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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Solve the nrich factor lines puzzle -
from itertools import product
# the size of the grid
columns = 5
rows = 5
# the cards we're given
cards = [1,2,3,21]
def valid_placement(card,place):
# card can be put in place if place is a factor or a multiple of card
return card%place==0 or place%card==0
# for each card, work out which cells it can be placed on
valids = [[place for place in range(1,columns*rows+1) if valid_placement(card,place)] for card in cards]
# does a given arrangement of cards (list giving places to put each card) form a line?
def valid_arrangement(arrangement):
# if two cards have been put in the same place, this is not valid
if len(set(arrangement))!=len(arrangement):
return False
#from now on, it doesn't matter which cards go where - only that the pattern forms a line
# sort the places by number, so the smallest one will be the first in the list and the biggest one will be the last
arrangement = sorted(arrangement)
def grid_coords(place):
place -= 1
x = place % columns
y = (place-x)//columns
return (x,y)
# work out the grid coordinates of each card
coords = [grid_coords(place) for place in arrangement]
# coords of the first card
first_x, first_y = coords[0]
# coords of the last card
last_x, last_y = coords[-1]
# if the cards are in a vertical line, then they'll all have the same x-coord
if len(set(x[0] for x in coords))==1:
#the cards form a continuous line if the difference in y-coords between the first and last card is one less than the number of cards
return (last_y-first_y)==len(cards)-1
# if the cards are in a horizontal line, then they'll all have the same y-coord
elif len(set(x[1] for x in coords))==1:
#the cards form a continuous line if the difference in x-coords between the first and last card is one less than the number of cards
return (last_x-first_x)==len(cards)-1
# if the sum of the x- and y-coords for each card is the same, then they all lie on the same upwards diagonal
elif len(set(x[0]+x[1] for x in coords))==1: ## all on same up-diagonal
# the difference between the x- and y-coords increases by two each step down and left, so the difference between the last and first cards' differences is 2*(number of cards - 1) when the arrangement forms a continuous line
return ( (last_y-last_x)-(first_y-first_x) ) == 2*(len(cards)-1)
# if the difference between the x- and y-coords for each card is the same, then they all lie on the same downwards diagonal
elif len(set(x[0]-x[1] for x in coords))==1:
# the sum of the x- and y-coords increases by two each step down and right, so the difference between the last and first cards' sums is 2*(number of cards - 1) when the arrangement forms a continuous line
return ( (last_y+last_x)-(first_y+first_x) ) == 2*(len(cards)-1)
return False
# for each possible choice of places for the four cards, work out which ones form a continuous line
arrangements = [arrangement for arrangement in product(*valids) if valid_arrangement(arrangement)]
# show the arrangements
def show_arrangement(arrangement):
s = ''
arrangement = list(arrangement)
for y in range(0,rows):
for x in range(0,columns):
number = y*columns+x+1
card = arrangement.index(number)
except ValueError:
if x<columns-1:
s+=' '
return s
for arrangement in arrangements:
# show how many arrangements there are
print("There are %i lines" % len(arrangements))
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