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choonkeat /
Created April 20, 2021 02:38
fix for atom-elmjutsu: configure elm and elm-test executable path to these 2 scripts instead
if $(which elm) $*
echo '{"type":"compile-errors","errors":[]}' >&2
touch $0
choonkeat / env2file.js
Last active March 17, 2021 12:06
node scripts/env2file.js > src/Env.elm
function camelize (str) {
let parts = str.replace(/_/g, ' ').toLowerCase().split(/\W+/)
.reduce(function (sum, s) {
if (typeof sum === 'string') sum = [sum]
if (sum[0]) return [...sum, s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)]
return [s]
return (typeof parts === 'string' ? parts : parts.join(''))
console.log(`module Env exposing (..)
module ICal exposing
( VAlarmAction(..)
, VAlarmTrigger(..)
, VCalendar(..)
, VEvent(..)
, VEventProp(..)
, VEventStatusValue(..)
, eventPropString
, eventString
, string
var waitall = {
defer: [],
final: null
// will make sure to call `` when all `waitall.defer` has cleared
function defer (fn) {
return function (...args) {
var result = fn(...args)
  • Elm is not a frontend framework.
  • Elm is neither V in MVC, nor MV in MVC, nor even MVC itself.
  • You don't assemble libraries and configure options to make Elm do what you want.

Elm is a language. You write programs with it.

But instead of providing a regular main function to run, Elm wants you to write at least 2 parts to run your program: init and update. This is my pseudo code for your init and update plugs into Elm runtime:

let [globalState, cmd] = init(optionFlags)

What does it mean by Html Msg?

There are possibly 2 questions in this question. I'll answer them 1 by 1

Part 1: h-t-m-l message

After knowing the basic Elm syntax, we could be reading the following "return values" like this

userFromJWT : String -> Maybe User

Scenario: Given a cookie string (which may be absent), parse and return a User record/struct

Often we'd write functions where arguments are "nullable", aka *string in Go, aka a Maybe in Elm

-- function `userFromCookie` with parameter type `Maybe String` return type `User`
userFromCookie1 : Maybe String -> User
userFromCookie1 maybeString =
    case maybeString of
        Nothing ->
choonkeat / AWS.elm
Last active August 1, 2020 03:55
"Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4" in Elm
module AWS exposing (Config, HttpRequest, Service(..), httpTask, sign__)
import Base16
import Crypto.HMAC
import Crypto.Hash
import DateFormat
import Http
import Json.Encode
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time
{-| Maybe like how data from remote server can be modelled with 4 states `krisajenkins/remotedata`
perhaps form input can be modelled similarly too, giving us a convenient way to work with them
`err` stores validation errors for the form values, e.g. Dict String String
`a` stores the raw value from user input, e.g. Dict String String
`b` is the data type that we expect to wield if `a` is valid, e.g. API.CreateUser.Input
type FormData err a b
= NotValid a err