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Last active July 6, 2021 14:28
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- | Fast JSON encoding/decoding from Haskell to PureScript (one way
-- for now).
module Frisson
( deriveAll
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as SB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
-- Types
data Rep
= ProductRep Product
| SumRep (NonEmpty Cons)
| RecordRep Record
| EnumRep (NonEmpty ConsName)
| NewtypeRep Newtype
| SingletonRep ConsName
deriving (Show)
data Record = Record
{ name :: ConsName
, fields :: NonEmpty Field
} deriving (Show)
data Product = Product
{ name :: ConsName
, slots :: (NonEmpty Type)
} deriving (Show)
data Newtype = Newtype
{ name :: ConsName
, mfield :: Maybe FieldName
, slot :: Type
} deriving (Show)
data Field = Field
{ name :: FieldName
, typ :: Type
} deriving (Show)
data Cons = Cons
{ name :: ConsName
, slots :: [Type]
} deriving (Show)
data Type
= ConType TypeName
| IntType
| TextType
| ArrayType Type
deriving (Show)
newtype ConsName =
ConsName TH.Name
deriving (Show)
newtype FieldName =
FieldName TH.Name
deriving (Show)
newtype TypeName =
TypeName TH.Name
deriving (Show)
-- Top-level entry point
deriveAll :: FilePath -> FilePath -> SB.Builder -> [TH.Name] -> TH.Q [TH.Dec]
deriveAll purescriptPath javascriptPath preamble names = do
foreigns <-
(\n -> do
i <- TH.reify n
let rep = resolveInfo i
decs <- generateToJSONInstance n rep
pure (decs, foreignsFromNameRep (TypeName n) rep))
(do L.writeFile
(preamble <> views <>
(fmap psForForeignImport (toList (mconcat (map snd foreigns))))))
(jsviews <>
(fmap jsForForeignImport (toList (mconcat (map snd foreigns)))))))
pure (mconcat (map fst foreigns))
views =
"foreign import data View :: Type -> Type\n\
\foreign import unsafeView :: forall a. Json -> View a\n\n"
jsviews = "exports.unsafeView = function(x){return x}\n\n"
-- Resolving Haskell types to Rep
resolveInfo :: TH.Info -> Rep
resolveInfo (TH.TyConI dec) = resolveDec dec
resolveInfo _ = error "Must be a data type."
resolveDec :: TH.Dec -> Rep
resolveDec (TH.NewtypeD _ctx _name _tys _mkind (TH.NormalC name [bangType]) _deriv) =
{ name = ConsName name
, slot = resolveType (snd bangType)
, mfield = Nothing
resolveDec (TH.NewtypeD _ctx _name _tys _mkind (TH.RecC name [(field,_bang,typ)]) _deriv) =
{ name = ConsName name
, slot = resolveType typ
, mfield = pure (FieldName field)
resolveDec (TH.DataD _ctx _name _tys _mkind cons _deriv) =
case cons of
[] -> error "No constructors."
[TH.NormalC name bangTypes] ->
case NE.nonEmpty bangTypes of
Just ((_, typ) :| []) ->
{name = (ConsName name), slot = resolveType typ, mfield = Nothing}
Just types ->
{name = ConsName name, slots = fmap (resolveType . snd) types}
Nothing -> SingletonRep (ConsName name)
[TH.RecC name bangTypes] ->
case NE.nonEmpty bangTypes of
Just ((fname, _bang, typ) :| []) ->
{name = (ConsName name), slot = resolveType typ, mfield = pure (FieldName fname)}
Just types ->
{ name = ConsName name
, fields =
(\(name', _bang, typ) ->
Field {typ = resolveType typ, name = FieldName name'})
Nothing -> error "A record type MUST have fields."
| Just necons <- traverse maybeConsNameOnly conses >>= NE.nonEmpty ->
EnumRep necons
| Just neconses <- NE.nonEmpty (map resolveCons conses) -> SumRep neconses
_ -> error "Invalid type to resolve."
