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Created June 11, 2020 08:55
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Concurrently running linearly typed experiment.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module LC where
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
-- Interface to retrieve a boolean and then produce a boolean.
interface1 :: FT
interface1 = Sum interface2 interface2
interface2 :: FT
interface2 = prod Unit Unit
interface2_id = Cur (Ap Counit (Sum (Exp Counit Unit) (Exp Counit Unit)))
console_impl :: Cont (IO ()) (Sem (IO ()))
console_impl = do
state <- plug_io getLine
case state of
"False" -> pure (X (Fun (>>=printout_impl)))
"True" -> pure (Y (Fun (>>=printout_impl)))
_ -> error "no parse"
where printout_impl :: Sem (IO ()) -> Cont (IO ()) (Sem (IO ()))
printout_impl (X (Fun f)) = do
plug_io (putStrLn "» False")
f (pure Nil)
printout_impl (Y (Fun f)) = do
plug_io (putStrLn "» True")
f (pure Nil)
plug_io :: IO a -> Cont (IO b) a
plug_io iofn = cont (iofn >>=)
-- Test program that should validate against the IO interface.
test_program1 :: NT
test_program1 = Alt
(choice Inl)
(choice Inr)
test_program1_valid = fmap snd (is_valid test_program1) == Just interface1
test_program2 :: NT
test_program2 = Alt
(choice Inr)
(choice Inl)
test_program2_valid = fmap snd (is_valid test_program2) == Just interface1
other_nop :: NT
other_nop = Delr Unit `Comp` Exch Unit Unit `Comp` Insr Unit
test1 = runCont (console_impl >>= eval test_program1) (const (pure ()))
test2 = runCont (console_impl >>= eval test_program2) (const (pure ()))
test3 = runCont (console_impl >>= eval test_program2 >>= eval other_nop) (const (pure ()))
test4 = runCont
(pure (Cons console_impl console_impl) >>= eval (Delr Unit `Comp` Split test_program1 test_program2))
(const (pure ()))
choice fn = CallCC Unit
`Comp` Cur (Ap Counit (Sum (Exp Counit Unit) (Exp Counit Unit))
`Comp` Split
(fn (Exp Counit Unit) (Exp Counit Unit)))
data Sem r
= Nil
| Box (Cont r (Sem r))
| Cons (Cont r (Sem r)) (Cont r (Sem r))
| Fun (Cont r (Sem r) -> Cont r (Sem r))
| X (Sem r)
| Y (Sem r)
class Eval r where
delr :: Cont r (Sem r) -> Cont r (Sem r) -> Cont r (Sem r)
instance Eval (IO ()) where
delr x y = plug_io (forkIO (runCont y (const (pure ())))) >> x
eval :: Eval r => NT -> Sem r -> Cont r (Sem r)
eval (Id _) x = pure x
eval (Nop) Nil = pure Nil
eval (Insr _) x = pure (Cons (pure x) (pure Nil))
eval (Delr _) (Cons x y) = delr x y
eval (Exch _ _) (Cons x y) = pure (Cons y x)
eval (Assl _ _ _) (Cons x w) = do
Cons y z <- w
pure (Cons (pure (Cons x y)) z)
eval (Split f g) (Cons x y) = pure (Cons (x >>= eval f) (y >>= eval g))
eval (Cur f) x = pure (Fun (\y -> eval f (Cons (pure x) y)))
eval (Ap _ _) (Cons x y) = do
Fun f <- x
f y
eval (Alt f g) (X x) = eval f x
eval (Alt f g) (Y x) = eval g x
eval (Inl _ _) x = pure (X x)
