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Last active December 12, 2020 20:46
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/* Label of the button displayed in the confirmation pop-up when the Admin of an Audio Space tapped on the option to block someone. It will block (on Twitter) and remove (kick out) the user from the Audio Space. */
/* Title for the "View rules" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. Tapping this will open a list of Twitter Rules to respect while being on the platform, and especially in the Audio Space. */
/* Title displayed in the cell representing the list of remaining people in the Audio Space. %@ gets replaced by an abbreviated (and already localized) number of people, for example: 10 or 50K or 9M. Must be short. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the Admin of an Audio Space accepts a request from another user to become a Speaker. */
/* Label of the button displayed at the top of an Audio Space, to express the fact that this feature is still in beta. Must be short. */
/* Label of the button to close the tutorial displayed when the user taps on the "Beta", to get more information about the fact that this product is still in "Beta". */
/* Label of the button displayed on the tutorial displayed the first time a Beta user tries to create an Audio Space. Tapping on this button allows them to access the creation screen. */
/* Label of the button to close the Beta tutorial, and leave the beta at the same time. It will have for immediate effect to close the current Audio Space. */
/* Subtitle of the tutorial displayed when the user taps on the "Beta", to get more information about the fact that this product is still in "Beta". \n\n will be replaced by an empty line, between the two sentences. */
"VOICE_ROOM_BETA_SUBTITLE" = "As a member of our beta test, you’re one of first people to be able to host a space on Twitter.\n\nWe’re testing this product with different communities on Twitter to make sure we build the best experience possible, and we’ll be using your feedback to make improvements. DM us and let us know what you think at @TwitterSpaces.\n\nIf you’d like to opt out, you can always opt back in later.";
/* Title of the tutorial displayed when the user taps on the "Beta", to get more information about the fact that this product is still in "Beta". */
"VOICE_ROOM_BETA_TITLE" = "Testing 1,2,3…";
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the Admin of an Audio Space blocked and removed the user from it. This local notification is visible by the blocked user themselves. */
"VOICE_ROOM_BLOCKED_AND_REMOVED_BY_ADMIN_TOAST" = "You have been removed from this space.";
/* Message displayed in the confirmation pop-up when the Admin of an Audio Space wants to block someone. It will block (on Twitter) and remove (kick out) the user from the Audio Space. The two %@ will all be replaced by the name of the user, ex: "Martin". */
"VOICE_ROOM_BLOCK_AND_REMOVE_MESSAGE" = "%@ will be removed from this space, and will no longer be able to follow or message you. You will also not see notifications from %@.";
/* Title of the tooltip displayed on the Compose floating button, on the application home screen, to help the users discover the features when long-pressing it. */
"VOICE_ROOM_COMPOSE_BUTTON_TUTORIAL_TITLE" = "Press and hold for more options.";
/* Accessibility label of the microphone button, when the user is a speaker in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility hint of the microphone button, when the user is a speaker AND muted in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility value of the microphone button, when the user is a speaker AND muted in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility hint of the microphone button, when the user is a speaker AND unmuted in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility value of the microphone button, when the user is a speaker AND unmuted in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility label of the options button in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility label of the emoji reactions button in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility label of the share button in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility label of the "ask to speak" button, when the user is a listener in an Audio Space. */
/* Accessibility hint of the "cancel your request to speak" button, when the user is a listener in an Audio Space, and has requested to speak. */
/* Name of the Conversation control setting when the Admin autorizes everyone to join as Speaker in the Audio Space. Displayed in the creation screen and the settings screen. */
/* Name of the Conversation control setting when the Admin autorises only people they follow to join as Speaker in the Audio Space. Displayed in the creation screen and the settings screen. */
/* Name of the Conversation control setting when the Admin autorizes only a selected list of users to join as Speaker in the Audio Space. Displayed in the creation screen and the settings screen. */
"VOICE_ROOM_CONVERSATION_CONTROL_MENTIONED" = "Only people you invite to speak";
/* Label of the "validation" button on the Audio Space creation screen. Tapping on this will create an Audio Space. */
