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Created September 5, 2019 21:56
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In case things crash somehow during upgrade, I stashed the whole Earley parser here for now.
module Parsing
import ParsingHelpers
--import Data.List.Quantifiers
data Transition : (a -> a -> Type) -> a -> a -> Type where
IdTrans : (f x y) -> Transition f x y
StepTrans : (f x y) -> Transition f y z -> Transition f x z
rhs_head_transitive_closure : DecEq s => Grammar s -> List s -> List (Rule s)
rhs_head_transitive_closure g vs =
transitive_closure check conv g vs
check : (v : s) -> Rule s -> Bool
check v x = decAsBool (decEq v (lhs x))
conv : Rule s -> s
conv = rhs_head
record Item (s:Type) where
constructor Incomplete
origin : Nat
rule : Rule s
dot_point : Index (rhs rule)
record CompleteItem (s:Type) where
constructor Complete
origin : Nat
rule : Rule s
predict : DecEq s => Grammar s -> List s -> List (s, Item s)
predict g = map new_item . rhs_head_transitive_closure g
where new_item : Rule s -> (s, Item s)
new_item rule = (rhs_head rule, Incomplete Z rule rhs_head_index)
zeros : List (Nat, s) -> List (s)
zeros [] = []
zeros ((Z, x) :: xs) = x :: zeros xs
zeros ((S _, _) :: xs) = zeros xs
decr : List (Nat, s) -> List (Nat, s)
decr [] = []
decr ((Z,s) :: xs) = decr xs
decr ((S x,s) :: xs) = (x, s) :: decr xs
process : Nat -> List (s, Item s) ->
(List (Nat, s), List (CompleteItem s), List (s, Item s))
process m [] = ([],[],[])
process m ((x, Incomplete n r dp) :: xs) = let (a,b,c) = process m xs
in case nexth dp of
Just dpn => (a, b, (nth dpn, Incomplete (n+m) r dpn)::c)
Nothing => ((n, lhs r)::a, (Complete (n+m) r)::b, c)
pitpull : DecEq s => List s -> List (s, Item s) -> List (s, Item s)
pitpull xs st = transitive_closure check conv st xs
where check : s -> (s, Item s) -> Bool
check x y = decAsBool (decEq x (fst y))
conv : (s, Item s) -> s
conv (x, Incomplete Z r dp) = case nexth dp of
Just _ => x
Nothing => lhs r
conv (x, _) = x
shift : DecEq s => List (List (s, Item s))
-> (List (Nat, s))
-> {default (S Z) m : Nat}
-> (List (CompleteItem s), List (s, Item s))
shift [] ss {m} = ([], [])
shift (st::sts) ss {m} = let
(tt,c1,s1) = process m (pitpull (zeros ss) st)
(c2,s2) = shift sts (decr $ tt ++ ss) {m=S m}
in (c1++c2, s1++s2)
recognize : DecEq s => (g : Grammar s) -> (acc:s) -> (input:List s) -> Bool
recognize g acc input = step [predict g [acc]] input
where step : List (List (s, Item s)) -> (List s) -> Bool
step sts [] = False
step ([]::_) _ = False
step sts (x :: []) = let
(c,_) = shift sts [(0, x)]
m = (length sts)
in any (\(Complete n r) => (m == n) && decAsBool(decEq acc (lhs r))) c
step sts (x :: ys) = let
(_,st) = shift sts [(0, x)]
st2 = predict g (map fst st)
in step ((st++st2)::sts) ys
data Generates : Grammar s -> s -> List s -> Type where
Put : Generates g s [s]
Derive : (ir:Index g) -> Seq g (rhs (nth ir)) xs
-> {auto x_is:lhs (nth ir) = x}
-> Generates g x xs
data Seq : Grammar s -> List s -> List s -> Type where
Nil : Seq g [] []
(::) : Generates g s xs -> Seq g ss ys -> {auto zs_is:(xs ++ ys = zs)}
-> Seq g (s::ss) zs
recognize_lemma : DecEq s => (Grammar s) -> (acc:s) -> (input:List s)
-> (recognize g acc input = True) -> Generates g acc input
recognize_lemma g acc [] Refl impossible
recognize_lemma g acc (k::rest) prf = ?aaaaaa
--x -- Some two fun little auxiliary proofs.