eval (Inr _ _) x = pure (Y x)
eval (Dupl f) x = pure (Box (eval f x))
eval (Extr _) (Box x) = x
eval (Copy _) x = pure (Cons (pure x) (pure x))
eval (Drop _) x = pure Nil
eval (Comp f g) x = eval g x >>= eval f
eval (CallCC _) (Fun f) = callCC (\g -> f (pure (Fun (\x -> x >>= g))))
eval foo Nil = error (show foo ++ ": NIL dunno")
eval foo (Cons _ _) = error (show foo ++ ": CONS dunno")
eval foo (Fun _) = error (show foo ++ ": FUN dunno")
eval foo (X _) = error (show foo ++ ": X dunno")
eval foo (Y _) = error (show foo ++ ": Y dunno")
data FT
= Var Int
| Unit
| Counit -- Dualizing object, not certain if counit
| Tensor FT FT
| Exp FT FT
| Sum FT FT
| Ofc FT
deriving (Show, Eq)
par :: FT -> FT -> FT
par x y = Exp Counit (Tensor (Exp Counit x) (Exp Counit y))
prod :: FT -> FT -> FT
prod x y = Exp Counit (Sum (Exp Counit x) (Exp Counit y))
whynot :: FT -> FT
whynot x = Exp Counit (Ofc (Exp Counit x))
data NT
= Id Int -- a → a
| Nop -- I → I
| Insr FT -- A → A ⊗ I
| Delr FT -- A ⊗ I → A
| Exch FT FT -- A ⊗ B → B ⊗ A
| Assl FT FT FT -- A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) → (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C
| Split NT NT -- a ⊗ b
| Cur NT -- a → (a ⊗ b) ^ b
| Ap FT FT -- (a ^ b) ⊗ b → a
| Alt NT NT -- a+a → a
| Inl FT FT -- a → a+b
| Inr FT FT -- b → a+b
| Dupl NT -- a → !a where 'a' is compat.
| Extr FT -- !a → a
| Copy FT -- !a → !a ⊗ !a
| Drop FT -- !a → I
| Comp NT NT -- x.y
| CallCC FT -- U^(U^A) → A
deriving (Show, Eq)
is_valid :: NT -> Maybe (FT, FT)
is_valid (Id i) = pure (Var i, Var i)
is_valid (Nop) = pure (Unit, Unit)
is_valid (Insr x) = pure (Tensor x Unit, x)
is_valid (Delr x) = pure (x, Tensor x Unit)
is_valid (Exch x y) = pure (Tensor y x, Tensor x y)
is_valid (Assl x y z) = pure (Tensor (Tensor x y) z, Tensor x (Tensor y z))
is_valid (Split f g) = do
(x',x) <- is_valid f
(y',y) <- is_valid g
pure (Tensor x' y', Tensor x y)
is_valid (Cur f) = do
(x',x) <- is_valid f
case x of
Tensor y z -> pure (Exp x' z, y)
_ -> Nothing
is_valid (Ap x y) = do
pure (x, Tensor (Exp x y) y)
is_valid (Alt f g) = do
(x',x) <- is_valid f
(y',y) <- is_valid g
guard (x' == y')
pure (x', Sum x y)
is_valid (Inl x y) = do
pure (Sum x y, x)
is_valid (Inr x y) = do
pure (Sum x y, y)
is_valid (Dupl f) = do
(x',x) <- is_valid f
guard (is_dupl x)
pure (Ofc x', x)
is_valid (Extr x) = do
pure (x, Ofc x)
is_valid (Copy x) = do
guard (is_dupl x)
pure (Tensor x x, x)
is_valid (Drop x) = do
guard (is_dupl x)
pure (Unit, x)
is_valid (Comp f g) = do
(x',x) <- is_valid f
(y',y) <- is_valid g
guard (x == y')
pure (x', y)
is_valid (CallCC x) = do
pure (x, Exp Counit (Exp Counit x))
is_dupl :: FT -> Bool
is_dupl Unit = True
is_dupl (Tensor x y) = is_dupl x && is_dupl y
is_dupl (Sum x y) = is_dupl x && is_dupl y
is_dupl (Ofc _) = True
is_dupl _ = False
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