/* Subtitle of the "Conversation control" section in the Audio Space creation screen, to explain to the user that they can change this setting at any time during the lifetime of the Audio Space. */
/* Title of the "Conversation control" section in the Audio Space creation screen, to explain that this setting will impact who can speak automatically in it. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the user wants to start (create) an Audio Space, but one of the settings is missing or disabled. %@ will be replaced by the (already) localized name of this setting, for example "Connect to Periscope". */
"VOICE_ROOM_CREATION_ERROR_CONNECT_TO_PERISCOPE_MISSING" = "Please verify that “%@” is active in your settings.";
/* Subtitle of the screen displayed when the user selects the "Conversation control" setting named "Mentioned". They then have to invite a list of people, to allow them to speak in the Audio Space. %ld gets replaced by the maximum number of people they can invite, for example: 50. */
"VOICE_ROOM_CREATION_INVITE_SUBTITLE" = "You can invite up to %ld people to speak";
/* Title of the screen displayed when the user selects the "Conversation control" setting named "Mentioned". They then have to invite a list of people, to allow them to speak in the Audio Space. */
/* Disclaimer displayed above the Audio Space creation screen' validation button. It indicates to the user that they will start with their microphone off (muted), by default. */
"VOICE_ROOM_CREATION_MUTED_LABEL" = "Your mic will be off to start";
/* Title of the Audio Space creation screen. Must be the name of the product, plural. */
/* Subtitle of the confirmation pop-up if an Admin wants to end (destroy) an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_DESTROY_SPACE_MESSAGE" = "This will end the conversation for everyone.";
/* Title of the confirmation pop-up if an Admin wants to end (destroy) an Audio Space. */
/* Label of the validaton button of the confirmation pop-up if an Admin wants to end (destroy) an Audio Space. */
/* Disclaimer displayed on the preview screen of an Audio Space, before a user joins. It indicates to them that they need to tap on the "Join" button in order to hear something, because the preview does not contain the audio stream. */
"VOICE_ROOM_DISCLAIMER_PREVIEW" = "This is a muted preview. Join to hear the conversation.";
/* The hint for the element attached to the bottom of the screen that provides more information about the current Audio Space */
"VOICE_ROOM_DOCK_ACCESSIBILITY_HINT" = "Activate to get more information about the space";
/* The name for the element attached to the bottom of the screen that provides more information about the current Audio Space */
/* Sentence displayed in multiple places when the Audio Space is not available because it has been ended by the Admin. */
"VOICE_ROOM_ERROR_STATUS_ENDED" = "This space has ended";
/* Sentence displayed in multiple places when the Audio Space is not available, for various (and undefined) reasons. */
"VOICE_ROOM_ERROR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE" = "This space is not available";
/* Accessibility of the Floating Action Button item for the Audio Spaces, along with "Drafts" and "GIF Gallery". */
/* Label displayed next to the Audio Spaces button, in the tutorial displayed automatically when the user launches the application It helps them discover the new feature "Audio Spaces", accessible via a long-press gesture on the "Compose" floating button. It needs to be the name of the product ("Audio Spaces"). */
/* Subtitle of the tutorial displayed automatically when the user launches the application. It helps them discover the new feature "Audio Spaces", accessible via a long-press gesture on the "Compose" floating button. */
"VOICE_ROOM_FAB_TUTORIAL_DESCRIPTION" = "You can now host and join live conversations in Spaces. Go on. Try it.";
/* Title of the tutorial displayed automatically when the user launches the application. It helps them discover the new feature "Audio Spaces", accessible via a long-press gesture on the "Compose" floating button. */
"VOICE_ROOM_FAB_TUTORIAL_TITLE" = "The mic is yours";
/* Subtitle of the screen explaining to the user that the feature is in "beta", and that they can provide us with some feedback. %@ will be replaced by the username of the account we use to receive feedbacks (ex: TwitterSpaces) */
"VOICE_ROOM_FEEDBACK_MAIN_SECTION_SUBTITLE" = "We’ll be using your feedback to help us build the best experience possible. Tweet or DM us at @%@.";
/* Title of the screen explaining to the user that the feature is in "beta", and that they can provide us with some feedback. */
/* "Send feedback" section subtitle of the "Feedback" about the Audio Space screen. Currently this option allows the user to send a DM to the team. */
"VOICE_ROOM_FEEDBACK_SEND_FEEDBACK_ACTION_SUBTITLE" = "Message the working team to let us know what you like and what you’d like to see improved in Spaces.";
/* "Send feedback" section title of the "Feedback" about the Audio Space screen. Currently this option allows the user to send a DM to the team. */
/* Feedback about the Audio Space screen’s title */
"VOICE_ROOM_FEEDBACK_TITLE" = "Share feedback";
/* Title of the tooltip displayed on the Audio Space screen’s "options" button, to indicate to the user that they can leave feedback by tapping this button. */
"VOICE_ROOM_FEEDBACK_TUTORIAL_TITLE" = "Share feedback on Spaces";
