arg, tensor(x, y)),
conj(InferCode(code.left, reg, args),
InferCode(code.right, reg, args))).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Case):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
reg1 = reg + [x]
reg2 = reg + [y]
return conj(
eq(arg, band(x, y)),
conj(InferCode(code.left, reg1, args),
InferCode(code.right, reg2, args))).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Ofc):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
x, state = fresh(state)
reg = [x]
return conj(
eq(arg, ofc(x)),
InferCode(code.body, reg, args)).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Cut):
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
reg = reg + [x, y]
return conj(
constraint(dual(x, y)),
conj(InferCode(code.left, reg, args),
InferCode(code.right, reg, args))).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Ax):
a = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.a)
b = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.b)
return constraint(dual(a, b)).go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Call):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
a, table, state = const_to_var(code.decl.type, {}, state)
expr = eq(arg, a)
for cnr in code.decl.constraints:
cnr, table, state = const_to_var(cnr, table, state)
expr = conj(expr, constraint(cnr))
return expr.go(state)
elif isinstance(code, Impossible):
arg = infer_lookup(reg, args, code.arg)
return eq(arg, top).go(state)
assert False, code
def infer_lookup(reg, args, arg):
if arg >= 0:
return reg[arg]
return args[~arg]
from rpython.rlib import rvmprof
import core
def decl_to_code(uq, term, module):
rig = [""]
args = []
top = bot = Id(None)
bot = uq_to_code(0, uq, rig, args, bot)
nq_to_code(term, rig, args, bot, module)
return top
def uq_to_code(reg, uq, rig, args, bot):
sig = uq.get_signature()
if len(uq.args) == 0:
if == "⊥":
bot.body = Falsum(reg, None)
bot = bot.body
rig[reg] =
elif sig == ";/2":
bot.body = Par(reg, None)
bot = bot.body
x = len(rig)
y = len(rig) + 1
bot = uq_to_code(x, uq.args[0], rig, args, bot)
bot = uq_to_code(y, uq.args[1], rig, args, bot)
elif sig == "?/1":
bot.body = Qu(reg, None)
bot = bot.body
args.insert(0, uq.args[0].name)
elif sig == "↑/1":
bot.body = Select(False, reg, None)
bot = bot.body
x = len(rig)
bot = uq_to_code(x, uq.args[0], rig, args, bot)
elif sig == "↓/1":
bot.body = Select(True, reg, None)
bot = bot.body
x = len(rig)
bot = uq_to_code(x, uq.args[0], rig, args, bot)
assert False
return bot
def nq_to_code(nq, rig, args, bot, module):
sig = nq.get_signature()
if sig == "unit/1":
arg = lookup(nq.args[0].name, rig, args)
bot.body = Unit(arg)
elif sig == "tensor/5":
uq1 = nq.args[0]
uq2 = nq.args[1]
src = lookup(nq.args[2].name, rig, args)
x = len(rig)
y = len(rig)+1
bot.body = Tensor(src, Id(None), Id(None))
bot = bot.body
rig1 = list(rig)
args1 = list(args)
bot1 = uq_to_code(x, uq1, rig1, args1, bot.left)
nq_to_code(nq.args[3], rig1, args1, bot1, module)
rig2 = list(rig)
args2 = list(args)
bot2 = uq_to_code(y, uq2, rig2, args2, bot.right)
nq_to_code(nq.args[4], rig2, args2, bot2, module)
elif sig == "case/5":
uq1 = nq.args[0]
uq2 = nq.args[1]
src = lookup(nq.args[2].name, rig, args)
x = len(rig)
bot.body = Case(src, Id(None), Id(None))
bot = bot.body
rig1 = list(rig)
args1 = list(args)
bot1 = uq_to_code(x, uq1, rig1, args1, bot.left)
nq_to_code(nq.args[3], rig1, args1, bot1, module)
rig2 = list(rig)
args2 = list(args)
bot2 = uq_to_code(x, uq2, rig2, args2, bot.right)
nq_to_code(nq.args[4], rig2, args2, bot2, module)
elif sig == "ofc/3":
uq = nq.args[0]
src = lookup(nq.args[1].name, rig, args)
subrig = [""]
bot.body = Ofc(src, None)
bot = uq_to_code(0, uq, subrig, args, bot.body)
nq_to_code(nq.args[2], subrig, args, bot, module)
elif sig == "cut/4":
uq1 = nq.args[0]
uq2 = nq.args[1]
x = len(rig)
y = len(rig)+1
bot.body = Cut(Id(None), Id(None))
bot = bot.body
rig1 = list(rig)
args1 = list(args)
bot1 = uq_to_code(x, uq1, rig1, args1, bot.left)
nq_to_code(nq.args[2], rig1, args1, bot1, module)
rig2 = list(rig)
args2 = list(args)
bot2 = uq_to_code(y, uq2, rig2, args2, bot.right)
nq_to_code(nq.args[3], rig2, args2, bot2, module)
elif sig == "ax/2":
a = lookup(nq.args[0].name, rig, args)
b = lookup(nq.args[1].name, rig, args)
bot.body = Ax(a, b)
elif sig == "call/2":
a = lookup(nq.args[1].name, rig, args)
bot.body = call = Call(nq.args[0].name, a)
decl = module.lookup(
assert decl is not None, ("not found %s" %
call.decl = decl
elif sig == "impossible/2":
a = lookup(nq.args[0].name, rig, args)
nargs = []
for arg in to_list(nq.args[1]):
nargs.append(lookup(, rig, args))
bot.body = Impossible(a, nargs)
#import os
#os.write(2, "weird signature %s\n" % sig)
assert False, sig
def lookup(name, rig, args):
#import os
#os.write(2, "name lookup %s\n" % name)
if name in rig:
#os.write(2, "name in rig %s\n" % name)
return rig.index(name)
if name in args:
#os.write(2, "name in args %s\n" % name)
return ~args.index(name)
assert False, ("no such variable %s" % name)
def to_list(term):
sig = term.get_signature()
#import os
#os.write(2, "list %s\n" % sig)
if sig == "[]/0":
return []
elif sig == "::/2":
lst = to_list(term.args[0])
return lst
assert False
class Code(object):
class Id(Code):
def __init__(self, body):
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "id " + self.body.to_str()
class Falsum(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, body): # ⊥
self.arg = arg
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "falsum %d %s" % (self.arg, self.body.to_str())
class Par(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, body): # b ; c
self.arg = arg