resolveDec _ = error "Must be a data type."
resolveCons :: TH.Con -> Cons
resolveCons (TH.NormalC name bangTypes) =
Cons {name = ConsName name, slots = fmap (resolveType . snd) bangTypes}
resolveCons _ = error "Invalid Con type."
maybeConsNameOnly :: TH.Con -> Maybe ConsName
maybeConsNameOnly (TH.NormalC name []) = pure (ConsName name)
maybeConsNameOnly _ = Nothing
resolveType :: TH.Type -> Type
resolveType =
TH.ConT name
| name == ''Int -> IntType
| name == ''Text -> TextType
| otherwise -> ConType (TypeName name)
TH.AppT (TH.ConT con) name
| con == ''Vector -> ArrayType (resolveType name)
_ -> error "Unsupported type."
-- Generate Haskell-side
generateToJSONInstance :: TH.Name -> Rep -> TH.Q [TH.Dec]
generateToJSONInstance name rep = do
func <- generateToJSONMethod rep
[d| instance Aeson.ToJSON $(TH.conT name) where toJSON = $(pure func) |]
generateToJSONMethod :: Rep -> TH.Q TH.Exp
generateToJSONMethod =
SingletonRep {} -> TH.lamE [TH.wildP] (TH.conE 'Aeson.Null)
ProductRep Product {name = ConsName cons, slots} ->
let (pat, rhs) = productPatAndRhs cons slots []
in TH.lamE [pat] rhs
NewtypeRep Newtype {name = ConsName cons} ->
TH.lamE [TH.conP cons [varP 0]] (TH.appE (TH.varE 'Aeson.toJSON) (varE 0))
RecordRep Record {name, fields} ->
(ProductRep Product {name, slots = (fmap (\Field {typ} -> typ) fields)})
SumRep conses ->
[ TH.match pat (TH.normalB rhs) []
| (i, Cons {name = ConsName name, slots}) <- zip [0 ..] (toList conses)
, let (pat, rhs) = productPatAndRhs name slots [toJSON (int i)]
EnumRep conses ->
[ TH.match pat (TH.normalB rhs) []
| (i, ConsName name) <- zip [0 ..] (toList conses)
, let pat = TH.conP name []
rhs = TH.appE (TH.varE 'Aeson.toJSON) (int i)
varP = TH.varP . var
varE = TH.varE . var
int i = TH.sigE (TH.litE (TH.integerL i)) (TH.conT ''Int)
var (i :: Int) = TH.mkName ("v_" ++ show i)
productPatAndRhs cons slots prefix =
(TH.conP cons (zipWith (const . varP) [0 ..] (toList slots)))
(prefix ++ zipWith (const . toJSON . varE) [0 ..] (toList slots))))
toJSON = TH.appE (TH.varE 'Aeson.toJSON)
-- Generate PureScript-side
data ForeignImport = ForeignImport
{ name :: TypeName
, suffix :: Suffix
, signature :: Signature
} deriving (Show)
data Suffix
= FieldSuffix FieldName Int -- ^ Access the field at index i.
| SlotSuffix Int -- ^ Access the slot at index i.
| IdFieldSuffix FieldName -- ^ The action is a no-op; identity.
| IdSuffix -- ^ The action is a no-op; identity.
| ViewSuffix -- ^ Simply a type-changing op from Json to View T.
| UnviewSuffix -- ^ Reverse of ViewSuffix.
| CaseSuffix -- ^ Case on sum types.
deriving (Show)
data Signature
= ViewToThing TypeName Type
| JsonView TypeName
| JsonUnview TypeName
| CaseSig TypeName (NonEmpty (ConsName, [Type]))
deriving (Show)
-- | Produce a foreign import which can be used to generate both a
-- "foreign import .." statement, and also the related JavaScript.