/* Subtitle of the tooltip displayed on Fleets, when the user sees an Audio Space for the first time. %@ will be replaced by the name of the creator of the space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_FLEETS_TUTORIAL_SUBTITLE" = "%@ is hosting a live conversation with Spaces.";
/* Title of the tooltip displayed on Fleets, when the user sees an Audio Space for the first time. */
/* Label of the validation button, in the confirmation pop-up when someone wants to give up their speaking privileges in an Audio Space. */
/* Subtitle of the confirmation pop-up when someone wants to give up their speaking privileges in an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_HANG_UP_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE" = "This will remove your speaker privileges. You will still be able to listen.";
/* Title of the confirmation pop-up when someone wants to give up their speaking privileges in an Audio Space. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the Admin of an Audio Space invites the current user, currently a Listener, to join as a Speaker. */
"VOICE_ROOM_INVITED_TO_SPEAK_TOAST" = "%@ invited you to speak";
/* Label of the validation button, in the screen that allows an Admin of an Audio Space, to add more Speakers by inviting them. Tapping this button will send the invitations, */
/* Title of the screen that allows an Admin of an Audio Space, to add more Speakers by inviting them. */
/* Label of the button that allows a user to choose to join as a Listener (muted) an Audio Space. */
/* Label of the button that allows a user to choose to join as a Speaker (unmuted) an Audio Space. */
/* Label displayed on the Audio Space preview screen, for the users who can either join as a Listener or as a Speaker. */
"VOICE_ROOM_JOIN_MODE_TITLE" = "How do you want to join?";
/* "Current speakers" section title of the "Manage speakers" screen, that contains a list of all the Speakers & people invited as Speakers in the Audio Space. */
/* "Speakers requests" section subtitle of the "Manage speakers" screen, that contains a list of all the users who requested to become a Speaker in the Audio Space. */
/* "Speakers requests" section title of the "Manage speakers" screen, that contains a list of all the users who requested to become a Speaker in the Audio Space. */
/* "Manage speakers" of an Audio Space screen title. */
/* Label displayed under the microphone button, that allows the user to mute or un-mute them, when the microphone is currently muted. Must be short. */
/* Label displayed under the microphone button, that allows the user to mute or un-mute them, when the microphone is currently un-muted. Must be short. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when another user requested to become a Speaker. %@ gets replaced by the name of this user. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when several people requested to become a Speaker. %lu gets replaced by the number of people, for example: 9 */
"VOICE_ROOM_NOTIFICATION_CALLER_OTHERS" = "%lu requests to speak";
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when the current user requests to become a Speaker. %@ gets replaced by the name of the Admin user, who validates the requests. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when the current user receives a private emoji reaction from another user. %@ gets replaced by the name of the user who sent the reaction. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when another user joins the Audio Space. %@ gets replaced by the name of this user. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when the current user joins. */
/* Notification displayed in the Audio Spaces Dock, when a user shares a Tweet. %@ gets replaced by the name of this user. */
/* Subtitle of the beta tutorial that is displayed the first the the user opens an Audio Space creation screen. */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_BETA_SUBTITLE" = "Spaces is currently in beta, which means we’re just starting to try it out – and you’re one of the first to see it!\n\nWe’re testing this product with different communities on Twitter to make sure we build the best experience possible. Join and let us know what you think.";
/* Title of the beta tutorial that is displayed the first the the user opens an Audio Space creation screen. */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_BETA_TITLE" = "You’re invited";
/* Title of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen (in Fleets) */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_FLEETS_TITLE" = "The mic is yours";
/* Label of the button to access the Audio Spaces onboarding screen, from the creation screen */
/* Subtitle of the first section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen. %ld will be replaced by the maximum number of Speakers in an Audio Space, for example, 13. */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_SECTION_1_SUBTITLE" = "You can invite up to %ld people to speak.";
/* Title of the first section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_SECTION_1_TITLE" = "Start a space";
/* Subtitle of the second section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen. */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_SECTION_2_SUBTITLE" = "Share your thoughts, send emojis, do your thing.";
/* Title of the second section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
