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Created October 15, 2017 05:30
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package main
import (
porterstemmer ""
func getIndexOfDict(s string, dict []string) int {
for i, w := range dict {
if w == s {
return i
return -1
func Sigmoid(v float64) float64 { return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.Exp(-v)) }
type Review struct {
sentence []string
label string
func NewReview(l, s string) Review {
r := Review{
label: l,
r.sentence = strings.FieldsFunc(s, func(r rune) bool {
return r == ' ' || r == '-' || r == '/' || r == ';'
return r
func PreProcessing(rs []Review) []Review {
for i := range rs {
rs[i].sentence = RemoveStopWords(rs[i].sentence)
rs[i].sentence = RemoveMetaCharacters(rs[i].sentence)
rs[i].sentence = Stemming(rs[i].sentence)
return rs
func RemoveMetaCharacters(input []string) (output []string) {
metas := []string{
"`", "[", "]", ";", ":", "/", "*",
"(", ")", ".", "\"", ",", "&", "?",
"!", "%", "'",
// s = strings.Replace(s, "'", "", -1)
for _, s := range input {
for _, m := range metas {
s = strings.Replace(s, m, "", -1)
if s != "" {
output = append(output, s)
return output
func RemoveStopWords(input []string) (output []string) {
for _, s := range input {
if !q71.IsStopWords(s) {
output = append(output, s)
return output
func Stemming(str []string) []string {
for i := range str {
str[i] = porterstemmer.StemString(str[i])
return str
func makeDictionary(rs []Review) map[string]int {
dict := make(map[string]int, 0)
for _, r := range rs {
for _, w := range r.sentence {
// remove noise
// for w := range dict {
// if dict[w] < 6 {
// delete(dict, w)
// }
// }
return dict
func makeFeatureVectors(rs []Review, dict map[string]int) ([]*mat.VecDense, []string) {
feature := make([]string, len(dict)+1)
i := 0
for w := range dict {
feature[i] = w
X := make([]*mat.VecDense, len(rs))
for i, r := range rs {
x := make([]float64, len(feature))
for _, w := range r.sentence {
idx := getIndexOfDict(w, feature)
if idx != -1 {
x[idx] = 1
x[len(x)-1] = 1
X[i] = mat.NewVecDense(len(x), x)
return X, feature
// LogisticRegression returns w which is the weight vector by logistic regressin.
func LogisticRegression(X []*mat.VecDense, labels []string, eta float64) (*mat.VecDense, error) {
if len(X) != len(labels) {
return nil, errors.New("X and label must have same length.")
// correct label
t := make([]float64, len(X))
for i, l := range labels {
if l == "+1" {
t[i] = 1.0
// initialize the parameter
ws := make([]float64, X[0].Len())
for i := range ws {
ws[i] = rand.Float64()
w := mat.NewVecDense(len(ws), ws)
// training
for i := range X {
x := mat.NewVecDense(X[i].Len(), nil)
p := Sigmoid(mat.Dot(w, x))
x.ScaleVec(eta*(p-t[i]), x)
w.SubVec(w, x)
eta *= 0.99999
return w, nil
func Predict(w, x *mat.VecDense, th float64) (string, float64) {
p := Sigmoid(mat.Dot(w, x))
if p > th {
return "+1", p
return "-1", p
type Feature struct {
word string
weight float64
func myScatter(x, y []float64) {
d := make(plotter.XYs, len(x))
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
d[i].X = x[i]
d[i].Y = y[i]
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
p.Title.Text = "precision - recall"
p.X.Label.Text = "precision"
p.Y.Label.Text = "recall"
s, err := plotter.NewScatter(d)
if err != nil {
s.Radius = vg.Length(2)
s.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
file := "precison_vs_recall.png"
if err = p.Save(10*vg.Inch, 6*vg.Inch, file); err != nil {
if err = exec.Command("open", file).Run(); err != nil {
func myScatters(x, y1, y2 []float64) {
d1 := make(plotter.XYs, len(x))
d2 := make(plotter.XYs, len(x))
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
d1[i].X = x[i]
d1[i].Y = y1[i]
d2[i].X = x[i]
d2[i].Y = y2[i]
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
p.Title.Text = "threshold - precision, recall"
p.X.Label.Text = "threshold"
p.Y.Label.Text = "precision, recall"
s1, err := plotter.NewScatter(d1)
if err != nil {
s1.Radius = vg.Length(2)
s1.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
p.Legend.Add("precision", s1)
s2, err := plotter.NewScatter(d2)
if err != nil {
s2.Radius = vg.Length(2)
s2.Color = color.RGBA{R: 0, B: 255, A: 255}
p.Legend.Add("recall", s2)
p.Legend.Top = true
file := "threshold_vs_precison_and_recall.png"
if err = p.Save(10*vg.Inch, 6*vg.Inch, file); err != nil {
if err = exec.Command("open", file).Run(); err != nil {
func main() {
rs := []Review{}
f, err := os.Open("../data/sentiment.txt")
defer f.Close()
if err != nil {
r := bufio.NewReader(f)
for {
l, _, err := r.ReadLine()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
// split to label and sentence.
str := strings.SplitN(string(l), " ", 2)
r := NewReview(str[0], str[1])
rs = append(rs, r)
rs = PreProcessing(rs)
dict := makeDictionary(rs)
X, _ := makeFeatureVectors(rs, dict)
labels := make([]string, len(rs))
for i, r := range rs {
labels[i] = r.label
eta := 0.6
w, err := LogisticRegression(X, labels, eta)
if err != nil {
ths := []float64{0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}
pres := []float64{}
recs := []float64{}
for _, th := range ths {
correct := 0
actPos := 0
prePos := 0
andPos := 0
for i, x := range X {
ans, _ := Predict(w, x, th)
if ans == labels[i] {
if labels[i] == "+1" {
if ans == "+1" {
if labels[i] == "+1" && ans == "+1" {
preRate := float64(andPos) / float64(prePos)
pres = append(pres, preRate)
recRate := float64(andPos) / float64(actPos)
recs = append(recs, recRate)
myScatters(ths, pres, recs)
myScatter(pres, recs)
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