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Last active May 23, 2017 00:30
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#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define A 13
#define B 12
#define C 11
#define D 10
#define DELAY 500
const int hour_addr = 0;
const int minute_addr = 9;
const int second_addr = 17;
const int rotary_outputA = 6;
const int rotary_outputB = 7;
//Put all the pins in an array to make them easy to work with
const int stepper_pinIN[] {
2, //IN1 on the ULN2003 Board, BLUE end of the Blue/Yellow motor coil
3, //IN2 on the ULN2003 Board, PINK end of the Pink/Orange motor coil
4, //IN3 on the ULN2003 Board, YELLOW end of the Blue/Yellow motor coil
5 //IN4 on the ULN2003 Board, ORANGE end of the Pink/Orange motor coil
//Define the full step sequence.
//With the pin (coil) states as an array of arrays
int fullStepCount = 4;
int fullSteps[][4] = {
int c[3][4][2] = {
{ {A, B}, {B, D}, {C, B}, {D, B} },
{ {A, C}, {B, C}, {C, D}, {D, C} },
{ {A, D}, {B, A}, {C, A}, {D, A} }
int frames[][3] =
{0b0001, 0b0000, 0b0000},
{0b0000, 0b0001, 0b0000},
{0b0000, 0b0000, 0b0001}
//Keeps track of the current step.
//We'll use a zero based index.
int currentStep = 0;
//Keeps track of the current direction
//Relative to the face of the motor.
//Clockwise (true) or Counterclockwise(false)
//We'll default to clockwise
bool clockwise = true;
// How many steps to go before reversing, set to zero to not bounce.
//int targetSteps = 0; //targetSteps 0 means the motor will just run in a single direction.
int targetSteps = 2048; //2049 steps per rotation when wave or full stepping
//int targetSteps = 4096; //4096 steps per rotation when half stepping
int aState;
int aLastState;
// For rotating the hand
double queuedSteps = 0.0;
tmElements_t tm;
int cachedMinute;
int cachedHour;
bool getTime(const char *str)
int Hour, Min, Sec;
if (sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d", &Hour, &Min, &Sec) != 3) return false;
tm.Hour = Hour;
tm.Minute = Min;
tm.Second = Sec;
return true;
void rotateStepper(int min) {
queuedSteps += (min * (double)targetSteps / 60.0);
// Calculate how much to move the hands
void calculateRotation(int oldHour, int oldMinute, int newHour, int newMinute) {
int hourDifference = newHour - oldHour;
while (hourDifference > 6 || hourDifference < -6) {
if (hourDifference > 6) {
hourDifference -= 12;
} else {
hourDifference += 12;
int minuteDifference = newMinute - oldMinute;
while (minuteDifference > 30 || minuteDifference < -30) {
if (minuteDifference > 30) {
minuteDifference -= 60;
} else {
minuteDifference += 60;
// Rotate the stepper to the correct amount of minutes
rotateStepper(hourDifference * 60 + minuteDifference);
Serial.print("Hour: ");
Serial.print(" | Minute: ");
Serial.print("Minutes to rotate: ");
Serial.println(hourDifference * 60 + minuteDifference);
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// Configuring the pins for the Rotary Encoder
pinMode (rotary_outputA,INPUT);
pinMode (rotary_outputB,INPUT);
aLastState = digitalRead(rotary_outputA);
// Configuring the pins for the Stepper Motor
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinMode(stepper_pinIN[i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(stepper_pinIN[i], LOW);
// Configuring the pins for the LEDs
pinMode(A, INPUT);
pinMode(B, INPUT);
pinMode(C, INPUT);
pinMode(D, INPUT);
// DEBUG: Initializes the RTC module to compiler time.
if (getTime(__TIME__)) {
// Initialize data from memory
int savedHour =;
int savedMinute =;
int savedSecond =;
// Save the last minute value
if ( {
// This will initialize the clock hands from where it last left off
calculateRotation(savedHour, savedMinute, tm.Hour, tm.Minute);
EEPROM.write(hour_addr, tm.Hour);
EEPROM.write(minute_addr, tm.Minute);
EEPROM.write(second_addr, tm.Second);
cachedMinute = tm.Minute;
cachedHour = tm.Hour;
// Serial.print(tm.Hour);
// Serial.print(":");
// Serial.print(tm.Minute);
// tm.Hour = 1;
// RTC.write(tm);
// EEPROM.write(hour_addr, 1);
// EEPROM.write(minute_addr, 0);
} else {
if (RTC.chipPresent()) {
Serial.println("The DS1307 is stopped. Please run the SetTime");
Serial.println("example to initialize the time and begin running.");
} else {
Serial.println("DS1307 read error! Please check the circuitry.");
void step(int steps[][4], int stepCount) {
// Increment the program field tracking the current step we are on
//Then we can figure out what our current step within the sequence from the overall current step
//and the number of steps in the sequence
int currentStepInSequence = currentStep % stepCount;
//Figure out which step to use. If clock wise, it is the same is the current step
//if not clockwise, we fire them in the reverse order...
