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christiangenco / smu_swipes.rb
Created March 27, 2014 05:11
Download the swipes and flex dollars left on your SMU ID card.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author: Christian Genco (@cgenco)
# 2013-09-04
require 'time'
@logfilename = "/Users/cgenco/Dropbox/flex.log"
christiangenco /
Created April 9, 2014 22:31
Github ownership proof for

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am christiangenco on github.
  • I am cgenco ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D1FA 6659 4379 E5B3 3867 9FF4 FF22 DC2D 357E 4A3C

To claim this, I am signing this object:

christiangenco /
Created September 4, 2014 04:29
Detect if a browser has a mouse or not
class MouseDetector
constructor: () ->
@events = {
hasMouse: []
noMouse: []
mousemoves = 0
mouseFirstMoved = null
christiangenco / dbinbox.en.yml
Created September 5, 2014 18:34 language files 2014-09-05
edit: edit
delete: delete
embed_code: embed code
authenticate: authenticate
// WalkieSockie
// Christian Genco: @cgenco
// An alternate input/output device for the feet
// pins
static int pressurePin = A5, vibratorPin = 11;
// thresholds
static int pressureLow = 0, pressureHigh = 1000,
vibeLow = 0, vibeHigh = 255;
christiangenco / kid_blog_posts.tampermonkey.js
Created November 2, 2014 20:10
Adds a table showing how many comments each kid has added to each post.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add Post Table to Kid Blog
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Adds a table showing how many comments each kid has added to each post.
// @author Christian Genco
// @match*/wp-admin/users.php
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
christiangenco / istation_password_changer.js
Created November 3, 2014 04:42
Changes the password for all of your students to the 4 numbers in their student ID
// log in to, navigate to your classroom (,
// then cut and paste the following into your URL bar and hit enter.
javascript:function changePassword(a){var b=document.createElement("IFRAME");b.setAttribute("src",a),"100%","100%","fixed",,b.onload=function(){console.log("loaded");var a=$(this);if(a.contents().find("h3.lead").length)a.remove(),urls.length>0&&changePassword(urls.pop());else{var b=a.contents().find("#Username").val(),c=b.match(/\d+/)[0];a.contents().find("#Password").val(c),a.contents().find("form[action*='/Student/Edit/']").submit()}},document.body.appendChild(b)}window.urls=$(".entity-list .ctxt-menu-target a").map(function(a,b){return""+$(b).attr("href").replace("Index","Edit")}).toArray(),changePassword(urls.pop());
christiangenco / I before E, except after
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
I before E, except after C

Like in belIEve, fIErce, collIE, dIE, or frIEnd.

But flip "ie" if it's after C, like in deCEIve, CEIling, reCEIpt, or CEIlidh.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, though, like in speCIEs, sCIEnce, suffiCIEnt, or sEIze, wEIrd, vEIn, thEIr, forEIgn, or fEIsty.

In fact, in the default dictionary for Mac OS X 10.10, there are 2717 exceptions to this rule, and only 3901 words that follow it (full list below).

In other words: if you're trying to decide if a word should be spelled with "ie" or "ei," following this rule will only help you guess correctly 6 times out of 10.

# If you, like me, have always known about this `awk` thing
# when stealing one liners from Stack Overflow but always put
# off actually learning it, here's your 10 second lesson:
# Print lines in FILENAME that match pattern (the $0 is a
# variable that refers to the entire line, and can be omitted
# by default):
$ awk '/pattern/{print $0}' FILENAME
# ex: find all words that start with a capital A in the dictionary:
christiangenco / trashold.rb
Created May 16, 2015 01:29
automatically delete old files in your Downloads folder
# invoke on a regular schedule (like once a day) with:
# /path/to/trashold.rb ~/Downloads
# to automatically trash files older than 1.5 days.
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils
THRESHOLD = 1.5 * (60 * 60 * 24)