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chris-gardner /
Created September 11, 2020 01:58
Load houdini otls / hdas on the fly
import hou
import os.path
def loadHdaLibrary(libPath):
Loads all the HDA files in a folder
@param libPath: HDA library file path
chris-gardner /
Last active March 25, 2022 20:17
Houdini python script for versioning otls/hda
Increments the version of a hda/otl
If no version information is in the filename / definition, it will be added
myAwesomeThing.hda --> myAwesomeThing__1.0.hda (definition is myAwesomeThing::1.0)
namespaces are respected
blah::myAwesomeThing::1.0 --> blah::myAwesomeThing::1.1
chris-gardner /
Last active May 1, 2020 16:16
Filters static keyframes in Houdini
import hou
if hou.selectedNodes():
nd = hou.selectedNodes()[0]
nd = hou.node("/")
nodeArr = nd.allSubChildren()
for n in nodeArr:
if not n.isInsideLockedHDA():