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Created May 21, 2014 20:05
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.7)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
$debug-browser-support: true;
$svg-gradient-shim-threshold: 1%;
@import "compass/css3/images";
div {
is: prefixed(-svg, linear-gradient(45deg, #000, #fff));
is: prefixed(-svg, linear-gradient(to bottom, #000, #fff));
@include background(linear-gradient(45deg, #000, #fff));
@include background(linear-gradient(to bottom, #000, #fff));
div {
is: false;
is: true;
/* Capability css-gradients is prefixed with -moz because 1.11474% of users need it which is more than the threshold of 0.1%. */
/* Creating new -moz context. */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, #000000, #ffffff);
/* Capability css-gradients is not prefixed with -ms because 0% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of 0.1. */
/* Capability css-gradients is not prefixed with -o because 0.09236% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of 0.1. */
/* Capability css-gradients is prefixed with -webkit because 11.2153% of users need it which is more than the threshold of 0.1%. */
/* Creating new -webkit context. */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #000000, #ffffff);
background: linear-gradient(45deg, #000000, #ffffff);
/* Content for ie 9.
Min version: unspecified.
User threshold to keep: 1%%. If ie 9 are omitted: 2.98874%. */
/* Creating new -svg context. */
background: url('');
/* Capability css-gradients is prefixed with -moz because 1.11474% of users need it which is more than the threshold of 0.1%. */
/* Creating new -moz context. */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000000, #ffffff);
/* Capability css-gradients is not prefixed with -ms because 0% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of 0.1. */
/* Capability css-gradients is not prefixed with -o because 0.09236% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of 0.1. */
/* Capability css-gradients is prefixed with -webkit because 11.2153% of users need it which is more than the threshold of 0.1%. */
/* Creating new -webkit context. */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000000, #ffffff);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #ffffff);
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