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  • Resource of Resources: Resilience Engineering
    • Resilience Engineering is the pursuit of continuously evaluating and strengthening our sociotechnical systems to handle both known and unknown scenarios they might encounter. I find resilience engineering techniques very helpful for coping with surprise and encouraging an adaptive mindset when problems inevitably arise within whatever software you are developing.
  • Some Drawbacks of the Cloud in ranty fashion
  • Rachelbythebay has many stories from their software engineering experiences, and they highlight the complexities in the field. This post is a little ranty, but serves as a useful reminder that new technologies, and new technology landscapes like relying on Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to host our distributed systems, come with inherent tradeoffs and (possibly overlooked) hazards. I particularly like reading critiques of the latest craze because it helps keep me healthily skeptical of the
  • Discussion of how a team Developed their Centralized Logging Solution
  • Shopify's experience breaking down a monolith
    • Some useful takeaways
      • a review of SOLID principles and their usefulness
      • mentioning a few areas where their initial approaches didn't work and they had to switch up their strategy
      • the value of static analysis as well as the use of Sorbet
  • the challenge of complicated dependency graphs and a couple approaches to overcome those challenges