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "par %d %s" % (self.arg, self.body.to_str())
class Select(Code):
def __init__(self, which, arg, body): # b
self.which = which
self.arg = arg
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "select %d %s" % (self.arg, self.body.to_str())
class Qu(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, body): # ?a
self.arg = arg
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "qu %d %s" % (self.arg, self.body.to_str())
class Unit(Code):
def __init__(self, arg): # ⊤
self.arg = arg
def to_str(self):
return "unit %d" % self.arg
class Tensor(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, left, right): # b,c
self.arg = arg
self.left = left
self.right = right
def to_str(self):
return "tensor %d (%s ⊗ %s)" % (self.arg, self.left.to_str(), self.right.to_str())
class Case(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, left, right): # x|y
self.arg = arg
self.left = left
self.right = right
def to_str(self):
return "case %d (%s ⊓ %s)" % (self.arg, self.left.to_str(), self.right.to_str())
class Ofc(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, body): # x
self.arg = arg
self.body = body
def to_str(self):
return "ofc %d (%s)" % (self.arg, self.body.to_str())
class Cut(Code):
def __init__(self, left, right): # a,b
self.left = left
self.right = right
def to_str(self):
return "cut (%s ⊗ %s)" % (self.left.to_str(), self.right.to_str())
class Ax(Code):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def to_str(self):
return "ax (%d=%d)" % (self.a, self.b)
class Call(Code):
def __init__(self, name, arg): = name
self.arg = arg
self.decl = None
def to_str(self):
return "call (%d)" % (self.arg)
class Impossible(Code):
def __init__(self, arg, args):
self.arg = arg
self.args = args
def to_str(self):
return "impossible %d" % self.arg
# Procedures appear alone in code that's not typechecked.
class Procedure(Code):
def __init__(self, procedure):
self.procedure = procedure
def proc(name, type, constraints=[]):
def __impl__(fn):
body = Procedure(fn)
return Declaration(None, name, body, type, constraints)
return __impl__
def full_check(code):
rig = check(code, [1], 0)
assert rig == [0], rig
def check(code, rig, argc):
#import os
#os.write(2, "check: " + code.to_str() + "\n")
if isinstance(code, Id):
return check(code.body, rig, argc)
elif isinstance(code, Falsum):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
return check(code.body, rig, argc)
elif isinstance(code, Par):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
rig = check(code.body, rig, argc)
assert rig.pop() == 0, "right par"
assert rig.pop() == 0, "left par"
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Select):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
rig = check(code.body, rig, argc)
assert rig.pop() == 0
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Qu):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
return check(code.body, rig, argc+1)
elif isinstance(code, Unit):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Tensor):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
x = len(rig)
y = len(rig)+1
rig[x] = 1
rig = check(code.left, rig, argc)
assert rig[x] == 0
rig[y] = 1
rig = check(code.right, rig, argc)
assert rig.pop() == 0
assert rig.pop() == 0
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Case):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
x = len(rig)
rig1 = list(rig) + [1]
rig1 = check(code.left, rig1, argc)
for i in range(x, len(rig1)):
assert rig1[i] == 0
rig2 = list(rig) + [1]
rig2 = check(code.right, rig2, argc)
for i in range(x, len(rig2)):
assert rig2[i] == 0
assert rig1[0:x] == rig2[0:x], "case conflict"
return rig1[0:x]
elif isinstance(code, Ofc):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
rig1 = check(code.body, [1], argc)
assert rig1 == [0]
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Cut):
x = len(rig)
y = len(rig)+1
rig[x] = 1
rig = check(code.left, rig, argc)
assert rig[x] == 0
rig[y] = 1
rig = check(code.right, rig, argc)
assert rig.pop() == 0
assert rig.pop() == 0
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Ax):
decrement(rig, argc, code.a)
decrement(rig, argc, code.b)
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Call):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
return rig
elif isinstance(code, Impossible):
decrement(rig, argc, code.arg)
for arg in code.args:
decrement(rig, argc, arg)
return rig
assert False, code
def decrement(rig, argc, arg):
if 0 <= arg < len(rig):
if rig[arg] == 1:
rig[arg] = 0
assert False, "refers to variable already used in rig: %d" % arg
elif 0 <= ~arg < argc:
assert False, "arg outside rig"
class Arg(object):
class Declaration(Arg):
def __init__(self, module, name, body, type, constraints):
self.module = module = name
self.body = body
self.type = type
self.constraints = constraints
class Cons(Arg):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
assert isinstance(a, Port)
assert isinstance(b, Port)
class Choice(Arg):
def __init__(self, index, a):
self.index = index
self.a = a
assert isinstance(index, bool)
assert isinstance(a, Port)
class Copier(Arg):
def __init__(self, code, args):
self.code = code
self.args = args
class UnitValue(Arg):
unit = UnitValue()
def port():
a = Port()
b = Port()
a.side, b.side = b, a
return (a, b)
class Port(object):
def __init__(self):
self.side = None
self.value = None
self.waiting = None
def send(self, value):
self.side.value = value
if self.side.waiting:
ec = core.get_ec()
self.side.waiting = None
def recv(self):
if self.value is None:
ec = core.get_ec()
assert self.waiting is None
this = ec.scheduler # This is soon our continuation.
