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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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function createServer(Closure $closure)
$server = new HttpServer();
$server->addEngine(new HttpEngineOnePointOne());
return $server;
class HttpResponse
protected $server;
protected $client;
protected $code = 200;
protected $headers = array();
protected $body = array();
protected $http_version = "1.0";
protected static $message = array(
"101" => "Switching Protocols",
"200" => "OK",
"201" => "Created",
"202" => "Accepted",
"203" => "Non-Authoritative Information",
"204" => "No Content",
"205" => "Reset Content",
"206" => "Partial Content",
"207" => "Multi-Status",
"226" => "IM Used",
"300" => "Multiple Choices",
"301" => "Moved Permanently",
"302" => "Found",
"303" => "See Other",
"304" => "Not Modified",
"305" => "Use Poxy",
"306" => "",
"307" => "Temporary Redirect",
"400" => "Bad Request",
"401" => "Unauthorized",
"402" => "Payment Required",
"403" => "Forbidden",
"404" => "Not Found",
"405" => "Method Not Allowed",
"406" => "Not Acceptable",
"407" => "Proxy Authentication Required",
"408" => "Request Timeout",
"409" => "Conflict",
"410" => "Gone",
"411" => "Length Required",
"412" => "Precondition Failed",
"413" => "Request Entity Too Large",
"414" => "Request-URI Too Long",
"415" => "Unsupported Media Type",
"416" => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
"417" => "Expectation Failed",
"418" => "I'm a teapot",
"422" => "Unprocessable Entity",
"423" => "Locked",
"424" => "Failed Dependency",
"426" => "Upgrade Required",
"500" => "Internal Server Error",
"501" => "Not Implemented",
"502" => "Bad Gateway",
"503" => "Service Unavailable",
"504" => "Gateway Timeout",
"505" => "HTTP Version Not Supported",
"506" => "Variant Also Negotiates",
"507" => "Insufficient Storage",
"509" => "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",
"510" => "Not Extended",
public function __construct($server, $client)
$this->client = $client;
$this->server = $server;
public function writeHead($code, array $headers)
$this->code = $code;
$this->headers = $headers;
public function write($data)
$this->body[] = $data;
public function flush()
$buffer = sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", $this->code, self::$message[$this->code]);
foreach ($this->headers as $key => $value) {
$buffer .= $key . ": " . $value . "\r\n";
$buffer .= "\r\n";
if ($this->body) {
$buffer .= join("", $this->body);
uv_write($this->client, $buffer);
public function end()
$buffer = sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", $this->code, self::$message[$this->code]);
foreach ($this->headers as $key => $value) {
$buffer .= $key . ": " . $value . "\r\n";
$buffer .= "\r\n";
if ($this->body) {
$buffer .= join("", $this->body);
uv_write($this->client, $buffer, array($this->server, "onWrite"));
class Client
protected $websocket = false;
protected $socket;
protected $parser;
protected $created_at;
protected $endponint;
protected $should_close = false;
public function __construct($socket)
$this->socket = $socket;
$this->parser = uv_http_parser_init();
$this->created_at = time();
public function setEndPoint($endpoint)
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
public function getEndpoint()
return $this->endpoint;
public function __destruct()
public function getSocket()
return $this->socket;
public function getParser()
return $this->parser;
public function isWebSocket()
return $this->websocket;
public function setWebsocket($booleaan)
$this->websocket = $booleaan;
public function shouldClose($boolean = null)
if (is_null($boolean)) {
return $this->should_close;
} else {
$this->should_close = $boolean;
class HttpEngineOnePointOne
public function getVersion()
return "1.1";
public function __construct()
public function execute($result, Client $client, HTTPResponse $response, $closure)
if ($result['UPGRADE']) {
$key = $result['HEADERS']['SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY'] . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11';
$raw_key = sha1($key, true);
$response->writeHead(101, array(
"Upgrade" => "websocket",
"Connection" => "Upgrade",
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept" => base64_encode($raw_key),
} else {
$closure($result, $response);
if ($result['HEADERS']['CONNECTION'] == "close") {
class HttpServer
/** @var resource $server */
protected $server;
protected $clients = array();
/** @var Closure $closure */
protected $closure;
public function __construct()
$this->server = uv_tcp_init();
public function addEngine($engine)
$this->engines[$engine->getVersion()] = $engine;
public function getEngine($version)
if (isset($this->engines[$version])) {
return $this->engines[$version];
throw new InvalidArgumentException("not supported version");
public function addListener($closure)
$this->closure = $closure;
public function onShutdown($handle, $status)
uv_close($handle, array($this, "onClose"));
public function onClose($handle)
public function onWrite($client, $status)
if ($status == 0) {
uv_shutdown($client, array($this, "onShutdown"));
} else {
echo "[write_failed]";
public function onRead($socket, $nread, $buffer)
$client = $this->clients[(int)$socket];
if ($nread < 0) {
uv_close($socket, array($this, "onClose"));
} else if ($nread == 0) {
// nothing to do.
} else {
$result = array();
if ($client->isWebSocket()) {
$result = WebSocketFrame::parseFromString($buffer);
// put closure here.
$frame = new WebSocketFrame();
uv_write($socket, $frame->serializeToString());
} else if (uv_http_parser_execute($client->getParser(), $buffer, $result)) {
$response = new HttpResponse($this, $socket);
try {
$engine = $this->getEngine($result['HEADERS']['VERSION']);
$engine->execute($result, $client, $response, $this->closure);
if ($client->shouldClose()) {
uv_shutdown($socket, array($this, "onShutdown"));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$response->writeHead(500, array());
$response->write("Internal Server Error");
public function onConnect($server, $status)
$client = uv_tcp_init();
uv_tcp_nodelay($client, 1);
uv_accept($server, $client);
$this->clients[(int)$client] = new Client($client);
uv_read_start($client, array($this, "onRead"));
public function listen($port, $address = "", $run = true)
uv_tcp_nodelay($this->server, 1);
uv_tcp_bind($this->server, uv_ip4_addr($address, $port));
uv_listen($this->server, 1024, array($this, "onConnect"));
if ($run) {
require "http.php";
createServer(function($request, $response){
$response->writeHead(200, array("Content-Type" => "text/plain"));
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