/* Subtitle of the third section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_SECTION_3_SUBTITLE" = "Spaces are live only, so just like in real life, the magic is in the moment.";
/* Title of the third section of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
/* Subtitle of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_SUBTITLE" = "Get your people together for a live conversation. Here’s how it works:";
/* Title of the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_NUX_TITLE" = "Introducing Spaces";
/* Label of the button to validate (and close) the Audio Spaces onboarding screen */
/* Accessibiblity label of the cell displayed at the end of the Audio Spaces participants, to describe the number of (non diplayed) remaining people. %@ will be replaced by a localized number, like 100 or 1M. */
"VOICE_ROOM_OTHER_PEOPLE_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" = "%@ other people in this space";
/* Displayed to the user when they receive a private emoji reaction from someone. %@ gets replaced by the name of the user who sent the reaction. */
/* Accessibility label read out as an announcement when a user receives a private emoji reaction in an Audio Space. */
/* Displayed to the user when they send a private emoji reaction to someone. %@ gets replaced by the name of the user they sent the reaction to. */
/* Accessibility label read out as an announcement when a user sends a private emoji reaction in an Audio Space. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the Admin of an Audio Space removes another user from the Speakers. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when a user reports an Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_REPORT_CONFIRMATION_TOAST" = "This space has been reported. Thank you!";
/* Subtitle of the screen allowing people to report an Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_REPORT_SUBTITLE" = "Please describe the issue";
/* Title of the screen allowing people to report an Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_REPORT_TITLE" = "Report this space";
/* Title of the local notification displayed when a user reports a specific user in an Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_REPORT_USER_CONFIRMATION_TOAST" = "%@ has been reported. Thank you!";
/* Placeholder of the search field allowing a user to input a username or the name of a group, when they want to invite them into an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SELECT_USERS_PLACEHOLDER" = "Search for people and groups";
/* Subtitle of the "Conversation controls" section of the "Settings" screen of an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETTINGS_SECTION_CONVERSATION_CONTROLS_SUBTITLE" = "Who can speak? Current speakers will not be affected.";
/* Title of the "Conversation controls" section of the "Settings" screen of an Audio Space. Says "Speakers" because the conversation controls is about who can speak into an Audio Space. */
/* Subtitle of the "Transcriptions" section of the "Settings" screen of an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETTINGS_SECTION_TRANSCRIPTIONS_SUBTITLE" = "Transcriptions show what is being said, and help make the space more accessible.";
/* Title of the "Transcriptions" section of the "Settings" screen of an Audio Space. */
/* Title of the "Settings" screen of an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETTINGS_TITLE" = "Adjust settings";
/* Subtitle of the "Microphone permission" section of the "Setup Permissions" screen before creating an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETUP_MICROPHONE_SUBTITLE" = "Let Twitter access your device’s microphone.";
/* Title of the "Microphone permission" section of the "Setup Permissions" screen before creating an Audio Space. */
/* TItle of the "Setup Permissions" screen before creating an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETUP_TITLE" = "Let’s get you set up";
/* Subtitle of the "Speech Recognition permission" section of the "Setup Permissions" screen before creating an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SETUP_TRANSCRIPTIONS_SUBTITLE" = "Make this space more accessible by sharing your transcriptions.";
/* TItle of the "Speech Recognition permission" section of the "Setup Permissions" screen before creating an Audio Space. */
/* Social proof displayed under a shared Tweet in an Audio Space. Will be prefixed by the avatar of the sharing user, and %@ will be replaced by the name of the sharing user. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the current user shares a Tweet into the Audio Space they're currently in. %@ will be replaced by the Audio Space’s title, for example "Your space" or "Maya’s space". */
"VOICE_ROOM_SHARED_STATUS_TOAST" = "Tweet shared in %@";
/* Placeholder of the text field that allows the user to customize the invitation message, when they want to invite people in an Audio Space. */
/* Title of the local notification displayed to the user when they invited people into an Audio Space. The first %@ gets replaced by the name of several users. The second %@ gets replaced by either VOICE_ROOM_SUBTITLE_PLUS_ONE_OTHER_USER (ex: " +1 other") or VOICE_ROOM_SUBTITLE_PLUS_MULTIPLE_OTHER_USER (ex: " +2 others"), based on the number of additional users that will be invited. */