--x next_ndex_empty_tail : Dec (xs=[]) -> Dec (next_ndex (Z {xs=xs}) = Nothing)
--x next_ndex_empty_tail (Yes Refl) = Yes Refl
--x next_ndex_empty_tail {xs = []} (No contra) = Yes Refl
--x next_ndex_empty_tail {xs = (x :: xs)} (No contra) =
--x No (\assum => case assum of Refl impossible)
--x next_ndex_is_next : (next_ndex (Z {xs=(x::(y::xs))}) = Just (S Z {xs=(x::(y::xs))}))
--x next_ndex_is_next = Refl
-- Test grammar, with some symbols
data Symbol = A | B | C | D
DecEq Symbol where
decEq A A = Yes Refl
decEq A B = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq A C = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq A D = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq B B = Yes Refl
decEq B A = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq B C = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq B D = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq C C = Yes Refl
decEq C A = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq C B = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq C D = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq D D = Yes Refl
decEq D A = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq D B = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
decEq D C = No (\pf => case pf of Refl impossible)
test_grammar : Grammar Symbol
test_grammar = [
D ::= [A,B,C],
D ::= [B,C],
D ::= [B,C],
B ::= [A,C],
A ::= [B,C],
B ::= [C] ]
leaf_a : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Sym A) [A]
leaf_a = Leaf
leaf_b : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Sym B) [B]
leaf_b = Leaf
leaf_c : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Sym C) [C]
leaf_c = Leaf
leaf_d : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Sym D) [D]
leaf_d = Leaf
generates_abc : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Sym D) [A,B,C]
generates_abc = Branch ab leaf_c {rule=Z} {dot=(S Z)}
where ab : SPPF Parsing.test_grammar (Dot Z {rule=Z}) [A,B]
ab = (Branch leaf_a leaf_b {rule=Z} {dot=Z})
module ParsingHelpers
%default total
public export
flip : (a = b) -> (b = a)
flip Refl = Refl
public export
plus_reduces_z : {m : Nat} -> plus Z m = m
plus_reduces_z = Refl
public export
plus_reduces_sk : {k, m : Nat} -> plus (S k) m = S (plus k m)
plus_reduces_sk = Refl
public export
plus_commutes_z : m = plus m 0
plus_commutes_z {m = Z} = Refl
plus_commutes_z {m = (S k)} = let rec = plus_commutes_z {m=k}
in rewrite rec in Refl
public export
plus_commutes : (n, m : Nat) -> plus n m = plus m n
plus_commutes Z m = plus_commutes_z
plus_commutes (S k) Z = rewrite plus_commutes_z {m=k} in Refl
plus_commutes (S k) (S j) = let
pk = plus_commutes k (S j)
pj = plus_commutes (S k) j
in rewrite pk in rewrite flip pj in cong {f=S . S} (flip$plus_commutes k j)
public export
plus_assoc : (n, m, p : Nat) -> plus n (plus m p) = plus (plus n m) p
plus_assoc Z m p = Refl
plus_assoc (S k) m p = let pa = plus_assoc k m p in cong pa
public export
data Index : (xs : List a) -> Type where
Z : Index (x :: xs)
S : Index xs -> Index (x :: xs)
public export
Uninhabited (Index []) where
uninhabited (Z) impossible
uninhabited (S _) impossible
public export
nth : {list:List a} -> Index list -> a
nth {list = []} Z impossible
nth {list = []} (S _) impossible
nth {list = (a :: _)} Z = a
nth {list = (_ :: xs)} (S x) = nth {list=xs} x
public export
nexth : Index xs -> Maybe (Index xs)
nexth {xs = []} Z impossible
nexth {xs = []} (S _) impossible
nexth {xs = (_ :: [])} Z = Nothing
nexth {xs = (_ :: (_ :: _))} Z = Just (S Z)
nexth {xs = (_ :: _)} (S j) = nexth j >>= (Just . S)
