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Created August 11, 2015 22:18
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Simple tag that return 'active' if given url is same that you are.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def as_active_url(context, url, css_class='active'):
{% url 'foobar' as url %}
<li class="{% as_active_url url %}"><a href="{{ url }}">URL 1</a></li>
{% url 'foobar' as url %}
<li class="{% as_active_url url %}"><a href="{{ url }}">URL 2</a></li>
request = context.get('request', None)
if not request:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
"Request must be enabled in context for this tag work. "
"Check docs at"
if request.get_full_path() == url:
return css_class
return ''
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