/* Default content of the DM sent when a user invites people in an Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SHARE_VIA_DM_PREFILLED_MESSAGE" = "Join this live conversation with me!";
/* Title of the local notification displayed to the user when they invited people into an Audio Space. %@ gets replaced by the name of one user. */
/* Title of the screen allowing a user to invite people in an Audio Space. */
/* Disclaimer displayed on the Audio Space preview screen, if at least one speaker has been (previously) blocked by the current user. %lu will be replaced by the number of blocked speakers. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SPEAKERS_BLOCKED_DISCLAIMER" = "You have blocked %lu people who are speaking";
/* Title of the local notification displayed when a new Speaker joins an Audio Space, and the current user has blocked this user. The local notification will contain a button to leave the space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SPEAKER_BLOCKED_TOAST" = "An account you blocked has joined as a speaker";
/* Label displayed under the microphone button in an Audio Space, when the user is a Listener. Tapping on this button allows them to request to become a Speaker. Must be short. */
/* Label displayed under the microphone button in an Audio Space, when the user is a Listener, and they already requested to become a Speaker. Their request was sent, and is now pending. Tapping on this button will cancel their request. Must be short. */
/* Separator of names when displaying multiple users in an Audio Space, for example: Martin, Bernard, Robert. Must contain one or several spaces, if necessary. */
/* Subtitle displayed on the Audio Spaces dock when the current user is alone in the space at the moment. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SUBTITLE_ONLY_YOU" = "It’s only you…for now";
/* Subtitle displayed on the Audio Spaces dock when there are other people present in the space at the moment. %lu will be replaced by the number of people, for example: 100. */
"VOICE_ROOM_SUBTITLE_PEOPLE_PRESENT" = "%lu people are here";
/* Subtitle displayed on the Audio Spaces dock when there are other people present in the space at the moment. %lu will be replaced by the number of people, for example: 100. */
/* Subtitle displayed on the Audio Spaces dock when there are 1 other people present in the space at the moment. %lu will be replaced by 1. */
/* Title of the Audio Space screen, when it has been ended by its Admin. */
/* Title of the Audio Space screen, when it is still live, but the connection with is not yet established. It can be displayed to any user, including the Admin, when they are creating the Audio Space. */
/* Title of the Audio Space screen, when an error during the creation process (for the Admin) or the joining process (for any other user) happened. */
/* Title of the Audio Space screen, when someone else is the Admin. %@ will be replaced by the name of the Admin. */
/* Title of the Audio Space screen, when the current user is the Admin. */
/* Subtitle of the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) disabled screen, displayed when the user specifically disabled the speech recognition permission. */
"VOICE_ROOM_TRANSCRIPTION_DISABLED_NUX_SUBTITLE" = "Sometimes Twitter doesn’t have permission to display a person’s transcripts. We’re working to scale this feature to make Twitter audio accessible for everyone.";
/* Title of the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) disabled screen, displayed when the user specifically disabled the speech recognition permission. */
/* Label of the button to validate (and close) the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) disabled screen, displayed when the user specifically disabled the speech recognition permission. */
/* Subtitle of the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_TRANSCRIPTION_NUX_SUBTITLE" = "Transcriptions act like subtitles for this conversation. Share yours to allow people of all hearing abilities to follow along.";
/* Title of the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) onboarding screen */
"VOICE_ROOM_TRANSCRIPTION_NUX_TITLE" = "Help make this space more accessible";
/* Label of the button to validate (and close) the Audio Spaces transcriptions (subtitles) onboarding screen */
/* Label of the button to accept an invitation from an Admin to become a Speaker in an Audio Space. */
/* Label of the button to accept a user request to become a Speaker in an Audio Space. */
/* Label of the button to accept a user request to become a Speaker in an Audio Space. Must be short. */
/* Label of the button to block (on Twitter) and remove (kick out) a user from an Audio Space. */
/* Label of the button that allows an Admin to "leave and destroy" (or, as said in english, "end") the Audio Space. Displayed at the top right of the Audio Space screen, and any other sub-screens. Must be short. */
/* Title of the entry in the Audio Spaces Settings screen that allows the user to enable or disable the system that transcribes their audio into text. */
/* Subtitle of the entry in the Audio Spaces Settings screen that allows the user to enable or disable the system that transcribes their audio into text. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_ACTION_DISPLAY_MY_TRANSCRIPTIONS_DESCRIPTION" = "This will display your transcriptions so anyone in the space can read what you are saying.";