self.waiting = this
assert self.value is not None
return self.value
# The evaluator
# rvmprof stuff, to see if it wakes up continuations.
def get_declaration_name(decl):
return "py:%s" %
rvmprof.register_code_object_class(Declaration, get_declaration_name)
def get_code(code, reg, arg, declaration):
return declaration
@rvmprof.vmprof_execute_code("pypy", get_code, Arg)
def eval(code, reg, args, decl):
while isinstance(code, Code):
#import os
#os.write(2, "eval: " + code.to_str() + "\n")
if isinstance(code, Id):
code = code.body
elif isinstance(code, Falsum):
eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).send(unit)
code = code.body
elif isinstance(code, Par):
a, b = port()
c, d = port()
eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).send(Cons(b, d))
code = code.body
elif isinstance(code, Select):
a, b = port()
eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).send(Choice(code.which, b))
code = code.body
elif isinstance(code, Qu):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).recv()
assert isinstance(a, Copier)
args.insert(0, a)
code = code.body
elif isinstance(code, Unit):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg)
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Tensor):
cons = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).recv()
assert isinstance(cons, Cons)
spawn(code.left, reg, args, decl)
spawn(code.right, reg, args, decl)
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Case):
choice = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg).recv()
assert isinstance(choice, Choice)
if choice.index:
code = code.right
code = code.left
elif isinstance(code, Ofc):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg)
a.send(Copier(code, args))
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Cut):
a, b = port()
spawn(code.left, reg, args, decl)
spawn(code.right, reg, args, decl)
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Ax):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.a)
b = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.b)
if a.value is not None:
elif b.value is not None:
c = a.side
d = b.side
c.side, d.side = d, c
a.side, b.side = b, a
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Call):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, code.arg)
spawn(code.decl.body, [a], [], code.decl)
code = None
elif isinstance(code, Impossible):
assert False, "impossible to reach"
elif isinstance(code, Procedure):
a = eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, 0)
code = None
assert False, "options exhausted"
assert code is None, "not none"
def eval_lookup(reg, args, decl, arg):
if arg >= 0:
return reg[arg]
copier = args[~arg]
narg, marg = port()
spawn(copier.code, [marg], copier.args, decl)
return narg
def spawn(code, reg, args, decl):
ec = core.get_ec()
ec.spawn_pool.append((code, reg, args, decl))
def launch_new_continuation(cont):
ec = core.get_ec()
code, reg, args, decl = ec.spawn_pool.pop()
eval(code, reg, args, decl)
return cont
def scheduler_main_loop():
ec = core.get_ec()
while len(ec.running) + len(ec.spawn_pool) > 0:
if len(ec.spawn_pool) > 0:
ec.scheduler = cont = core.Continuation()
if len(ec.running) > 0:
ec.scheduler = cont = ec.running.pop(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ukanren
from ukanren import Term
def file_to_list(term, output):
if == "__":
output = file_to_list(term.args[0], output)
return output
if == "[]":
return output
assert False
def list_to_typedecls(filelist):
output = {}
for term in filelist:
if == "typedecl":
output[term.args[0].name] = term.args[1]
return output
def list_to_decls(filelist):
output = []
for term in filelist:
if == "decl":
output.append((term.args[0].name, term.args[1], term.args[2]))
return output
# lexemes id
# top: file
# file: file stmt
# file:
# stmt: id ":" dot
# stmt: id uq code
# dot: pop "." dot
# | pop
# pop: plus "&" pop
# | plus
# plus: par "+" plus
# | par
# par: tensor "⅋" par
# | tensor
# tensor: shout "⊗" tensor
# | shout
# shout: "!" shout
# | call
# call: call "(" dot ")"
# | "(" dot ")"
# | id
# code: uq "→" id code
# | "(" "→" id ")" # unit
# | id "(" id ")" # call
# | id "=" id # axiom
# | "(" uq "," uq "→" id ")" code "⊗" code # tensor
# | "(" uq "⊓" uq "→" id ")" code "⊓" code # case
# | "(" "!" uq "→" id ")" code # ofc
# | "(" uq "=" uq ")" code "⊗" code # cut
# | "impossible" id "(" ids ")" # impossible
# ids:
# ids: ids id
# uq: uq1 ";" uq
# | uq1
# uq1: uq2
# | "↑" uq1
# | "↓" uq1
# uq2: id
# | "?" id
# | "(" uq ")"
state = [ { u'': (1, 3), u'file': (0, 2), u'id': (1, 3), u'top': (0, 1)},
{ u'': (1, 0)},
{ u'': (1, 1), u'id': (0, 4), u'stmt': (0, 3)},
{ u'': (1, 2), u'id': (1, 2)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'":"': (0, 9),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 8),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq1': (0, 14),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'id': (0, 15)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 16),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 18),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'dot': (0, 31),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 28),
u'pop': (0, 26),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'"("': (1, 33),
u'")"': (1, 33),
u'","': (1, 33),
u'";"': (0, 32),
u'"="': (1, 33),
u'"?"': (1, 33),
u'"impossible"': (1, 33),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 33),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 33),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 33),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 33),
u'id': (1, 33)},
{ u'"("': (1, 34),
u'")"': (1, 34),
u'","': (1, 34),
u'";"': (1, 34),
u'"="': (1, 34),
u'"?"': (1, 34),
u'"impossible"': (1, 34),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 34),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 34),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 34),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 34),
u'id': (1, 34)},
{ u'"("': (1, 37),
u'")"': (1, 37),
u'","': (1, 37),
u'";"': (1, 37),
u'"="': (1, 37),
u'"?"': (1, 37),
u'"impossible"': (1, 37),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 37),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 37),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 37),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 37),
