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Created September 3, 2019 16:25
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-- | Execute the steps.
execute :: [SomeStep] -> RIO MainEnv ()
execute steps = do
resources <- newIORef mempty
(\MainEnv {logger} -> ExecuteEnv {logger = logger . ExecuteLog, resources})
(mapM_ executeSomeStep steps)
planAndRun :: Idiom a -> Global -> RIO MainEnv ()
planAndRun idiom Global{} = do
steps <- plan (resourcesGraph (idiomResources idiom))
mapM_ (log . PlanStep) steps
log RunningExecution
execute steps
log ExecutionSuccess
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- | Logging of arbitrary data structures.
module RIO.GenericLog
( HasGenericLog(..)
, log
, mapRIO
) where
import RIO (runRIO, liftIO, ask, RIO)
import Prelude hiding (log)
class HasGenericLog e t | e -> t where
genericLog :: e -> t -> IO ()
-- | Log a value generically.
log :: HasGenericLog env t => t -> RIO env ()
log t = do
env <- ask
liftIO (genericLog env t)
-- | Lift one RIO env to another.
mapRIO :: (outer -> inner) -> RIO inner a -> RIO outer a
mapRIO f m = do
outer <- ask
runRIO (f outer) m
-- Execution
data ExecuteLog
= CreatingResource SomeResource
| ResourceAlreadyFound SomeResource
| ProcessFailed (ProcessConfig () () ())
| RanAptUpdate
deriving (Show)
type Execute a = RIO ExecuteEnv a
data ExecuteEnv =
{ resources :: !(IORef (Map Integer Dynamic))
, logger :: !(ExecuteLog -> IO ())
instance HasGenericLog ExecuteEnv ExecuteLog where
genericLog = logger
-- Main entry point types
data MainEnv =
{ logger :: !(MainLog -> IO ())
instance HasGenericLog MainEnv MainLog where
genericLog = logger
data MainLog
= PlanStep SomeStep
| RunningExecution
| ExecuteLog !ExecuteLog
| ExecutionSuccess
deriving (Show)
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