Created by Christopher Manning
Created by Christopher Manning
Nodes are linked to nodes in neighboring cells. The cell's color is a function of its area.
The white lines are the Delaunay triangulation and the purple cells are the Voronoi diagram.
Python script to download/shallow clone the files of a directory at bitbucket. This is useful when you just want a copy of the files in a subdirectory of a repository without needing mercurial or having to download the entire repository.
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Created by Christopher Manning
This is not affiliated with or endorsed by GitHub. The Octocat is a registered trademark of GitHub.
Forked from Tom MacWright and updated by Christopher Manning
This adds simplex noise to the waves. The 3D noise uses the parameters x and y. z is a function of the velocity and frame from d3.timer.
- Drag up and down to adjust the height of the noise
Created by Christopher Manning
Animation prototype.
Created by Christopher Manning
This is an experiment using a random walk to draw shapes. Adjusting theta results in a very organic or procedural drawing. The random walk stays in the geometry by using a point in polygon test.
Created by Christopher Manning
Draws a random walk onto a sphere using canvas and geo projections.