u'id': (1, 37)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq1': (0, 33),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (1, 35),
u'")"': (1, 35),
u'","': (1, 35),
u'";"': (1, 35),
u'"="': (1, 35),
u'"?"': (1, 35),
u'"impossible"': (1, 35),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 35),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 35),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 35),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 35),
u'id': (1, 35)},
{ u'"("': (1, 38),
u'")"': (1, 38),
u'","': (1, 38),
u'";"': (1, 38),
u'"="': (1, 38),
u'"?"': (1, 38),
u'"impossible"': (1, 38),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 38),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 38),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 38),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 38),
u'id': (1, 38)},
{ u'")"': (0, 34)},
{ u'id': (0, 35)},
{ u'': (1, 5), u'id': (1, 5)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 38),
u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2192"': (0, 37),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 36),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"\u2192"': (0, 39)},
{ u'"("': (0, 41), u'";"': (1, 37), u'"="': (0, 40)},
{ u'': (1, 11),
u'"&"': (1, 11),
u'")"': (1, 11),
u'"+"': (0, 42),
u'"."': (1, 11),
u'id': (1, 11)},
{ u'': (1, 13),
u'"&"': (1, 13),
u'")"': (1, 13),
u'"+"': (1, 13),
u'"."': (1, 13),
u'"\u214b"': (0, 43),
u'id': (1, 13)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'shout': (0, 44)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'dot': (0, 45),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 28),
u'pop': (0, 26),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'': (1, 7), u'")"': (1, 7), u'"."': (0, 46), u'id': (1, 7)},
{ u'': (1, 15),
u'"&"': (1, 15),
u'")"': (1, 15),
u'"+"': (1, 15),
u'"."': (1, 15),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 15),
u'"\u2297"': (0, 47),
u'id': (1, 15)},
{ u'': (1, 9),
u'"&"': (0, 48),
u'")"': (1, 9),
u'"."': (1, 9),
u'id': (1, 9)},
{ u'': (1, 17),
u'"&"': (1, 17),
u'"("': (0, 49),
u'")"': (1, 17),
u'"+"': (1, 17),
u'"."': (1, 17),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 17),
u'"\u2297"': (1, 17),
u'id': (1, 17)},
{ u'': (1, 20),
u'"&"': (1, 20),
u'"("': (1, 20),
u'")"': (1, 20),
u'"+"': (1, 20),
u'"."': (1, 20),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 20),
u'"\u2297"': (1, 20),
u'id': (1, 20)},
{ u'': (1, 4), u'id': (1, 4)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 50),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (1, 36),
u'")"': (1, 36),
u'","': (1, 36),
u'";"': (1, 36),
u'"="': (1, 36),
u'"?"': (1, 36),
u'"impossible"': (1, 36),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 36),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 36),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 36),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 36),
u'id': (1, 36)},
{ u'"("': (1, 39),
u'")"': (1, 39),
u'","': (1, 39),
u'";"': (1, 39),
u'"="': (1, 39),
u'"?"': (1, 39),
u'"impossible"': (1, 39),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 39),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 39),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 39),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 39),
u'id': (1, 39)},
{ u'"("': (0, 51)},
{ u'")"': (0, 34), u'","': (0, 54), u'"="': (0, 52), u'"\u2293"': (0, 53)},
{ u'id': (0, 55)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 56),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'id': (0, 57)},
{ u'id': (0, 58)},
{ u'id': (0, 59)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 60),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 61),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'': (1, 16),
u'"&"': (1, 16),
u'")"': (1, 16),
u'"+"': (1, 16),
u'"."': (1, 16),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 16),
u'"\u2297"': (1, 16),
u'id': (1, 16)},
{ u'")"': (0, 62)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'dot': (0, 63),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 28),
u'pop': (0, 26),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 64)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 28),
u'pop': (0, 65),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'"!"': (0, 24),
u'"("': (0, 25),
u'call': (0, 29),
u'dot': (0, 66),
u'id': (0, 30),
u'par': (0, 22),
u'plus': (0, 28),
u'pop': (0, 26),
u'shout': (0, 27),
u'tensor': (0, 23)},
{ u'"("': (1, 32),
u'")"': (1, 32),
u'","': (1, 32),
u'"="': (1, 32),
u'"?"': (1, 32),
u'"impossible"': (1, 32),
u'"\u2191"': (1, 32),
u'"\u2192"': (1, 32),
u'"\u2193"': (1, 32),
u'"\u2293"': (1, 32),
u'id': (1, 32)},
{ u'")"': (1, 30), u'id': (1, 30), u'ids': (0, 67)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 68),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 69),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 7),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'id': (0, 12),
u'uq': (0, 70),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'")"': (0, 71)},
{ u'"\u2192"': (0, 72)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 73),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'': (1, 24), u'"\u2293"': (1, 24), u'"\u2297"': (1, 24), u'id': (1, 24)},
{ u'")"': (0, 74)},
{ u'': (1, 10),
u'"&"': (1, 10),
u'")"': (1, 10),
u'"."': (1, 10),
u'id': (1, 10)},
{ u'': (1, 12),
u'"&"': (1, 12),
u'")"': (1, 12),
u'"+"': (1, 12),
u'"."': (1, 12),
u'id': (1, 12)},
{ u'': (1, 19),
u'"&"': (1, 19),
u'"("': (1, 19),
u'")"': (1, 19),
u'"+"': (1, 19),
u'"."': (1, 19),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 19),
u'"\u2297"': (1, 19),
u'id': (1, 19)},
{ u'': (1, 6), u'")"': (1, 6), u'id': (1, 6)},
{ u'': (1, 14),
u'"&"': (1, 14),
u'")"': (1, 14),
u'"+"': (1, 14),
u'"."': (1, 14),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 14),
u'id': (1, 14)},
{ u'': (1, 8), u'")"': (1, 8), u'"."': (1, 8), u'id': (1, 8)},
{ u'")"': (0, 75)},
{ u'")"': (0, 76), u'id': (0, 77)},
{ u'")"': (0, 78)},
{ u'"\u2192"': (0, 79)},
{ u'"\u2192"': (0, 80)},
{ u'': (1, 22), u'"\u2293"': (1, 22), u'"\u2297"': (1, 22), u'id': (1, 22)},
{ u'id': (0, 81)},
{ u'': (1, 21), u'"\u2293"': (1, 21), u'"\u2297"': (1, 21), u'id': (1, 21)},
{ u'': (1, 23), u'"\u2293"': (1, 23), u'"\u2297"': (1, 23), u'id': (1, 23)},
{ u'': (1, 18),