public export
last : Index (x::xs)
last {xs = []} = Z
last {xs = (_ :: xs)} = S last
public export
data Selected : (List a) -> (List a) -> (a -> Type) -> Type where
IsSelected : {a:List t, b:List t}
-> ((x:Index a) -> p (nth x) -> (y:Index b ** (nth x = nth y)))
-> ((y:Index b) -> p (nth y))
-> Selected b a p
public export
select : {p:a -> Type} -> ((x:a) -> Dec (p x))
-> List a -> List a
select f = filter (\x => decAsBool (f x))
public export
lemma_cons : {xs:List a, ys:List a} -> (x :: xs = y :: ys) -> (x = y, xs = ys)
lemma_cons Refl = (Refl, Refl)
public export
select_theorem : {a:Type} -> (xs:List a) -> (ys:List a)
-> (p:a -> Type)
-> (f:(x:a) -> Dec (p x))
-> ys = select f xs
-> Selected ys xs p
select_theorem [] ys p f prf = IsSelected
(\a => absurd a)
(\a => case prf of Refl impossible)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf with (f x)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (Yes y) with (ys)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (Yes y) | [] = absurd prf
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (Yes y) | (z :: zs) with (lemma_cons prf)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (Yes y) | (x :: zs) | (Refl, prf2) with (select_theorem xs zs p f prf2)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (Yes y) | (x :: zs) | (Refl, prf2) | (IsSelected g z) = IsSelected
(\ix => case ix of
Z => \_ => (Z ** Refl)
(S x) => \px => let (foo**pf) = g x px in (S foo ** pf))
(\yx => case yx of
Z => y
(S x) => z x)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (No contra) with (select_theorem xs ys p f prf)
select_theorem (x :: xs) ys p f prf | (No contra) | (IsSelected g y) = IsSelected
(\ix => case ix of
Z => (void . contra)
(S x) => g x) y
public export
data Singleton : (x : k) -> Type where
With : (y : a) -> y = x -> Singleton x
public export
inspect : (x : a) -> Singleton x
inspect x = With x Refl
public export
bifndx : Bool -> a -> (List a, List a) -> (List a, List a)
bifndx c a (x, y) = if c then (x, a::y) else (a::x, y)
public export
bin : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
bin f [] = ([], [])
bin f (x :: xs) = bifndx (f x) x (bin f xs)
public export
pj1_thm : ((a,b) = c) -> (a = fst c)
pj1_thm x = cong {f=fst} x
public export
pj2_thm : ((a,b) = c) -> (b = snd c)
pj2_thm x = cong {f=snd} x
public export
zero_thm : (plus a 0) = a
zero_thm {a} = plus_commutes a Z
public export
comm : (a:Nat) -> (b:Nat) -> (plus a b) = (plus b a)
comm = plus_commutes
public export
plus_motion : (a:Nat) -> (b:Nat) -> (S (plus a b) = plus a (S b))
plus_motion Z b = Refl
plus_motion (S k) b = rewrite comm k (S b) in cong {f=S . S} (comm k b)
public export
bin_theorem : {i, j:List a}
-> (f:a -> Bool) -> (i,j) = bin f k -> length i + length j = length k
bin_theorem {k = []} f Refl = Refl
bin_theorem {k = (x :: xs)} f prf = case (inspect(f x), inspect (bin f xs)) of
(With False a, With (i,j) b) =>
rewrite pj1_thm prf
in rewrite pj2_thm prf
in rewrite flip b
in rewrite flip a
in cong {f=S} (bin_theorem f b)
(With True a, With (i,j) b) =>
rewrite pj1_thm prf
in rewrite pj2_thm prf
in rewrite flip b
in rewrite flip a
in rewrite flip (plus_motion (length i) (length j))
in cong {f=S} (bin_theorem f b)
public export
always_lte : LTE a (plus z a)
always_lte {a = Z} = LTEZero
always_lte {a = (S k)} {z = Z} = LTESucc (always_lte {a=k} {z=Z})
always_lte {a = (S k)} {z = (S j)} = let
ll = always_lte {a=k} {z=S j}
in rewrite plus_motion j (S k)
in rewrite flip (plus_motion j (S k))
in rewrite flip (plus_motion j k)
in (LTESucc ll)
public export