foreignsFromNameRep :: TypeName -> Rep -> Seq ForeignImport
foreignsFromNameRep name =
SingletonRep {} -> mempty
RecordRep Record {fields} ->
mconcat [viewUnview name, foreignForFields name fields]
ProductRep Product {slots} ->
mconcat [viewUnview name, foreignForSlots name slots]
NewtypeRep Newtype {mfield, slot} ->
mconcat [viewUnview name, pure (foreignForNewtype name mfield slot)]
SumRep conses ->
[ viewUnview name
, pure
(fmap (\(Cons {name = name', slots}) -> (name', slots)) conses))
EnumRep conses ->
[ viewUnview name
, pure (foreignForSum name (fmap (\name' -> (name', [])) conses))
-- | Generate foreign impor for a newtype. In any case, it's identity,
-- a no-op, but depending on whether there's a field, will generate a
-- different name for the foreign import.
foreignForNewtype :: TypeName -> Maybe FieldName -> Type -> ForeignImport
foreignForNewtype typeName mfield fieldType =
{ name = typeName
, suffix = maybe IdSuffix IdFieldSuffix mfield
, signature = ViewToThing typeName fieldType
-- | Generate the view/unview foreign imports.
-- View/unview. O(1) operation; no-op:
-- foreign import docView :: Json -> View Doc
-- foreign import docUnview :: View Doc -> Json
viewUnview :: TypeName -> Seq ForeignImport
viewUnview name =
[ ForeignImport
{name = name, suffix = ViewSuffix, signature = JsonView name}
, ForeignImport
{name = name, suffix = UnviewSuffix, signature = JsonUnview name}
-- | Generate product slot accessors:
-- foreign import docSlot1 :: View Doc -> Array (View Cell)
-- foreign import cellSlot2 :: View Cell -> String
foreignForSlots :: Foldable t => TypeName -> t Type -> Seq ForeignImport
foreignForSlots name slots =
[ ForeignImport
{ name = name
, suffix = SlotSuffix i
, signature = ViewToThing name fieldType
| (i, fieldType) <- zip [0..] (toList slots)
-- | Generate record field accessors:
-- foreign import docCells :: View Doc -> Array (View Cell)
-- foreign import cellUUID :: View Cell -> String
foreignForFields :: Foldable t => TypeName -> t Field -> Seq ForeignImport
foreignForFields name fields =
[ ForeignImport
{ name = name
, suffix = FieldSuffix fieldName i
, signature = ViewToThing name fieldType
| (i, Field {name = fieldName, typ = fieldType}) <- zip [0..] (toList fields)
-- | Generate foreign import for a sum type:
-- Example:
-- data CsvColumnType
-- = IntegerType Optionality
-- | DecimalType Int Optionality
-- | TextType Optionality
-- foreign import caseCsvColumnType
-- :: forall r.
-- View CsvColumnType
-- -> {
-- "IntegerType": View Optionality -> r,
-- "DecimalType": Int -> View Optionality -> r,
-- "TextType": View Optionality -> r
-- }
-- -> r
-- Constructors without any slots are just @"Foo": r@.