u'"&"': (1, 18),
u'"("': (1, 18),
u'")"': (1, 18),
u'"+"': (1, 18),
u'"."': (1, 18),
u'"\u214b"': (1, 18),
u'"\u2297"': (1, 18),
u'id': (1, 18)},
{ u'': (1, 29), u'"\u2293"': (1, 29), u'"\u2297"': (1, 29), u'id': (1, 29)},
{ u'")"': (1, 31), u'id': (1, 31)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 82),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'id': (0, 83)},
{ u'id': (0, 84)},
{ u'")"': (0, 85)},
{ u'"\u2297"': (0, 86)},
{ u'")"': (0, 87)},
{ u'")"': (0, 88)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 89),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 90),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 91),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 92),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'': (1, 27), u'"\u2293"': (1, 27), u'"\u2297"': (1, 27), u'id': (1, 27)},
{ u'': (1, 28), u'"\u2293"': (1, 28), u'"\u2297"': (1, 28), u'id': (1, 28)},
{ u'"\u2293"': (0, 93)},
{ u'"\u2297"': (0, 94)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 95),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'"("': (0, 19),
u'"?"': (0, 6),
u'"impossible"': (0, 17),
u'"\u2191"': (0, 5),
u'"\u2193"': (0, 13),
u'code': (0, 96),
u'id': (0, 21),
u'uq': (0, 20),
u'uq1': (0, 10),
u'uq2': (0, 11)},
{ u'': (1, 26), u'"\u2293"': (1, 26), u'"\u2297"': (1, 26), u'id': (1, 26)},
{ u'': (1, 25), u'"\u2293"': (1, 25), u'"\u2297"': (1, 25), u'id': (1, 25)}]
rstate = [ (u'', 1),
(u'top', 1),
(u'file', 2),
(u'file', 0),
(u'stmt', 3),
(u'stmt', 3),
(u'dot', 3),
(u'dot', 1),
(u'pop', 3),
(u'pop', 1),
(u'plus', 3),
(u'plus', 1),
(u'par', 3),
(u'par', 1),
(u'tensor', 3),
(u'tensor', 1),
(u'shout', 2),
(u'shout', 1),
(u'call', 4),
(u'call', 3),
(u'call', 1),
(u'code', 4),
(u'code', 4),
(u'code', 4),
(u'code', 3),
(u'code', 10),
(u'code', 10),
(u'code', 7),
(u'code', 8),
(u'code', 5),
(u'ids', 0),
(u'ids', 2),
(u'uq', 3),
(u'uq', 1),
(u'uq1', 1),
(u'uq1', 2),
(u'uq1', 2),
(u'uq2', 1),
(u'uq2', 2),
(u'uq2', 3)]
keywords = [ u'!',
def get_action(top, sym):
return state[top][sym]
class Tokenizer(object):
def __init__(self, parser):
self.state = 0
self.text = u""
self.parser = parser
class Parser(object):
def __init__(self):
self.stack = [] = 0
self.output = None
def step(self, name, value):
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
self.output = None
if name == u'"⊥"':
return self.step(u"id", value)
#import os
#os.write(2, "debug: " + name.encode('utf-8') + ": " + value.encode('utf-8') + "\n")
arg = get_action(, name)
while arg[0] == 1:
lhs, count = rstate[arg[1]]
objects = []
for _ in range(count):, obj = self.stack.pop()
robject = reduction(arg[1], objects)
if lhs == u"":
self.stack = [] = 0
self.output = robject
arg = state[][lhs]
assert arg[0] != 1
self.stack.append((, robject)) = arg[1]
arg = get_action(, name)
self.stack.append((, ukanren.Term(value.encode('utf-8'), []))) = arg[1]
def reduction(rule, args):
#import os
#os.write(2, "debug-reduction: %d %s/%d\n" % (rule, rstate[rule][0].encode('utf-8'), rstate[rule][1]))
if rule == 0: # top
return args[0]
if rule == 1: # top → file
return args[0]
if rule == 2: # file → file stmt
return Term("__", args)
if rule == 3: # | ()
return Term("[]", [])
if rule == 4: # stmt → id : dot
return Term("typedecl", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 5: # stmt: id uq code
return Term("decl", [args[0], args[1], args[2]])
if rule == 6: # dot → pop . dot
return Term(".", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 7: # | pop
return args[0]
if rule == 8: # pop → plus & pop
return Term("&", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 9: # | plus
return args[0]
if rule == 10: # plus: par "+" plus
return Term("+", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 11: # | par
return args[0]
if rule == 12: # par: tensor "⅋" par
return Term("⅋", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 13: # | tensor
return args[0]
if rule == 14: # tensor → shout ⊗ tensor
return Term("⊗", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 15: # | shout
return args[0]
if rule == 16: # shout → ! shout
return Term("!", [args[1]])
if rule == 17: # | call
term = args[0]
if len(term.args) == 0 and"$"):
digits =[1:len(]
if digits.isdigit():
return ukanren.Const(int(digits))
return term
if rule == 18: # call → call ( dot )
return args[0]
if rule == 19: # | ( dot )
return args[1]
if rule == 20: # | id
return args[0]
if rule == 21: # code: uq "→" id code
return Term("U", [args[0], args[2], args[3]])
if rule == 22: # | "(" "→" id ")"
return Term("unit", [args[2]])
if rule == 23: # | id "(" id ")"
return Term("call", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 24: # | id "=" id
return Term("ax", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 25: # | "(" uq "," uq "→" id ")" code "⊗" code
return Term("tensor", [args[1], args[3], args[5], args[7], args[9]])
if rule == 26: # | "(" uq "⊓" uq "→" id ")" code "⊓" code
return Term("case", [args[1], args[3], args[5], args[7], args[9]])
if rule == 27: # | "(" "!" uq "→" id ")" code
return Term("ofc", [args[2], args[4], args[6]])
if rule == 28: # | "(" uq "=" uq ")" code "⊗" code
return Term("cut", [args[1], args[3], args[5], args[7]])
if rule == 29: # | "impossible" id "(" ids ")"
return Term("impossible", [args[1], args[3]])
if rule == 30: # ids:
return Term("[]", [])
if rule == 31: # ids: ids id
return Term("::", [args[0], args[1]])
if rule == 32: # uq: uq1 ";" uq
return Term(";", [args[0], args[2]])
if rule == 33: # | uq1
return args[0]
if rule == 34: # uq1: uq2
return args[0]
if rule == 35: # | "↑" uq1
return Term("↑", [args[1]])
if rule == 36: # | "↓" uq1
return Term("↓", [args[1]])
if rule == 37: # uq2: id
return args[0]
if rule == 38: # | "?" id
return Term("?", [args[1]])
if rule == 39: # | "(" uq ")"
return args[1]
assert False
def step_text(t):
if t.text in keywords:
t.parser.step(u'"' + t.text + u'"', t.text)
t.parser.step(u"id", t.text)
t.text = u""
t.state = 0
def read_char(t, char):
assert isinstance(char, unicode)
#import os
#os.write(2, "debug-char: " + char.encode('utf-8') + "\n")
if t.state == 0:
if char in [u" ", u"\t", u"\n"]:
t.state = 0
elif char == u'#':
t.state = 20
elif char == u"⊗" or char == u"⊸":
t.parser.step(u'"' + char + u'"', char)
elif char in keywords:
t.parser.step(u'"' + char + u'"', char)
t.text += char
t.state = 1
elif t.state == 1: # retrieving characters.