bin_smaller : {i, j:List a}
-> (f:a -> Bool) -> ((i,j) = bin f k) -> (size j = S z) -> Smaller i k
bin_smaller {k} {i} {z} f prf prf1 = let booboo = bin_theorem f prf {k=k}
in rewrite flip booboo
in rewrite prf1
in rewrite (comm (length i) (S z))
in LTESucc always_lte
public export
TCR : (s:Type) -> (w:Type) -> List w -> Type
TCR s w g = List s -> List w
public export
transitive_closure : (s -> w -> Bool) -> (w -> s)
-> List w -> List s -> List w
transitive_closure {s} {w} ck conv g vs = let
ind = sizeInd {a=List w} {P=TCR s w}
in ind step g vs
where step : (x : List w)
-> ((y : List w) -> Smaller y x -> TCR s w y)
-> TCR s w x
step g rec [] = []
step g rec (a::aa) = case inspect (bin (ck a) g) of
(With (ll,rr) prf) => case inspect (length rr) of
(With Z prf2) => step g rec aa
(With (S z) prf2) => let
ree = rec ll (bin_smaller (ck a) prf (flip prf2) {k=g})
in rr ++ ree (map conv rr)
infixl 10 ::=
public export
data Rule : Type -> Type where
(::=) : s -> (xs:List s) -> {auto nonempty:NonEmpty xs} -> Rule s
public export
total Grammar : Type -> Type
Grammar s = List (Rule s)
public export
lhs : Rule s -> s
lhs (x ::= xs) = x
public export
rhs : Rule s -> List s
rhs (x ::= xs) = xs
public export
rhs_head_index : {r:Rule s} -> Index (rhs r)
rhs_head_index {r = (x ::= [])} impossible
rhs_head_index {r = (x ::= (y :: xs))} = Z
public export
rhs_head : Rule s -> s
rhs_head (x ::= xs) = head xs
public export
rhs_tail : Rule s -> List s
rhs_tail (x ::= xs) = tail xs
public export
cut : {xs:List a} -> Index xs -> (List a, List a)
cut {xs=(x::xs)} Z = ([x], xs)
cut {xs=(x::xs)} (S k) = let rec = cut k in (x::fst rec, snd rec)
public export
concat_theorem : {auto nxs:NonEmpty xs} -> (k:Index (xs ++ ys) ** cut k = (xs, ys))
concat_theorem {nxs=IsNonEmpty} {xs=(x::[])} = (Z ** Refl)
concat_theorem {nxs=IsNonEmpty} {xs=(_::x::xs)} {ys} = let
(k ** prf) = concat_theorem {xs=(x::xs)} {ys=ys}
prf1 = pj1_thm (flip prf)
prf2 = pj2_thm (flip prf)
in (S k ** rewrite prf1 in rewrite prf2 in Refl)
public export
data SPPS : (s:Type) -> Grammar s -> Type where
Sym : s -> SPPS s g
Dot : {g:Grammar s} -> (rule:Index g) -> Index (rhs_tail (nth rule)) -> SPPS s g
public export
its_same : Index xs -> Index (x::xs)
its_same Z = Z
its_same (S y) = S (its_same y)
public export
prev_dot : (i:Index g) -> Index (rhs_tail (nth i)) -> SPPS s g
prev_dot i x = case read x of
Just prev => Dot i prev
Nothing => Sym (rhs_head (nth i))
where read : Index s -> Maybe (Index s)
read Z = Nothing
read (S y) = Just (its_same y)
public export
this_dot : (i:Index g) -> Index (rhs_tail (nth i)) -> SPPS s g
this_dot i x = case nexth x of
Just _ => Dot i x
Nothing => Sym (lhs (nth i))
-- SPPF-style parsing from Earley recognizers.
public export
data SPPF : (g:Grammar s) -> SPPS s g -> List s -> Type where
Leaf : SPPF g (Sym s) [s]
Short : (rule:Index g) -> SPPF g (Sym x) xs
-> {auto short_rule:(rhs (nth rule) = [x])}
-> {auto z_is:(lhs (nth rule) = z)}
-> SPPF g (Sym z) xs
Branch : SPPF g (prev_dot rule dot) xs -> SPPF g (Sym (nth dot)) ys
-> {default concat_theorem ok:(k:Index zs ** cut k = (xs,ys))}
-> {auto z_is:(this_dot rule dot = z)}
-> SPPF g z zs
DeepShort : (rule:Index g) -> SPPF g (Sym x) xs
-> {auto short_rule:(rhs (nth rule) = [x])}
-> {auto z_is:(lhs (nth rule) = z)}
-> SPPF g (Sym z) xs
-> SPPF g (Sym z) xs
DeepBranch : SPPF g (prev_dot rule dot) xs -> SPPF g (Sym (nth dot)) ys
-> {default concat_theorem ok:(k:Index zs ** cut k = (xs,ys))}
-> {auto z_is:(this_dot rule dot = z)}
-> SPPF g z zs
-> SPPF g z zs
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