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chrislewis /
Created March 13, 2014 01:26
Testing parameter limits of java 8 lambdas. 255 turns out to be the limit for both the number of type parameters and arguments in lambda expressions.
class Lambda255 {
chrislewis / Foo.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Not so sealed
sealed trait Foo
case class Bar(x: Int) extends Foo
case class Baz(name: String) extends Foo
object Foo {
def show(f: Foo) =
f match {
case Bar(x) => x.toString // Quux, a subtype of Bar in a different file, will be matched as a Bar
case Baz(name) => name
CanBuildFrom is easily abused such that the ubiquitous higher order function
map can be repurposed as fold. This is not good; this example demonstrates
a design flaw, not a strength.
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.generic
* This is a simple example of using PHP's OAuth extension to send a message
* to another member. It assumes you have already recieved the necessary
* authorization from the user and stored the token for reuse.
* See for an
* example of how to fetch a valid token for a given member, with her
* authorization, using your consumer key and secret.
* This is a simple example of using PHP's OAuth extension to fetch a valid
* token for a given member. The process is a typical OAuth 1.0a flow, which
* includes requesting a member's authorization to act on her behalf and then
* fetching the actual token once authorized. This token can then be stored
* and used to make API calls on the member's behalf. For an example of making
* such a call once you have retriefed an authorized token, see:
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Bifunctor[BF[_, _]] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](bf: BF[A, C], fab: A => B, fcd: C => D): BF[B, D]
/* Mapping over one of the sides is convenient and can be implemented easily
in terms of `bimap`. */
/** Map over the "first" side, transforming the type and potentially the value
(if the BF instance is of the "first" type, natrually.) */
object Fλip {
val tParams = (1 to 23).map { i =>
(i + 'A' - 1).toChar
def getParams(arity: Int): IndexedSeq[Char] =
(0 to arity).map(tParams(_))
def getTypeSig(seq: IndexedSeq[Char]) =
s"""(${seq.init.mkString(",")}) => ${seq.last}"""
# Zero to Dockerized Jenkins on AWS.
# We use the stock docker image (
# as well as the stock Linux AMI (as of this writing
# We also assume you have configured an AWS identity, key pair, a security
# group that allows inbound TCP/8080, and that you have associated these with
# the instance.
sudo yum install docker
sudo service docker start
# Zero to Dockerized Nexus on AWS.
# We use the stock nexus image (
# as well as the stock Linux AMI (as of this writing
# We also assume you have configured an AWS identity, key pair, a security
# group that allows inbound TCP/8081, and that you have associated these with
# the instance.
sudo yum install docker
sudo service docker start
import java.util.{Calendar, Date}
import Calendar._
class TimeIncrement(val increment: Int /* FIXME */, val amount: Int)
class IntDate(val number: Int) {
def days = new TimeIncrement(DATE, number)