if char in [u" ", u"\t", u"\n"]:
elif char == u'#':
t.state = 20
elif char == u"⊗" or char == u"⊸":
t.parser.step(u'"' + char + u'"', char)
elif char in keywords:
t.parser.step(u'"' + char + u'"', char)
t.text += char
t.state = 1
elif t.state == 20:
if char == u"\n":
t.state = 0
t.state = 20
raise ReadError(char)
def read_done(t):
if t.state == 1:
t.parser.step(u"id", t.text)
t.state = 0
t.parser.step(u"", u"")
return t.parser.output
class ReadError(Exception):
def __init__(self, char):
self.char = char
def rep(self):
return "When trying to read char 0x%x" % (ord(self.char))
def to_digit(char):
return ord(char) - ord('0')
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
class TermOrVar(object):
def to_str(self, rbp=0):
assert False
class Term(TermOrVar):
def __init__(self, name, args): = name
self.args = args
for arg in args:
assert isinstance(arg, TermOrVar)
def to_str(self, rbp=0):
sig = self.get_signature()
if rbp > get_rbp(sig):
return "(" + self.to_str() + ")"
elif len(self.args) == 0:
elif sig == "./2":
a = self.args[0].to_str(11)
b = self.args[1].to_str(10)
return a + " " + + " " + b
elif sig == "⊸/2":
a = self.args[0].to_str(21)
b = self.args[1].to_str(20)
return a + " " + + " " + b
elif sig == "+/2":
a = self.args[0].to_str(31)
b = self.args[1].to_str(30)
return a + " " + + " " + b
elif sig == "⅋/2":
a = self.args[0].to_str(36)
b = self.args[1].to_str(35)
return a + " " + + " " + b
elif sig == "⊗/2":
a = self.args[0].to_str(41)
b = self.args[1].to_str(40)
return a + " " + + " " + b
elif sig == "!/1":
a = self.args[0].to_str(51)
return + a
args = ""
sp = " "
for arg in self.args:
args += sp + "(" + arg.to_str() + ")"
sp = " "
return + args
def get_signature(self):
return + "/" + str(len(self.args))
def get_rbp(sig):
if sig == "./2":
return 10
if sig == "⊸/2":
return 20
if sig == "+/2":
return 30
if sig == "⅋/2":
return 35
if sig == "⊗/2":
return 40
if sig == "!/1":
return 50
return 60
class Var(TermOrVar):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def to_str(self, rbp=0):
return "#" + str(self.key)
class Const(TermOrVar):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def to_str(self, rbp=0):
return "$" + str(self.key)
# Pattern hole for constraint handling rule patterns.
class Hole(TermOrVar):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def to_str(self, rbp=0):
return "$HOLE{" + str(self.key) + "}"
class Storage:
def __init__(self, rules, subst, nextvar, constraints, nextcid, notes, killed, hist):
self.rules = rules
self.subst = subst
self.nextvar = nextvar
self.constraints = constraints
self.nextcid = nextcid
self.notes = notes
self.killed = killed
self.hist = hist
default_rules = [] # Filled later.
def empty(rules=default_rules):
return Storage(
rules = rules,
subst = {},
nextvar = 0,
constraints = {},
nextcid = 0,
notes = {},
killed = {},
hist = {})
def copy_constraints(constraints):
nconstraints = {}
for sig, table in constraints.items():
nconstraints[sig] = table.copy()
return nconstraints
def copy_notes(notes):
nnotes = {}
for key, table in notes.items():
nnotes[key] = table.copy()
return nnotes
class Constraint(object):
def __init__(self, term, id):
self.term = term = id
def to_str(self):
return self.term.to_str() + "#" + str(
class frozenlist(object):
def __init__(self, list):
self.list = list
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.list)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.list)
def make_constraint(term, state):
assert isinstance(term, Term)
c = Constraint(walk(term, state.subst), state.nextcid)
state = Storage(state.rules,
return reactivate(c, state)
def get_constraints(state):
out = []
for table in state.constraints.itervalues():
for c in table.itervalues():
return out
def alive(c, state):
if in state.killed:
return False
return True
# We won't access constraints outside our scope.
#table = state.constraints.get(c.term.get_signature(), None)
#if table is not None:
# if in table:
# return True
#return False
def kill(c, state):
state = Storage(state.rules,
state.killed[] = c
#import os
#os.write(1, "kill %s\n" % c.to_str())
return state
def suspend(c, state):
killed = state.killed
state = Storage(state.rules,
if not in killed:
add_notes(c.term, state, c)
table = state.constraints.get(c.term.get_signature(), None)
if table is None:
state.constraints[c.term.get_signature()] = table = {}
table[] = c
if len(killed) > 0: # Clean propagation history
state.hist = state.hist.copy()
for entry in state.hist.keys():
remove = False
for i in entry:
remove |= (i in killed)
if remove:
state.hist.pop(entry, None)
for k in killed.itervalues():
table = state.constraints.get(k.term.get_signature(), None)
if table is not None:
table.pop(, None)
return state
def add_notes(term, state, c):
if isinstance(term, Var):
notes = state.notes
wakeups = notes.get(term.key, None)
if wakeups is None:
notes[term.key] = wakeups = {}
wakeups[] = c
elif isinstance(term, Term):
for arg in term.args:
add_notes(arg, state, c)
def var_to_const(term, table):
if isinstance(term, Var) or isinstance(term, Const):
new_const = table.get(term.to_str(), None)
if new_const is None:
new_const = table[term.to_str()] = Const(len(table))
return new_const, table
elif isinstance(term, Term):
nargs = []
for arg in term.args:
narg, table = var_to_const(arg, table)
return Term(, nargs), table
assert False
def const_to_var(term, table, state):
if isinstance(term, Var): # The namespace entries may contain variables.
