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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Wrapping it all up into a struct & impl.
struct BubbleSort;
impl BubbleSort {
fn new () -> BubbleSort { BubbleSort }
fn sort_by<T: Ord> (&self, vec: &mut [T], compare: |&T,&T| -> Ordering) {
let mut right: uint = vec.len() - 1;
let mut swapped = true;
while swapped {
swapped = false;
for i in range(0, right) {
//if vec[i] > vec[i+1] {
if compare(&vec[i], &vec[i+1]) == Greater {
vec.swap(i, i+1);
swapped = true;
right -= 1;
fn sort<T: Ord>(&self, vec: &mut [T]) {
self.sort_by(vec, |a,b| {
if a > b { Greater }
else { Less }
fn main() {
let mut int_vector: ~[int] = ~[9,4,1,7,8,2,6,5,5,3];
let sorter: BubbleSort =;
for i in int_vector.iter() {
println!("value {:?}", i.to_str());
let mut fp_vector: ~[f64] = ~[9.7, 4.3, 1.1, 7.3, 8.9, 2.4, 6.6, 5.2, 5.2, 3.04];
for i in fp_vector.iter() {
println!("value {:?}", i.to_str());
cremes$ rustc 44:44 error: type `BubbleSort` does not implement any method in scope named `new` let sorter: BubbleSort =;
error: aborting due to previous error
task 'rustc' failed at 'explicit failure', /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_mports_dports_lang_rust/rust/work/rust-0.9/src/libsyntax/
task '<main>' failed at 'explicit failure', /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_mports_dports_lang_rust/rust/work/rust-0.9/src/librustc/
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