int directionStep = clockwise ? currentStepInSequence : (stepCount-1) - currentStepInSequence;
//Set the four pins to their proper state for the current step in the sequence,
//and for the current direction
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepper_pinIN[i], steps[directionStep][i]);
// Hack to prevent overflow of currentStep
if (currentStep == 2048 || currentStep < 0) {
currentStep = 0;
// Serial.println(currentStep);
// For debugging
void print2digits(int number) {
if (number >= 0 && number < 10) {
void handleLEDLight() {
int hr1 = cachedHour <= 12 ? cachedHour : cachedHour - 12;
int hr2 = tm.Hour <= 12 ? tm.Hour : tm.Hour - 12;
if (hr1 == 0) {
hr1 = 12;
if (hr2 == 0) {
hr2 = 12;
void loop() {
// Read the current value on the RTC;
* Rotary Encoder
aState = digitalRead(rotary_outputA); // Reads the "current" state of the outputA
// If the previous and the current state of the outputA are different, that means a Pulse has occured
if (aState != aLastState) {
// If the outputB state is different to the outputA state, that means the encoder is rotating clockwise
// One rotary encoder turn tick is 1 minute
if (digitalRead(rotary_outputB) != aState) {
// Calculate the steps needed to rotate by 1 minute forward
// 2048 / 360 * 6
//queuedSteps += ((double)targetSteps / 60.0);
} else {
// Calculate the steps needed to rotate by 1 minute backwards
//queuedSteps -= ((double)targetSteps / 60.0);
if (tm.Minute == 255) {
tm.Minute = 59;
tm.Hour -= 1;
} else if (tm.Minute == 60) {
// Minutes: Overflow from addition
tm.Minute = 0;
tm.Hour += 1;
// Hours: Overflow from subtraction
if (tm.Hour == 255) {
tm.Hour = 23;
} else if (tm.Hour == 24) {
// Minutes: Overflow from addition
tm.Hour = 0;
EEPROM.write(hour_addr, tm.Hour);
EEPROM.write(minute_addr, tm.Minute);
EEPROM.write(second_addr, tm.Second);
cachedMinute = tm.Minute;
Serial.print("Ok, Time = ");
// This handles rotating the stepper motor by 1 minute
if (cachedMinute != tm.Minute) {
// Serial.println("Rotate by 1 minute.");
Serial.print("old minute: ");
Serial.print(" || new minute: ");
// Update cachedMinute Value
cachedMinute = tm.Minute;
// Move stepper motor by 1 minute
// queuedSteps += ((double)targetSteps / 60.0);
EEPROM.write(hour_addr, tm.Hour);
EEPROM.write(minute_addr, tm.Minute);
EEPROM.write(second_addr, tm.Second);
// Rotary Encoder
aLastState = aState; // Updates the previous state of the rotary_outputA with the current state
if (queuedSteps >= 1.0) {
// Hack to prevent overflowing of currentStep
if (!clockwise) {
currentStep = 0;
clockwise = true;
queuedSteps -= 1.0;
//Serial.print("Steps Left: ");
} else if (queuedSteps <= -1.0) {
// Hack to prevent overflowing of currentStep
if (clockwise) {
currentStep = 0;
clockwise = false;
queuedSteps += 1.0;
if (cachedHour != tm.Hour) {
Serial.print("old hour: ");
Serial.print(" || new hour: ");
cachedHour = tm.Hour;
* 2 milliseconds seems to be about the shortest delay that is usable.
* Anything lower and the motor starts to freeze.
// LED Debug
// changeHour(4);
// Lights an LED using the LED number as an input
void lightLED(int p) {
switch (p) {
case 1: light(c[2][0]); break;
case 2: light(c[1][0]); break;
case 3: light(c[0][0]); break;
case 4: light(c[0][1]); break;
case 5: light(c[1][1]); break;
case 6: light(c[2][1]); break;
case 7: light(c[1][2]); break;
case 8: light(c[2][2]); break;
case 9: light(c[0][2]); break;
case 10: light(c[2][3]); break;
case 11: light(c[1][3]); break;
case 12: light(c[0][3]); break;
// Turn off LED using the LED number as input
void turnOffLED(int p) {
switch (p) {
case 1: turnOff(c[2][0]); break;
case 2: turnOff(c[1][0]); break;
case 3: turnOff(c[0][0]); break;
case 4: turnOff(c[0][1]); break;
case 5: turnOff(c[1][1]); break;
case 6: turnOff(c[2][1]); break;
case 7: turnOff(c[1][2]); break;
case 8: turnOff(c[2][2]); break;
case 9: turnOff(c[0][2]); break;
case 10: turnOff(c[2][3]); break;
case 11: turnOff(c[1][3]); break;
case 12: turnOff(c[0][3]); break;
// Lights all the LEDs from 1-n
void lightLEDs(int n) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
void turnOffAll(int n) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
/* LED lighting functions */
// Turns off an LED, takes an array of two pins as input
void turnOff( int pins[2] ) {
pinMode(pins[0], INPUT);
pinMode(pins[1], INPUT);
// Lights an LED, takes an array of two pins as input
void light( int pins[2] ) {
pinMode( pins[0], OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( pins[0], HIGH );
pinMode( pins[1], OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( pins[1], LOW );
void changeHour(int i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= 12; j++) {
int num = (j+i < 13 ? j+i : j+i-12);
test(num, DELAY);
/* Testing functions */
void test( int pin, int speed ) {
void test_loop() {
int speed = 500;
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
test(i, speed);
void display( int frame[3], int duration ) {
int times = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
while( times < duration ) {
for( y = 0; y < 3; y++ ) {
for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) {
if (frame[y] & (0b100 >> x)) {
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