return term, table, state
elif isinstance(term, Const):
new_var = table.get(term.key, None)
if new_var is None:
var, state = fresh(state)
new_var = table[term.key] = var
return new_var, table, state
elif isinstance(term, Term):
nargs = []
for arg in term.args:
narg, table, state = const_to_var(arg, table, state)
return Term(, nargs), table, state
assert False
def walk(term, subst):
if isinstance(term, Var):
val = subst.get(term.key, None)
if val is None:
return term
return walk(val, subst)
elif isinstance(term, Term):
nargs = []
for arg in term.args:
nargs.append(walk(arg, subst))
return Term(, nargs)
elif isinstance(term, Const):
return term
assert False, term.to_str()
def extS(key, term, state):
if occurs(key, term, state.subst):
return None
nnotes = state.notes
nsubst = state.subst.copy()
nsubst[key] = term
if key in state.notes:
nnotes = copy_notes(state.notes)
wakeups = nnotes.pop(key)
wakeups = {}
state = Storage(state.rules,
states = [state]
if len(wakeups) > 0:
state.constraints = copy_constraints(state.constraints)
# When waking up constraints, ideally we want to replicate
# the situation when they were added the first time.
for c in wakeups.values():
state.constraints[c.term.get_signature()].pop(, None)
for c in wakeups.values():
nstates = []
for state in states:
if not alive(c, state):
sts = reactivate(Constraint(walk(c.term, state.subst),, state)
states = nstates
return states
def fresh(state):
v = Var(state.nextvar)
nstate = Storage(state.rules,
return (v, nstate)
class Combinator:
def go(self, state):
assert False
class eq(Combinator):
def __init__(self, t1, t2):
self.t1 = t1
self.t2 = t2
def go(self, state):
#import os
#t1s = walk(self.t1, state.subst).to_str()
#t2s = walk(self.t2, state.subst).to_str()
#os.write(2, "%s = %s\n" % (t1s, t2s))
res = unify(self.t1, self.t2, state)
if len(res) == 0:
#import os
#os.write(1, "fail\n")
#for key, term in state.subst.items():
# os.write(1, "%d = %s\n" % (key, walk(term,state.subst).to_str()))
return []
return res
def unify(t1, t2, state):
t1 = walk(t1, state.subst)
t2 = walk(t2, state.subst)
#import os
#os.write(1, t1.to_str() + " == " + t2.to_str() + "\n")
if isinstance(t1, Var) and isinstance(t2, Var) and t1.key == t2.key:
return [state]
elif isinstance(t1, Var):
return extS(t1.key, t2, state)
elif isinstance(t2, Var):
return extS(t2.key, t1, state)
elif isinstance(t1, Term) and isinstance(t2, Term):
if == and len(t1.args) == len(t2.args):
states = [state]
for i in range(0, len(t1.args)):
nstates = []
for state in states:
states = unify(t1.args[i], t2.args[i], state)
states = nstates
return states
return []
elif isinstance(t1, Const) and isinstance(t2, Const):
if t1.key == t2.key:
return [state]
return []
assert False
def occurs(key, term, subst):
term = walk(term, subst)
if isinstance(term, Var):
return term.key == key
elif isinstance(term, Term):
for arg in term.args:
if occurs(key, arg, subst):
return True
return False
elif isinstance(term, Const):
return False
assert False
class Unit(Combinator):
def go(self, state):
return [state]
class Fail(Combinator):
def go(self, state):
return []
tt = Unit()
ff = Fail()
class disj(Combinator):
def __init__(self, g1, g2):
assert isinstance(g1, Combinator)
assert isinstance(g2, Combinator)
self.g1 = g1
self.g2 = g2
def go(self, state):
return self.g1.go(state) + self.g2.go(state)
class conj(Combinator):
def __init__(self, g1, g2):
assert isinstance(g1, Combinator)
assert isinstance(g2, Combinator)
self.g1 = g1
self.g2 = g2
def go(self, state):
res = []
for nstate in self.g1.go(state):
return res
class constraint(Combinator):
def __init__(self, term):
assert isinstance(term, Term)
self.term = term
def go(self, state):
return make_constraint(self.term, state)
def match(term, pattern, table):
if isinstance(term, Var) and isinstance(pattern, Var):
if term.key == pattern.key:
return table
elif isinstance(pattern, Hole):
other = table.get(pattern.key, None)
if other is None:
table = table.copy()
table[pattern.key] = term
return table
return match(term, other, table)
elif isinstance(term, Term) and isinstance(pattern, Term):
if == and len(term.args) == len(pattern.args):
for i in range(0, len(term.args)):
table = match(term.args[i], pattern.args[i], table)
if table is None:
return None
return table
return None
def lookup(sig, state):
table = state.constraints.get(sig, None)
if table is None:
return {}.itervalues()
return table.itervalues()
def reactivate(c, state):
#import os
#os.write(1, "reactivate %s\n" % c.to_str())
goals = tt
live = True
i = 0
for rule in state.rules:
#os.write(1, "rule %d\n" % i)
holes = rule.filter(c.term.get_signature())
slots =
for index in holes:
#os.write(1, "occ %d,%d\n" % (i, index))
for table, row, kills in cartesian(slots, index, c, state):
live = True
for r in row.values():
live = live and alive(r, state)
if not live:
if not len(row) == len(slots): # duplicates on row.
