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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib lib => glob 'modules/*/lib';
use constant MAX_WORKER => 2;
use constant MAX_REQUEST_PER_CHILD => 100;
use constant INTERVAL => $ENV{INTERVAL} || 5;
use constant NAMESPACE => 'MyApp::Worker';
my $databases = [ ... ];
use TheSchwartz;
use Log::Minimal;
use Module::Find ();
use DBIx::DisconnectAll;
use Parallel::Prefork;
my $pm = Parallel::Prefork->new({
max_workers => MAX_WORKER,
trap_signals => {
HUP => 'INT',
INT => 'INT',
USR1 => undef,
infof("[%d] Worker starting...", $$);
$0 = "worker master";
while ($pm->signal_received !~ 'TERM|INT|HUP') {
$pm->start(sub {
infof("[%d] New worker started", $$);
my $run = 1;
my $count = 0;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub {
infof("[%d] Signal received will teminate", $$);
$run = 0;
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
infof("[%d] SIGTERM received. Exit immediately", $$);
exit 1;
sleep rand() * INTERVAL;
my $client = TheSchwartz->new(
databases => $databases,
my $workers = [ Module::Find::useall(NAMESPACE) ];
for my $worker (@$workers) {
infof('[%d] Enable working for %s', $$, $worker);
while ($run && ($count < MAX_REQUEST_PER_CHILD)) {
if (getppid == 1) { infof("I'm zombie..."); exit 1; }
$0 = sprintf("worker slave(%d)", $count);
my $job = $client->find_job_for_workers;
if (!$job && @{ $client->{current_abilities} } < @{ $client->{all_abilities} }) {
$job = $client->find_job_for_workers;
if ($job) {
infof('[%d] job:%d Work %s', $$, $job->jobid, $job->funcname);
$0 = sprintf("worker slave(%d) >%s %s", $count, $job->jobid, $job->funcname);
my $exit_status = $job->exit_status;
if (!$exit_status) {
my $done = defined $exit_status ? 'Success' : 'Done(Status Unknown)';
infof('[%d] job:%d %s %s', $$, $job->jobid, $done, $job->funcname);
} else {
critf("[%d] job:%d %s", $$, $job->jobid, join("\n", $job->failure_log));
critf('[%d] job:%d Failed %s', $$, $job->jobid, $job->funcname);
# Disconnect all db handles for MHA
} else {
# Disconnect all db handles for MHA
infof("[%d] Worker has finished (worked:%d)", $$, $count);
infof("[%d] Worker exiting...", $$);
$0 = "worker master: exiting...";
infof("[%d] Worker exit", $$);
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