foreignForSum :: TypeName -> NonEmpty (ConsName, [Type]) -> ForeignImport
foreignForSum name conses =
ForeignImport {name, suffix = CaseSuffix, signature = CaseSig name conses}
-- Generate PureScript foreign decls
psJson :: SB.Builder
psJson = "Json"
psViewOf :: SB.Builder -> SB.Builder
psViewOf x = "(View " <> x <> ")"
psForForeignImport :: ForeignImport -> SB.Builder
psForForeignImport ForeignImport {name, suffix, signature} =
[ "foreign import "
, psForName name suffix
, " :: "
, psSignature signature
, "\n\n"
psSignature :: Signature -> SB.Builder
psSignature =
JsonView typeName -> psJson .->. psViewOf (psPascalForTypeName typeName)
JsonUnview typeName -> psViewOf (psPascalForTypeName typeName) .->. psJson
ViewToThing typeName typ ->
psViewOf (psPascalForTypeName typeName) .->. psType typ
CaseSig typeName conses ->
[ "forall r. "
, psConses .->. psViewOf (psPascalForTypeName typeName) .->. "r"
where psConses =
(\(consName, slots) ->
( psPascalForConsName consName
, foldr (.->.) "r" (map psType slots)))
(toList conses))
(.->.) x y = x <> " -> " <> y
psRecord :: [(SB.Builder, SB.Builder)] -> SB.Builder
psRecord keys =
"{\n " <>
",\n "
(map (\(k, v) -> "\"" <> k <> "\"" <> " :: " <> v) keys)) <>
"\n }"
psType :: Type -> SB.Builder
psType =
ConType typeName -> psViewOf (psPascalForTypeName typeName)
IntType -> "Int"
TextType -> "String"
ArrayType t -> "(Array " <> psType t <> ")"
psForName :: TypeName -> Suffix -> SB.Builder
psForName typeName =
IdSuffix -> "un" <> psPascalForTypeName typeName
SlotSuffix index -> psCamelForTypeName typeName <> fromString (show index)
IdFieldSuffix fieldName -> psCamelForTypeName typeName <> psPascalForFieldName fieldName
FieldSuffix fieldName _index -> psCamelForTypeName typeName <> psPascalForFieldName fieldName
ViewSuffix -> "view" <> psPascalForTypeName typeName
UnviewSuffix -> "unview" <> psPascalForTypeName typeName
CaseSuffix -> "case" <> psPascalForTypeName typeName
psCamelForTypeName :: TypeName -> SB.Builder
psCamelForTypeName (TypeName name) =
(\i char ->
if i == 0
then toLower char
else char)
[0 :: Int ..]
(TH.nameBase name))
psPascalForTypeName :: TypeName -> SB.Builder
psPascalForTypeName (TypeName name) = fromString (TH.nameBase name)
psPascalForConsName :: ConsName -> SB.Builder
psPascalForConsName (ConsName name) = fromString (TH.nameBase name)
psPascalForFieldName :: FieldName -> SB.Builder
psPascalForFieldName (FieldName name) =
(\i char ->
if i == 0
then toUpper char
else char)
[0 :: Int ..]
(TH.nameBase name))
-- Generate JavaScript foreign code
jsForForeignImport :: ForeignImport -> SB.Builder
jsForForeignImport ForeignImport {name, suffix, signature} =
[ "exports." <> psForName name suffix
, " = "
, jsBody signature suffix
, ";\n\n"
jsBody :: Signature -> Suffix -> SB.Builder
jsBody signature =
IdSuffix -> identity
IdFieldSuffix {} -> identity
SlotSuffix i -> jsSlot i
FieldSuffix _fieldName i -> jsSlot i
ViewSuffix -> identity
UnviewSuffix -> identity
| CaseSig _name conses <- signature ->
[ "function(k) {\n"
, "return function(a) {\n"
, "switch (a[0]) {\n"
, jsConses conses
, "default: throw Exception('BUG: case accessor failed');\n"
, "}\n"
, "}\n"
, "}\n"
| otherwise -> error "Bug."
identity = "function(x){return x}"
jsSlot :: Int -> SB.Builder
jsSlot i = "function(a){return a[" <> fromString (show i) <> "]}"
jsConses :: NonEmpty (ConsName, [Type]) -> SB.Builder
jsConses = mconcat . zipWith toCase [0 :: Int ..] . toList
toCase i (consName, slots) =
[ "case "
, fromString (show i)
, ": return k["
, "\"" <> psPascalForConsName consName <> "\""
, "]"
, params
, ";\n"
params =
if null slots
then mempty
else inner
inner =
(\j ->
("(a[" <>
(show -- Skip j+1
(j + 1)) <>
[0 :: Int ..]
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