if not rule.guard(table):
for k in kills:
state = kill(k, state)
if len(kills) == 0:
entry = frozenlist(row.keys() + [~i])
if entry in state.hist:
hist = state.hist.copy()
hist[entry] = None
state = Storage(state.rules,
goals = conj(goals, Handler(rule.body, table))
live = alive(c, state)
if not live:
if not live:
if not live:
i += 1
state = suspend(c, state)
return goals.go(state)
class Handler(Combinator):
def __init__(self, body, binding):
self.body = body
self.binding = binding
def go(self, state):
return self.body(self.binding, state)
# Cartesian match across all slots.
def cartesian(slots, index, c, state):
if len(slots) == 0:
return [({}, {}, [])]
out = []
for table, row, kills in cartesian(slots[1:len(slots)], index-1, c, state):
#print "table"
#for key, item in table.iteritems():
# print " " + str(key) + " = " + item.to_str()
k, sig, pat = slots[0]
if index == 0:
tab = match(c.term, pat, table)
if tab is None:
r = row.copy()
r[] = c
if k:
out.append((tab, r, kills + [c]))
out.append((tab, r, kills))
for nc in lookup(sig, state):
if not alive(nc, state):
tab = match(nc.term, pat, table)
if tab is None:
r = row.copy()
r[] = nc
if k:
out.append((tab, r, kills + [c]))
out.append((tab, r, kills))
return out
class Rule(object):
def __init__(self, keep, remove, guard, body):
self.keep = keep
self.remove = remove
self.guard = guard
self.body = body
def filter(self, sig):
top = len(self.keep) + len(self.remove) - 1
out = []
while top >= 0:
if len(self.keep) <= top:
if sig == self.remove[top-len(self.keep)].get_signature():
elif top < len(self.keep):
if sig == self.keep[top].get_signature():
top -= 1
return out
def select(self):
out = []
for term in self.keep:
out.append((False, term.get_signature(), term))
for term in self.remove:
out.append((True, term.get_signature(), term))
return out
def dual(x, y):
return Term("dual", [x, y])
def always_true(bindings):
return True
# The CHR rule handler returns 'nothing' when guard doesn't pass.
def chr_rule(keep, remove, guard=always_true):
def __decorator__(fn):
default_rules.append(Rule(keep, remove, guard, fn))
return fn
return __decorator__
X = Hole(0)
Y = Hole(1)
Z = Hole(2)
@chr_rule([], [dual(X, X)])
def rule_0(bindings, state):
return ff.go(state)
@chr_rule([dual(X, Y)], [dual(Y, Z)])
def rule_1(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
Y = bindings[1]
Z = bindings[2]
return eq(X, Z).go(state)
@chr_rule([dual(X, Y)], [dual(Z, Y)])
def rule_2(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
Y = bindings[1]
Z = bindings[2]
return eq(X, Z).go(state)
@chr_rule([dual(X, Y)], [dual(X, Z)])
def rule_3(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
Y = bindings[1]
Z = bindings[2]
return eq(Y, Z).go(state)
@chr_rule([dual(X, Y)], [dual(Z, X)])
def rule_4(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
Y = bindings[1]
Z = bindings[2]
return eq(Y, Z).go(state)
def tensor(x, y):
return Term("⊗", [x, y])
def par(x, y):
return Term("⅋", [x, y])
def plus(x, y):
return Term("+", [x, y])
def band(x, y):
return Term("&", [x, y])
def ofc(x):
return Term("!", [x])
def que(x):
return Term("?", [x])
unit = Term("1", [])
zero = Term("0", [])
top = Term("⊤", [])
bot = Term("⊥", [])
X = Hole(0)
Y = Hole(1)
Z = Hole(2)
@chr_rule([], [dual(tensor(X,Y),Z)])
@chr_rule([], [dual(Z,tensor(X,Y))])
def rule_5(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
D, state = fresh(state)
X,Y,Z = bindings[0],bindings[1],bindings[2]
return conj(
eq(Z, par(C,D)),
@chr_rule([], [dual(Z, par(X,Y))])
@chr_rule([], [dual(par(X,Y), Z)])
def rule_6(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
D, state = fresh(state)
X,Y,Z = bindings[0],bindings[1],bindings[2]
return conj(
@chr_rule([], [dual(Z, plus(X,Y))])
@chr_rule([], [dual(plus(X,Y), Z)])
def rule_7(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
D, state = fresh(state)
X,Y,Z = bindings[0],bindings[1],bindings[2]
return conj(
@chr_rule([], [dual(Z, band(X,Y))])
@chr_rule([], [dual(band(X,Y), Z)])
def rule_8(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
D, state = fresh(state)
X,Y,Z = bindings[0],bindings[1],bindings[2]
return conj(
@chr_rule([], [dual(Y, ofc(X))])
@chr_rule([], [dual(ofc(X), Y)])
def rule_9(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
X,Y = bindings[0],bindings[1]
return conj(
@chr_rule([], [dual(Y, que(X))])
@chr_rule([], [dual(que(X), Y)])
def rule_10(bindings, state):
C, state = fresh(state)
X,Y = bindings[0],bindings[1]
return conj(
@chr_rule([], [dual(X, unit)])
@chr_rule([], [dual(unit, X)])
def rule_11(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
return eq(X,bot).go(state)
@chr_rule([], [dual(X, bot)])
@chr_rule([], [dual(bot, X)])
def rule_12(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
return eq(X,unit).go(state)
@chr_rule([], [dual(X, zero)])
@chr_rule([], [dual(zero, X)])
def rule_13(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
return eq(X,top).go(state)
@chr_rule([], [dual(X, top)])
@chr_rule([], [dual(top, X)])
def rule_13(bindings, state):
X = bindings[0]
return eq(X,zero).go(state)
def demonstration():
state = empty()
x, state = fresh(state)
y, state = fresh(state)
z, state = fresh(state)
w, state = fresh(state)
h, state = fresh(state)
goal = conj(constraint(Term("dual", [x, y])),
constraint(Term("dual", [tensor(unit,par(x, y)), h])))
import os
os.write(1, "results for\n")
for state in goal.go(state):
os.write(1, "result:\n")
for var in state.subst:
os.write(1, " %d = %s\n" % (var, walk(state.subst[var], state.subst).to_str()))
for cs in state.constraints.itervalues():
for c in cs.itervalues():
if alive(c, state):
os.write(1, " %s\n" % c.term.to_str())
if __name__=="__main__":
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