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Last active July 15, 2016 09:19
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diff --git a/autoload/dispatch/iterm.vim b/autoload/dispatch/iterm.vim
index 7b52012..068f95f 100644
--- a/autoload/dispatch/iterm.vim
+++ b/autoload/dispatch/iterm.vim
@@ -21,22 +21,23 @@ function! dispatch#iterm#handle(request) abort
function! dispatch#iterm#spawn(command, request, activate) abort
- let script = dispatch#isolate([], dispatch#set_title(a:request), a:command)
+ let script = s:isolate(a:request.command)
return s:osascript(
\ 'if application "iTerm" is not running',
\ 'error',
\ 'end if') && s:osascript(
\ 'tell application "iTerm"',
- \ 'tell the current terminal',
- \ 'set oldsession to the current session',
- \ 'tell (make new session)',
+ \ 'tell current window',
+ \ 'set newTab to (create tab with default profile)',
+ \ 'tell application "MacVim"',
+ \ 'activate',
+ \ 'end tell',
+ \ 'tell current session',
\ 'set name to ' . s:escape(a:request.title),
- \ 'set title to ' . s:escape(a:request.command),
- \ 'exec command ' . s:escape(script),
- \ a:request.background ? 'select oldsession' : '',
+ \ 'set title to ' . s:escape(a:request.title),
+ \ 'write text ' . s:escape('fish ' . script. ' %self'),
+ \ 'end tell',
\ 'end tell',
- \ 'end tell',
- \ a:activate ? 'activate' : '',
\ 'end tell')
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ function! dispatch#iterm#activate(pid) abort
\ 'error',
\ 'end if') && s:osascript(
\ 'tell application "iTerm"',
- \ 'activate',
\ 'tell the current terminal',
\ 'select session id "/dev/'.tty.'"',
\ 'end tell',
@@ -56,8 +56,27 @@ function! dispatch#iterm#activate(pid) abort
+function! s:isolate(command)
+ let lines = [
+ \ 'cd ' . shellescape(getcwd()),
+ \ 'echo "' . a:command . '"',
+ \ a:command,
+ \ 'if test $status -eq 0',
+ \ ' kill $argv[1]',
+ \ ' exit',
+ \ 'end',
+ \ 'echo ''<----- press any key to continue ----->''',
+ \ 'read -p '''' -n 1 foo',
+ \ 'kill $argv[1]'
+ \]
+ let temp = tempname()
+ call writefile(lines, temp)
+ return temp
function! s:osascript(...) abort
- call system('osascript'.join(map(copy(a:000), '" -e ".shellescape(v:val)'), ''))
+ let args = join(map(copy(a:000), '" -e ".shellescape(v:val)'), '')
+ call system('osascript'. args)
return !v:shell_error
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