/* Accessibility label for the button that allows the user to dock (attach to bottom of screen) the Audio Space. */
/* Label for the "Hang up" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this will remove the current user from the Speakers, and they will become "listening-only" users. */
/* Label for the menu entry in the Audio Space’s user screen. Only displayed for the Admins. Tapping this will send an local notification to become a Speaker to the user. It will also add them to the allow list, to become automatically a Speaker. */
/* Label of the button, in the "Manage Speakers" screen of an Audio Space, that allows an Admin to invite more people as Speakers. */
/* Label of the button that allows a user to effectively join an Audio Space, to listen to it. Displayed on the "preview" screen. */
/* Label of the button that allows a user to "leave" the Audio Space. Displayed at the top right of the Audio Space screen, and any other sub-screens. Must be short. */
/* Title of the entry in the options menu, in an Audio Space, that allows the user to leave some feedback to the team (Twitter). */
/* Label for the "Manage Speakers" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this will open a screen that allows the Admin to manage all the speakers and speakers requests in an Audio Space. */
/* Label displayed above a list of emojis, in the Audio Space’s user screen. Describes the fact that a tap on one of these emojis will sent an emoji reaction to this user. */
/* Accessibility label of an emoji button in the user menu of an Audio Space. Double tapping the emoji will send a private emoji reaction to the user. */
/* Title of the entry in the user menu, in an Audio Space, that allows an Admin to remove a user from the Speakers. */
/* Label of the button, in the "Manage Speakers" screen of an Audio Space, that allows an Admin to remove a user from the Speakers. Must be short. */
/* Label for the "Report" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this opens a module to report the Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_ACTION_REPORT" = "Report this space";
/* Subtitle for the "Report" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this opens a module to report the Audio Space to Twitter. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_ACTION_REPORT_SUBTITLE" = "Report any harm or abuse you encounter in this space.";
/* Label for the "Settings" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. */
/* Label for the "Direct Messages" menu entry when the user taps the "sharing" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this opens a module to share a link to the Audio Space, via DM. */
/* Label for the "Direct Messages" menu entry when the user taps the "sharing" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this opens a module to share a link to the Audio Space, by copying it into the clipboard. */
/* Label for the "Direct Messages" menu entry when the user taps the "sharing" button in an Audio Space. Tapping on this opens a module to share a link to the Audio Space, via the composition of a new Tweet. */
/* Accessibility hint when a user focuses on a user cell in an Audio Space. Double tapping the cell will open a menu with actions about the select user. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_ACTION_TAP_ACCESSIBILITY_HINT" = "Double-tap to open user options";
/* Title for the "View transcriptions" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. This entry is a toggle, that will enable or disable the visibliity of the transcriptions in this Audio Space. */
/* Subtitle for the "View transcriptions" menu entry when the user taps the "options" button in an Audio Space. This entry is a toggle, that will enable or disable the visibliity of the transcriptions in this Audio Space. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_ACTION_VIEW_TRANSCRIPTIONS_DESCRIPTION" = "Allows you to see transcriptions shared by others in the space.";
/* Title of the local notification displayed when the Admin of an Audio Space blocked and removed the user from it. This local notification is visible to the Admin themselves. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_BLOCKED_AND_REMOVED_BY_ADMIN_TOAST" = "%@ has been blocked and removed from this Audio Space.";
/* Title of the local notification displayed when a non-Admin user in an Audio Space blocked another. This local notification is visible to the blocker user themselves. */
"VOICE_ROOM_USER_BLOCKED_TOAST" = "%@ has been blocked. You will continue to see them in this Space.";
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who is an Admin. Must be short. */
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who has been blocked on Twitter by the current user. Must be short. */
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who requested to become a Speaker. Must be short. */
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who has been invited to become a Speaker, by the Admin. Must be short. */
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who is just a listener. They can hear/listen to the audio in the Audio Space, but they cannot talk. Must be short. */
/* Status displayed in an Audio Space, under the avatar of a user who is an Speaker. They can hear/listen to the audio in the Audio Space, and they can also talk. Must be short. */
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