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Created July 11, 2013 12:03
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Emacs Cheatsheet

C-c C-s +show source code for function C-c C-d +show documentation for function C-c C-j +show Javadoc for symbol at point

C-c C-k +compile Clojure file C-c M-n +change nrepl namespace to current C-c M-o +clear nrepl C-x C-e +send sexp to nrepl C-c C-p +eval form in popup C-c C-m +macroexpand-1 C-c M-m +macroexpand-all

C-c C-z +go to nrepl buffer M-Tab +auto-complete M-SPC +delete all but 1 space M-\ +delete all whitespace (stops at first \W char) M-^ +join two lines delete whitespace and indentation C-x C-o +delete blank lines around current line

M-n +nrepl command history next M-p +nrepl command history prev

C-c p D +projectile-dired C-c p R +projectile-regenerate-tags C-c p T +projectile-find-test-file C-c p a +projectile-ack C-c p b +projectile-switch-to-buffer C-c p c +projectile-compile-project C-c p d +projectile-find-dir C-c p e +projectile-recentf C-c p f +projectile-find-file C-c p g +projectile-grep C-c p i +projectile-invalidate-cache C-c p k +projectile-kill-buffers C-c p o +projectile-multi-occur C-c p p +projectile-test-project C-c p r +projectile-replace C-c p s +projectile-switch-project C-c p t +projectile-toggle-between-implemenation-and-test C-c p z +projectile-cache-current-file

C-/ +undo-tree-undo C-? +undo-tree-redo

s– +center-line s-: +ispell s-; +ispell-next s-h +mark-paragraph s-j +exchange-point-and-mark s-k +kill-this-buffer s-l +goto-line

C-, +quick-jump-go-back C-. +quick-jump-push-marker C-< +quick-jump-go-forward C-= +er/expand-region C-x C-l +downcase-region C-x C-n +set-goal-column

C-x C-t +transpose-lines C-x C-u +upcase-region C-x C-x +exchange-point-and-mark

C-x ^ +enlarge-window C-x ` +next-error

C-M-@ +mark-sexp C-M-SPC +mark-sexp C-M-a +beginning-of-defun C-M-h +mark-defun C-M-k +kill-sexp C-M-t +transpose-sexps

C-M-o +split-line

C-M-v +scroll-other-window C-M-l +reposition-window

M-$ +ispell-word M-c +capitalize-word M-h +help-command M-l +downcase-word M-m +back-to-indentation M-n +outline-next-visible-heading M-p +outline-previous-visible-heading M-t +transpose-words M-u +upcase-word M-{ +backward-paragraph M-} +forward-paragraph

M-| +shell-command-on-region

M-g M-g +goto-line M-g M-n +next-error M-g M-p +previous-error

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