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Created December 19, 2016 17:41
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multchoices <- function(nCoefs = 5, nObs = 1000, nChoices = 2, grpSize = 5, error = "varying") {
### Generate coefs
coefs <- runif(n = nCoefs, min = -10, max = 10)
nObs <- nObs
grpSize <- grpSize
if (nObs %% grpSize != 0) {
stop("Observations must be perfectly divisible by group size")
### Set up the RHS
X <- rnorm(n = nObs * nCoefs)
X <- matrix(X, nrow = nObs, ncol = nCoefs)
### Set up the groups
group <- rep(1:(nObs / grpSize), each = grpSize)
ystar <- tcrossprod(coefs, X)
ystar <- as.vector(ystar)
dat <- data.frame(ystar = ystar, group = group, chosen = 0)
### If the error is fixed we can add it on now
if (error == "fixed") {
e <- rgev(n = nObs,
xi = 0, ## Gumbel
mu = 0, beta = 1)
dat$mu <- dat$ystar + e
dat <- dat %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(chosen = as.numeric(mu >= sort(mu, decreasing = TRUE)[nChoices]))
} else {
for (i in 1:nChoices) {
e <- rgev(n = nObs,
xi = 0, ## Gumbel
mu = 0, beta = 1)
dat$mu <- dat$ystar + e
### Get the chosen entry from the currently non-chosen
dat <- dat %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(chosen = pmax(chosen, as.numeric(mu == max(mu[chosen == 0]))))
### We have the data, now estimate the models
dat$ystar <- NULL
dat$mu <- NULL
X <-
class(dat) <- "data.frame"
dat <- cbind(dat, X)
mclogit_mod <- tidy(mclogit(cbind(chosen, group) ~ . - group, data = dat))
mclogit_mod$method <- "mclogit"
true <- data.frame(term = paste0("V", 1:nCoefs),
estimate = coefs,
std.error = 0,
statistic = NA,
p.value = NA,
method = "known")
retval <- merge(mclogit_mod, true, all = TRUE)
retval$nChoices <- nChoices
retval$error <- error
retval$nCoefs <- nCoefs
a <- replicate(100, multchoices(nChoices = 1),simplify = FALSE)
b <- replicate(100, multchoices(nChoices = 2),simplify = FALSE)
a <-"rbind", a)
b <-"rbind", b)
summary(abs(a$estimate) / abs(b$estimate))
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